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I :heart: Ron Paul


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Paul is the best candidate we've had since I've been alive. All Americans should be voting for him in the primary and ultimately as POTUS.


I have to post this again, originally posted by Avernus. It's such a telling moment and it's only 5 minutes long - best part is last minute or so:

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“Presidents can’t create jobs. Government can’t create jobs. All they can do is create bureaucrats that interfere with your ability to create jobs,”


This is obviously wrong. Governments can and do create jobs. Whether those jobs have value is the point of debate but for sure the government can create jobs.

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Nobody in their right mind who wanted to learn about vaginas would listen to the ramblings of an economist on the subject on female anatomy; so why in the world do some people think it's a good idea to try to learn something about the economy via the ramblings of Ron Paul on fiscal and monetary policy? :wacko:

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Nobody in their right mind who wanted to learn about vaginas would listen to the ramblings of an economist on the subject on female anatomy; so why in the world do some people think it's a good idea to try to learn something about the economy via the ramblings of Ron Paul on fiscal and monetary policy? :wacko:


I don't come to the Huddle to learn about things other than fantasy football. :tup:

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Nobody in their right mind who wanted to learn about vaginas would listen to the ramblings of an economist on the subject on female anatomy; so why in the world do some people think it's a good idea to try to learn something about the economy via the ramblings of Ron Paul on fiscal and monetary policy? :wacko:


So you are saying that you need to consult Chargerz before losing your virginity so you can learn about vaginas? :tup:


TMI professor . . . . TMI

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So do you actually have an opinion of him yourself or are you just seeing headlines and making an opinion from that?


I clicked the first link that read: "Five Reasons Why Ron Paul is Crazy" and their reasons were:


1. Gold Standard - Wants to have a gold standard

2. Opposed to the UN - wants to end US membership in the UN

3. Against aid to Darfur

4. Theocracy - government should not prohibit prayer in schools

5. No more income tax


I have no formal position on 3 and 4 - but the other three 'reasons' don't seem crazy at all. One blogger said it best:

Don't fall for the bipartisan, Orwellian phenomenon of calling people “crazy” because they step outside the three-inch area the establishment has set out for us to occupy.


Darin, I expected more from you honestly. I thought you put a little more into your beliefs than just reading headlines. If I'm wrong, please clarify YOUR understanding of Ron Paul's 'craziness' - becuase I think any critical thinking person won't find insanity.


I'll finish with a quote from one of my own songs:

Sanity is basically conformity
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It makes me steaming mad that people can get so easily brain-washed into occupying definitive beliefs without even doing their own due diligence, fact checking and basic critical reasoning on the subject.


Ron Paul is such a crazy nutcake. I wish there were more crazy guys like this in congress:

As a medical doctor, Ron Paul routinely lowered fees or worked for free in order to refuse to accept Medicaid or Medicare payments.[15] As a member of Congress, he continues to refuse to sign up for the government pension that he would be entitled to in order to avoid receiving government money, saying it would be "hypocritical and immoral.


If you can't see that we need more guys like this in our government - then you're beyond repair unfortunately. The only thing 'bad' that can be said about Ron Paul is that he defies political categories and takes positions that extend outside the 'norm' in Washington. It's a damn shame that the majority of Americans cannot find confidence in unapproved opinions. Damn. Shame.

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He's not crazy but his purist libertarian ideas simply do not work in the new age economy. If it were up to Paul we'd probably be living in an isolationist society and our standard of living would seriously decline because so. Some may covet it because they are so afraid of the big bad boogie man government, but I for one have no desire to revert back to an agrarian society. I kind of like it here in the 21st century.

Edited by CaP'N GRuNGe
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He's not crazy but his purist libertarian ideas simply do not work in the new age economy.



So he's not crazy, but his ideas aren't in the realm of being realistic?


This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people’s allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation’s Christian heritage. Christmas itself may soon be a casualty of that war.


This is just one example, but dude has said plenty of nutty stuff over the years. He's disregard for Science, feelings towards evolution, etc.... is also a major concern, IMO.

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So do you actually have an opinion of him yourself or are you just seeing headlines and making an opinion from that?


