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Apparently, she has the answer & no one else does. I gather she won't share it unless she is elected. That's the type of person I want as president, someone that has an answer & won't share ot until the time is right.


Our system is sad beyond description.

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Apparently, she has the answer & no one else does. I gather she won't share it unless she is elected. That's the type of person I want as president, someone that has an answer & won't share ot until the time is right.


Our system is sad beyond description.

I don't think our system is sad beyond description at all. Anyone should be free to run for President and clearly they can. What is sad is that:


a. People actually donate to this lunatic

b. A very large number of people think - insofar as they can think at all - that she is credible as president.


Edit: And c. the "left wing media" will be to blame when her campaign collapses, just as they were at fault for Sarah Palin's complete inability to answer the simplest question

Edited by Ursa Majoris
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I don't think our system is sad beyond description at all. Anyone should be free to run for President and clearly they can. What is sad is that:


a. People Lunatics actually donate to this lunatic

b. A very large number of people think - insofar as they can think at all - that she is credible as president.


Edit: And c. the "left wing media" will be to blame when her campaign collapses, just as they were at fault for Sarah Palin's complete inability to answer the simplest question



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She would be burned for being a witch back in the old days for promising to make gays disappear and then somehow making more gas appear.



Could there be a connection? Soylent Green was made of people, perhaps gas can be extracted from gays. Is she talking natural gas or petroleum?

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Could there be a connection? Soylent Green was made of people, perhaps gas can be extracted from gays. Is she talking natural gas or petroleum?



Im not gay, but if it was as easy as extracting it from humans I could solve the entire crisis myself

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Apparently, she has the answer & no one else does. I gather she won't share it unless she is elected. That's the type of person I want as president, someone that has an answer & won't share ot until the time is right.


Our system is sad beyond description.

Happens all the time. ALL the time. Kerry did the same thing. I can remember screaming at the tv when he said he had all these plans. You must not have watched the news yesterday. The annointed one has a great plan to save the US economy. Of course he won't share the details until he is back from his lavish vacation on the Vinyard. So is this the type of person you want as president? Or does that only apply to people you don't agree with. Our system sure is sad beyond description. However, part of that sadness is caused by dishonest people like you that post crap like this. BTW...this has not a thing to do with Bachman...she won't even sniff the nomination. But that does not matter to you.

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Happens all the time. ALL the time. Kerry did the same thing. I can remember screaming at the tv when he said he had all these plans. You must not have watched the news yesterday. The annointed one has a great plan to save the US economy. Of course he won't share the details until he is back from his lavish vacation on the Vinyard. So is this the type of person you want as president? Or does that only apply to people you don't agree with. Our system sure is sad beyond description. However, part of that sadness is caused by dishonest people like you that post crap like this. BTW...this has not a thing to do with Bachman...she won't even sniff the nomination. But that does not matter to you.


:tup: Another victim of the left. :wacko:

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Zeke you should use all that anger in a more productive way. Constantly going off on topic creators isn't good for your health.

Dude...laughter is the best medicine. You provide so much of that medicine that no matter what health issues I have, I am fine. Keep up the good work. Yer doin a heck of a job.

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