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Anonymous hacks 70 rural police websites


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So Anonymous undertakes activities that bring it to the attention of Federal and International authorities. Their response is to attack unrelated third parties endangering lives of officers, informants, and regular citizens involved in reporting or witnessing crime.


They are terrorists, or worse, technilogically powerful and skilled simpletons.

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So Anonymous undertakes activities that bring it to the attention of Federal and International authorities. Their response is to attack unrelated third parties endangering lives of officers, informants, and regular citizens involved in reporting or witnessing crime.


They are terrorists, or worse, technilogically powerful and skilled simpletons.


They are just more barbarians attacking Rome from another direction.


So we have cyber terrorists, the war on drugs, iraq, afghanistan, the war on our border, and Al Qaeda. Good luck America. :wacko:

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In a statement, Anonymous said had leaked "a massive amount of confidential information that is sure to (embarrass), discredit and incriminate police officers across the US." The group said it hoped the disclosures would "demonstrate the inherently corrupt nature of law enforcement using their own words" and "disrupt and sabotage their ability to communicate and terrorize communities."

Anybody afraid they are right?

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I'm not afraid they're right, I'm quite certain they are.

I guess that is kind of where I am at with Anonymous. I mean, they seem like they could be serious ass-clowns that could hurt a lot of people at times. At other times they seem like the only real check to some of the established powers. I guess I hope for them to do some good (expose truth) and fear for the damage they may do as well.

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My question is, at what point do these vigilante cult heroes begin deciding what's best for everyone? It may seem cool now, but when you can't pay your bills because they decided to take down big, bad Visa for a weekend and that's who your bank uses for your debit card you're gonna be awfully pissed.

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My question is, at what point do these vigilante cult heroes begin deciding what's best for everyone? It may seem cool now, but when you can't pay your bills because they decided to take down big, bad Visa for a weekend and that's who your bank uses for your debit card you're gonna be awfully pissed.

I'm not above a little vigilantism. But these Ionic Breezes are causing problems out here with BART (the local rail). Sure, BART jammed cell phones, but only because people were trying to organize riots/protests using their cell phones.


I guess, for me at least, it comes down to the difference between well-intentional vigilantism (which I'm cool with) and merely promoting anarchy (which I'm not).

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To paraphrase, "Facebook is collecting your private information and giving it to the Government to use against you" "Facebook knows more about you than your own family"


Way to sell that fear boys... :tup:


"One day you will look back on this and see that we are doing the right thing"


Yeah guys, thanks for "protecting" me. I'm sooo glad I have a big brother like you out there watching over me. :wacko:

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Does the media care enough to report it?



+3 on the certain they are right.


The media used to report stuff like this, but the average american doesn't give a siht. In the early nineties, USA today ran a huge, several page piece on the inherent problems with civil asset forfieture, and no one cared. slick willie said "we can't be so fixated on the rights of ordinary americans" and other than his opposition, no one cared. shrub created the patriot act, and other than his opposition, no one cared. We have become the Roman Empire, so that as long as we get our bread and circuses we don't care what comes from on high.

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