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You know you're getting old


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I'm one of these oddballs that actually gets pumped for a day of working in the yard. There have been days that I worked from dawn to dusk, took a hot shower and then repeated the next day, and felt fine on Monday.


We have an acre lot and a few areas are densely overgrown with vines and brush. Also have some mature shrubs that haven't been pruned in many years -- 2 huge ligustrum that grew almost to the roof, a row of hollies that were planted as shrubs and are now 15-foot trees, and some privets planted as accents in a few spots that are now enormous. Went to HD yesterday and rented a gas hedge trimmer and bought an 8-foot ladder. Rounded off the ligustrums, then cleared a couple truckloads of brush, then got started on the hollies. Then, you know how it is, you notice other areas that need work, and the project just takes on a life of its own. I had 4 hours on the rental so I worked nonstop. At the end of it I could barely lift my arms. Returned the trimmer, had lunch, came home, looked at the piles of brush all over the place, and just went inside and laid down for about 3 hours. Then I look outside again and realized all the old farts probably wouldn't appreciate all that debris laying around overnight, so I hauled my ass outside and cleared it all. Ended up going to bed around 9 and now can barely move. Had big plans for this morning, hanging pictures, working on closets, etc, but 10 hours on the recliner is looking more realistic now. F it, we can live out of boxes for a few months.

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