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A doozy of a fight with the ex-wife today

Cunning Runt

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You're a better man than I. I'd kill that guy.





Well.... I wanted to for sure and was up in his grill a few times.


Then I met my current wife and all the anger I had just went away.


Wow. I give you major props Runt. Not just for you not killing him, but continuing to be in a social group with the guy?

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Wow. I give you major props Runt. Not just for you not killing him, but continuing to be in a social group with the guy?


He treats my son well and has never overstepped his bounds when it comes to parenting decisions. Had that not been the case, we'd have had major problems.


I look at this way - I'm with a person who is better for me. My ex is with a person who is better for her. The combined outcome of it is that my son is/was able to grow up in an environment without all the animosity, bitterness, jealousy and in general, the negativity that comes with bad divorces. Heck, even their two other kids play with my two other kids when we're all together. It was actually more of a unifying thing than a dividing one.

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He treats my son well and has never overstepped his bounds when it comes to parenting decisions. Had that not been the case, we'd have had major problems.


I look at this way - I'm with a person who is better for me. My ex is with a person who is better for her. The combined outcome of it is that my son is/was able to grow up in an environment without all the animosity, bitterness, jealousy and in general, the negativity that comes with bad divorces. Heck, even their two other kids play with my two other kids when we're all together. It was actually more of a unifying thing than a dividing one.


Seriously, you da man. :wacko: All too often the emotion and egos get in the way, to the detriment of all.

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I am surprised she had to ask. As the man and father you have a responsibility to take care of your brood.





What F'ed up state do you live in that requires CHILD until 21? Texas it is 18 or 19 if they are still in High School. Hell why not just pay child support until they are 60, then the F'ing Federal Government can take over.

Edited by rbmcdonald
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Follow up.....


First off, thanks for all the input.


Anyway, my ex and I exchanged a number of emails yesterday - not fighting type emails, but communicating type emails. I finally told her that I was sorry for my part of the blow up (even though I believe she was at fault). So then she calls and we work things out and things are going to go exactly as was originally intended. I'm done with support and I'll pay half his college, but I am going to pay for half his phone. And if she gives him extra money, it's on her - same as it will be if I do. She finishes by apologizing as well.


So all's good. :wacko:


Pissed me off big time though when it went down.


Carry on.....

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I would strongly encourage you to put it on paper ...


Good luck!


I hear you, and I agree that I'm potentially vulnerable, but I'm not going to go that route. We've never adhered to the letter of the divorce decree but rather figured out real-world solutions that worked for us. There have been a number of things over the years that either of us could have contested legally. Neither did.


I know how to deal with her. I'm genuinely not concerned in the least that this bites me in the ass.

Edited by Cunning Runt
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