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Reports are coming that rebels in Tripoli are close to ousting Gaddafi


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I presume that anybody would be better than Gaddafi. I think most do. What if that is not so? I have read that some of the factions which may step into the power void could be even more virulent.



We have been cursed by the ancient chinese, for surely we do live in interesting times.

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I presume that anybody would be better than Gaddafi.


Better for whom?


That guy hadn't made a peep since 2000. Libya tried to normalize relations with the West. Libya abandoned its pursuit of WMD. Libya paid compensation to the victims of Pan Am Flight 103. Libya was even elected to the UN Security Council.


Who knows what kind of nutjob(s) is/are going to replace him?

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Better for whom?


That guy hadn't made a peep since 2000. Libya tried to normalize relations with the West. Libya abandoned its pursuit of WMD. Libya paid compensation to the victims of Pan Am Flight 103. Libya was even elected to the UN Security Council.


Who knows what kind of nutjob(s) is/are going to replace him?


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Better for whom?


That guy hadn't made a peep since 2000. Libya tried to normalize relations with the West. Libya abandoned its pursuit of WMD. Libya paid compensation to the victims of Pan Am Flight 103. Libya was even elected to the UN Security Council.


Who knows what kind of nutjob(s) is/are going to replace him?


Other than for the Iraqis, this is the only positive outcome of shrub's Iraq war. Of course it isn't worth it, but I tend to agree that Q had mellowed a bunch in the past 10 years or so.

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And one more thing, in 2007 the US removed Libya from its list of states that sponsored terrorism.


So the moral of the story is, if you toe the line, we'll bomb the sh*t out of you.


or hang you out to dry like mubarak.


I don't know, I have mixed feelings. on the one hand, things will never change for this region with all of those dictators in place. on the other hand, what exactly is "change" going to bring? from a realpolitik standpoint, we probably ought to have stuck with the dictators. from a neocon "spreading the gift of democracy" standpoint, it's a positive development. hey, here's you guys' chance at self-determination, have at it.

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I mean, will they arrest him and try him locally (and under what system of justice)... arrest him and try him internationally... kill him, etc.?



Something tells me the next time we see Ghadaffi, it'll be Mussolini style, especially if there's a $1.7 million bounty on his head...

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