I clicked the first link that read: "Five Reasons Why Ron Paul is Crazy" and their reasons were:


1. Gold Standard - Wants to have a gold standard

2. Opposed to the UN - wants to end US membership in the UN

3. Against aid to Darfur

4. Theocracy - government should not prohibit prayer in schools

5. No more income tax


I have no formal position on 3 and 4 - but the other three 'reasons' don't seem crazy at all. One blogger said it best:



Darin, I expected more from you honestly. I thought you put a little more into your beliefs than just reading headlines. If I'm wrong, please clarify YOUR understanding of Ron Paul's 'craziness' - becuase I think any critical thinking person won't find insanity.


I'll finish with a quote from one of my own songs:

Who said I'm basing things off headlines, or for that matter, the "first link"?


Ron Paul has been discussed here for several years now. I think with a little due diligence or perhaps more research into his looney side than simply clicking "one link" would prove that the guy has some far-out concepts.


I actually like the guy and most of what he says makes great sense. It's the looney stuff I can't get on board with. I'm not going to do your homework for you. I have my opinions and they should be respected without having to "show my work".

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Who said I'm basing things off headlines, or for that matter, the "first link"?


Ron Paul has been discussed here for several years now. I think with a little due diligence or perhaps more research into his looney side than simply clicking "one link" would prove that the guy has some far-out concepts.


I actually like the guy and most of what he says makes great sense. It's the looney stuff I can't get on board with. I'm not going to do your homework for you. I have my opinions and they should be respected without having to "show my work".

YOU are the one who pointed out he is crazy so I'm asking you to please explain why you think that. But instead you told me to google it :wacko: I already know about Ron Paul and have made my own conclusions that he is far from crazy. So why is the onus on me to provide the detail for YOUR claim? :tup:


Do you see why this is confusing? You made the claim and I'm asking you to explain it or provide the detail for your summary - I should not have to do any work in this situation. The fact that you provided nothing except google links implies that you do not have a sound basis for your claim and are just reading headlines.

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Every single politician we elect has some crazy in them. Else-wise, they would never run for office. I believe Ron Paul has more sane then most of the elected and have voted for him several times. If the GOP had the cajones to put Dr. Paul on a ticket, I think you would be surprised how many of the moderates they would get.

However, if they continue to push Perry, I will vote for someone else, regardless of how much it would directly benefit my job.

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So he's not crazy, but his ideas aren't in the realm of being realistic?




This is just one example, but dude has said plenty of nutty stuff over the years. He's disregard for Science, feelings towards evolution, etc.... is also a major concern, IMO.

What does one's scientific beliefs have to do with politics or running a government? :wacko:


You get more annoying with every post. You are probably ok as a person if we were talking about football or something - but your absolute inability to think outside of mainstream beliefs is not only concerning but downright mind-numbing. Have you ever once come up with an idea of your own that defies conventional thinking? If so, please provide an example.

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YOU are the one who pointed out he is crazy so I'm asking you to please explain why you think that. But instead you told me to google it :tup: I already know about Ron Paul and have made my own conclusions that he is far from crazy. So why is the onus on me to provide the detail for YOUR claim? :lol:


Do you see why this is confusing? You made the claim and I'm asking you to explain it or provide the detail for your summary - I should not have to do any work in this situation. The fact that you provided nothing except google links implies that you do not have a sound basis for your claim and are just reading headlines.

I shouldn't have to, Brent. It's obviously your opinion that I'm forming mine based on "headline reading" alone, and that's fine... however, it's incorrect. There is simply no onus on me to explain why I feel that some of his beliefs are koo-koo. I've done my research, am entitled to my opinion, and owe no one - including you - reasoning behind why I feel that way. Especially when there is copious amounts of information from folks that feel the same.



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I shouldn't have to, Brent. It's obviously your opinion that I'm forming mine based on "headline reading" alone, and that's fine... however, it's incorrect. There is simply no onus on me to explain why I feel that some of his beliefs are koo-koo. I've done my research, am entitled to my opinion, and owe no one - including you - reasoning behind why I feel that way. Especially when there is copious amounts of information from folks that feel the same.



Fair enough. Just seems odd to post your opinion but not have the balls to back it up with the 'why'. Why post at all if you can't continue in the discussion when probed?


Ok, last post in here for me. I'm getting way to angry on this beautiful Saturday afternoon.

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Fair enough. Just seems odd to post your opinion but not have the balls to back it up with the 'why'. Why post at all if you can't continue in the discussion when probed?


Ok, last post in here for me. I'm getting way to angry on this beautiful Saturday afternoon.


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