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Rick Perry


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Swear words?


You thin skinned people never cease to amaze me. When will you and BP realize this is just a message board and you don't have to take things serious.


Plus I am 100% convinced that if you made the same crack that i did about me as opposed to me making it about you BP would not have given tewo craps about it.



Man you are obsessed . . .:tup:

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Shove creationism.


As far as the scientific use of the word "theory" is concerned, look here.


Didn't click the link, no need to.


It is a theory and their are gaps. End of story.


Most sane people know that all dinosaurs were wiped out during the great flood. God had grown tired of their careless and savage behavior as well as that of most of mankind. But, he ordered Noah to take on T-Rex onto his ship. When Noahs ship struck solid ground, as the waters were receeding Noah let out all of the creatures, except the one T-Rex, Ararat. He was walled of in a cave in the mountain where Noahs boat settled and has lended his name to the modern Mt. Ararat in Turkey.


This T-rex was kept from mixing with the other animals because it would most certainly have devastated their ranks as other dinosaurs had done to God's newly created "Fury" species (evidnetly he was going through a cudly stage when he created these.) That, and one day he wanted it to serve as the steed for his son, who was to be birthed through a miracle, implanted into thebelly of a Virgin and released from the womb on Christmas day (where he derived the moniker "Christ" from.)


So, when Jesus was around the ripe age of 12 he set out to find this great beast. Through divine guidance, after 365 days (this trek was called the year, coincidence, I think not.) he stumbled upon the T-Rex cave and released him from his bonds. Upon finding him he had to accomplish three tasks set forthe by the T-Rex. One was sodomy, the second was to run across a creek and the third was to touch a leper. He achieved all of these without any major incident and then strode to Jerusalem on the T-rex.


Upon his arrival people feared him. But, he set up a circus at whcih kids could come and pet the T-Rex for a small fee. At his circus he had hookers and some really good hash. People loved his hash and the stories that he told so he gathered quite the following, he called these people desciples.


Well, the romans got sick of the hookers and hash so they went to arrest Jesus. Well, the T-Rex went nuts, killed like 200 roman soldiers a bunch of kids and women before it was finally killed. PETA was pissed.


After this they finally rounded of Jesus, put him on the cross and executed him.


I really forgot what this was all about, but, anyway, his followers wrote some novels. They were greatly influenced by the likes of Plato, Lesbos, Aesops. If you really dig into it, you can see stylistic similarities. Anyway, so they published a book and sold it to the Roman Emperor COnstantine who liked it so much that he lived by it's code and began to spread the writing across the ancient world. The rest is history.

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yea...he is the one sending pm's...seems like you and your little boyfriend are the obsessed ones honey. How do you tear yourself away from The View to even post here? You must have a dvr.


You are the cutest little stalker ever! You are just cute as a button zeke! I am glad to see you have found a soulmate. Best of luck to you two in the future!

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You are the cutest little stalker ever! You are just cute as a button zeke! I am glad to see you have found a soulmate. Best of luck to you two in the future!



It was a stupid joke on my part and if I would not have made that joke then it would not have spiraled into what it did.


Done - I will hold off on my priky comments from now on. - I will try - that will be a very difficult thing for me to do.

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You are the cutest little stalker ever! You are just cute as a button zeke! I am glad to see you have found a soulmate. Best of luck to you two in the future!

Wow...great comeback Whoopie. You are on fire girlfriend. Maybe next bushbehar will chime in with yet an even weaker comment. You girls need to stick together.

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"How to get a thread locked"- A lesson primer


Lesson one: Zeke posts a personal attack/attempt to insult . . which now constitues 90% of all of his trolling posts.


Lesson two: There are no other lessons.



Edited by bpwallace49
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I'm still trying to figure out what jobs and when.


What kind of jobs are these jobs anyways because we rank very poorly in the poverty numbers and they appear to come after he took the stimulus money he swore he'd rather seceed than take but then took.

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I'm still trying to figure out what jobs and when.


