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Hurricane Irene


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Rain is gone, still some high winds here. Incredibly, never lost power for very long. Lots of downed trees, still lots of sirens and emergency vehicles on the roads.


The worst of my weekend had nothing to do with the hurricane. Last night some little dillrod must have taken the corner near my house at 40MPH or so, slid on the wet roadway and plowed into my sister's car, moving it about 5 feet and putting a wheel on top of the curb. Kid was drunk, but guess what, his daddy is a cop. The cop refused to give him any sobriety tests. I was not home at the time. I got home later to see the aftermath. This is a side street. Kid took the corner at high speed, obviously.

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I thought I was going to wake up to Armageddon, but it looks like my area just got a lot of rain and a little wind. No trees down, major flooding, or anything else I expected. Hopefully everyone else was that lucky.


mostly a +1...though we did lose power for about four hours (from 5:00AM to 10AM), my sump pump kept us dry through the night, and a few buckets on my own this AM and we didn't get a drop in the house.


Wind wasn't nearly the factor it could have been....all in all, we came out primo. Now, those down by the river about two miles from my house.... :wacko: We drove down this AM to see if we could be of any help, and the water was already mid-way up the first floors....and had another 3 feet to crest. Lots of people we know will be cleaning up for weeks to come :tup:

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Lost power at 12:30 AM on Sunday morning. It was restored at 10:45 PM last night. Just in time because it was mighty hot trying to get some sleep. I was fortunate though because I have gas hot water and cooking. I took my food to my mothers house about 3 miles away. No major damage but had a bunch of small limbs and about 100,000 pine cones in the yard. Just about have the yard cleaned up. Kudos to the City of Chesapeake for having debris pick up yesterday. :wacko: Hope everyone else is OK.

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I hope this thing has a short life and that yall get your power back quickly.

No such luck although the brilliance that is Dominion Power keeps making promises they can't deliver. First they said power back on Sun - Sun night we call and they say power back on Mon - Mon night we call and they say power back uh, sometime this week :wacko: But if no power for awhile is the worst of it, we'll be thankful for health and no serious damage and man the candles/gas grill. Guy down the street had a tree smash down on the house (he's OK) which helped with perspective.

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Lost power at 12:30 AM on Sunday morning. It was restored at 10:45 PM last night. Just in time because it was mighty hot trying to get some sleep. I was fortunate though because I have gas hot water and cooking. I took my food to my mothers house about 3 miles away. No major damage but had a bunch of small limbs and about 100,000 pine cones in the yard. Just about have the yard cleaned up. Kudos to the City of Chesapeake for having debris pick up yesterday. :wacko: Hope everyone else is OK.


Those poor, poor, children... must have been a ghastly sight.

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Really I was amazed how much power went out (about 3/4 of Dom Power's customers I heard) as the rain and wind in our area wasn't bad at all. Spooky to drive down a highway with businesses, houses etc all along and everything is TOTALLY dark. At least we did a better job of using up stuff in the fridge/freezer beforehand and right after. Also I found that grilling water and eggs on the grill works pretty good and that red wine at room temp is just fine after all.

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Just got our power back on and outside of the downed tree I posted a picture of and about a 20' branch that just missed the house we made it thru just fine, outside of 3 days with no power (lost basically everything in the fridge and freezer :wacko: )

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Just got our power back on and outside of the downed tree I posted a picture of and about a 20' branch that just missed the house we made it thru just fine, outside of 3 days with no power (lost basically everything in the fridge and freezer :wacko: )



I had to go buy a window unit and ran it off my generator. I learned, a generator and window units are must if you live where a hurricane can reach you.


Good luck bro...how hot has it been getting in yer neck of the woods?

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I had to go buy a window unit and ran it off my generator. I learned, a generator and window units are must if you live where a hurricane can reach you.


Good luck bro...how hot has it been getting in yer neck of the woods?


Off topic, but I actually saw someone pull up behind me at the gas station this summer with a window unit in the back sliding window of their little pick up with a generator in the back running. I guess it must have been cheaper for them to run temporarily than getting the air conditioning in the vehicle fixed.

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I had to go buy a window unit and ran it off my generator. I learned, a generator and window units are must if you live where a hurricane can reach you.

? Get a good enough generator and you can run central A/C and then some.

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