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I just thought this was a great, concise history and summation of libertarian thought, written by an articulate advocate of the philosophy.


one reason I post it is to take notice of how much more smoothly a traditional encyclopedia entry, compiled and written by (usually) a single paid expert and then fact-checked by others, reads compared with a wikipedia entry. now I think the whole wikipedia concept and phenomenon is great, but it's nice to remember there are alternate approaches that still have a lot of value.

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Given the number of times the word "liberal" is used in this excellent article, it's kinda surprising that it's degenerated into such a vituperative epithet for conservatives.



I suppose classical liberals (or libertarians) see "modern" liberals as apostates of some kind.


Throwin' out some BIG words there, Ursa....for a bear. :wacko:

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Given the number of times the word "liberal" is used in this excellent article, it's kinda surprising that it's degenerated into such a vituperative epithet for conservatives.



We can all thank Rush Limbaugh for that.

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It's too bad this country is rigged to only allow two parties... and for those cowards that aren't willing to believe that their vote can make a difference. They're so damn scared that they will be throwing away a vote. If only they'd not buy into the brainwashing, scare tactics of today's politicians and feed on the preface that they better vote for one of the two, because the other is evil.

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Given the number of times the word "liberal" is used in this excellent article, it's kinda surprising that it's degenerated into such a vituperative epithet for conservatives.


You bite my head off for using socialist. :lol::rofl::wacko: ursa is a bear. The Soviet symbol was a bear, so ursa=a bear using a hammer and sickle on his fellows because he's jealous they have more? :tup: :fishing:


Yeah, the term liberal actually (IIRC) has it's genesis in Martin Luther's reformation, and it wasn't very long before Lock, Acton, de Toqueville et. al were called liberals for opposing both church AND state in their resistance to the "divine right of kings". Progressive or socialist is a more accurate term, but no one likes to be called a socialist ('cept squeegie - where is that BFL, anyway?) or even be told their tendencies are socialist.

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Progressive or socialist is a more accurate term, but no one likes to be called a socialist ('cept squeegie - where is that BFL, anyway?) or even be told their tendencies are socialist.



Well, I don't deny that I have no problem with socialism as practiced in Europe.


But generally when people use the word "socialism" they are referring to "dictatorial Stalinism/Maoism" which isn't really the same thing now, is it?


And as usual among that crowd, when you try to correct them off "well, no, not really, see, let me correct your error..." you get a "Have to agree here! YOU ARE OPPRESSING MY FREE SPEECH!"

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he's jealous they have more? :wacko: :fishing:

[mcenroe]You cannot be serious!![/mcenroe]


My stance is quite straightforward - if work and growth do not benefit as many as possible as much as possible, we're doing it wrong and that's a problem for the nation, as can be seen in the suppression of demand, which is the leading factor in the current economic vicious circle.


There are so many impossible paradoxes in conservative thinking (such as it is) right now, it is mind blowing.

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[mcenroe]You cannot be serious!![/mcenroe]


My stance is quite straightforward - if work and growth do not benefit as many as possible as much as possible, we're doing it wrong and that's a problem for the nation, as can be seen in the suppression of demand, which is the leading factor in the current economic vicious circle.


There are so many impossible paradoxes in conservative thinking (such as it is) right now, it is mind blowing.



OK, I'm NOT a conservative, and you know this. You like to pretend I am because I don't like the obamessiah, but my thinking is usually pretty consistent. So quit creating a straw-man to try and argue with me.

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OK, I'm NOT a conservative, and you know this. You like to pretend I am because I don't like the obamessiah, but my thinking is usually pretty consistent. So quit creating a straw-man to try and argue with me.

You said I'm jealous. I most assuredly am not, I actually earn very good money and am quite happy that Larry Ellison, for example, can have multiple ocean going yachts. No problem there. My concern is entirely that if the most possible people do not reap the most possible benefits through their work (and who can deny that productivity per worker has risen dramatically?), then the principles on which the nation is bedrocked are in danger. This isn't a campaign for redistribution, it's a campaign for initial distribution.

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You said I'm jealous. I most assuredly am not, I actually earn very good money and am quite happy that Larry Ellison, for example, can have multiple ocean going yachts. No problem there. My concern is entirely that if the most possible people do not reap the most possible benefits through their work (and who can deny that productivity per worker has risen dramatically?), then the principles on which the nation is bedrocked are in danger. This isn't a campaign for redistribution, it's a campaign for initial distribution.


Ursa buddy, I know you aren't jealous man. I had graemlins all over that post.


You're old enough to know you can't dictate equal results, for everyone. There are so many things that would go into "most possible benefits" that I don't know how you'd quantify that. The fact remains that MOST people in a bad situation are responsible for their own fate. If you didn't have kids you couldn't afford, or didn't spend everything you made, losing a job might not be a complete financial disaster. If you didn't use drugs, you might have kept that job and family. Productivity per worker has risen - due mainly to Bill Gates and other computer folks. But it's also risen in China, Indonesia, India, etc and those places don't have the standard of living we do (for a myriad of reasons) and thus can make goods cheaper. You're looking for some pie in the sky idealism that CAN NEVER BE. The government can't make it happen, no matter what it does.

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Libertarians are selfish defeatists who have given up on any potential greatness that we can collectively accomplish as a country. :wacko:


not at all. libertarians pay enormous respect the great things the free people in this country have accomplished in the past, and can accomplish in the future. they see the greatness and the culture of this nation being created and growing organically through voluntary transactions rather than by top-down fiat coerced by the sanctioning power of the state.

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