What kind of jobs are these jobs anyways because we rank very poorly in the poverty numbers and they appear to come after he took the stimulus money he swore he'd rather seceed than take but then took.


WHAT the jobs are (when anyone touts job numbers in theis crap economy) is a very very good question.

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"How to get a thread locked"- A lesson primer


Lesson one: Zeke posts a personal attack/attempt to insult . . which now constitues 90% of all of his trolling posts.


Lesson two: There are no other lessons.





You do realize you look silly continuing to respond, right? You are generally the only one left here he can count on getting attention from.

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"How to get a thread locked"- A lesson primer


Lesson one: Zeke posts a personal attack/attempt to insult . . which now constitues 90% of all of his trolling posts.


Lesson two: There are no other lessons.



Please show me the last thread that was locked due to my post.

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"How to get a thread locked"- A lesson primer


Lesson one: Zeke posts a personal attack/attempt to insult . . which now constitues 90% of all of his trolling posts.


Lesson two: There are no other lessons.



For the hell of it, I took a quick look for locked threads. The last one I could find was the one THAT YOU CAUSED TO BE LOCKED regarding Wisconsin. You honestly could not be more of an idiot. Tke your girlfriends advice and don't respond to me. That would be a welcome addition to your huddle posting. It is one of the most comical things of all time here where you(lamely) attempt to be smug and funny and instead point out what a complete dunce you are. Next time when you are trying to be funny, you might want to make sure you are not talking about yourself. DUMBAZZ

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This guy is not the answer


He talks about what he would change about the constitution. I'm an objective person and will listen to an argument. Sometimes I learn something, sometimes I don't. Every bullet was fine to debate until I got to 7 and 8. Seems the other part of the constitution he wants to change is freedom of choice. This guys a nutjob.

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Didn't click the link, no need to.


It is a theory and their are gaps. End of story.


Most sane people know that all dinosaurs were wiped out during the great flood. God had grown tired of their careless and savage behavior as well as that of most of mankind. But, he ordered Noah to take on T-Rex onto his ship. When Noahs ship struck solid ground, as the waters were receeding Noah let out all of the creatures, except the one T-Rex, Ararat. He was walled of in a cave in the mountain where Noahs boat settled and has lended his name to the modern Mt. Ararat in Turkey.


This T-rex was kept from mixing with the other animals because it would most certainly have devastated their ranks as other dinosaurs had done to God's newly created "Fury" species (evidnetly he was going through a cudly stage when he created these.) That, and one day he wanted it to serve as the steed for his son, who was to be birthed through a miracle, implanted into thebelly of a Virgin and released from the womb on Christmas day (where he derived the moniker "Christ" from.)


So, when Jesus was around the ripe age of 12 he set out to find this great beast. Through divine guidance, after 365 days (this trek was called the year, coincidence, I think not.) he stumbled upon the T-Rex cave and released him from his bonds. Upon finding him he had to accomplish three tasks set forthe by the T-Rex. One was sodomy, the second was to run across a creek and the third was to touch a leper. He achieved all of these without any major incident and then strode to Jerusalem on the T-rex.


Upon his arrival people feared him. But, he set up a circus at whcih kids could come and pet the T-Rex for a small fee. At his circus he had hookers and some really good hash. People loved his hash and the stories that he told so he gathered quite the following, he called these people desciples.


Well, the romans got sick of the hookers and hash so they went to arrest Jesus. Well, the T-Rex went nuts, killed like 200 roman soldiers a bunch of kids and women before it was finally killed. PETA was pissed.


After this they finally rounded of Jesus, put him on the cross and executed him.


I really forgot what this was all about, but, anyway, his followers wrote some novels. They were greatly influenced by the likes of Plato, Lesbos, Aesops. If you really dig into it, you can see stylistic similarities. Anyway, so they published a book and sold it to the Roman Emperor COnstantine who liked it so much that he lived by it's code and began to spread the writing across the ancient world. The rest is history.

:tup::lol: you could teach science in a hand full of southern states with that on your resume!! :wacko:

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