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8th Anniversary Ideas


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I'm having a tough time figuring out what to get her for an anniversary gift. I know this is the Bronze/Linen year gift wise but we have too many picture frames and crap like that that would be made out of bronze. We are not in a position to go away for the weekend either so I'm trying to figure out some type of really cool and very different anniversary gift I could get her that is not related to my penis.


Anyone got any ideas?

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I'm having a tough time figuring out what to get her for an anniversary gift. I know this is the Bronze/Linen year gift wise but we have too many picture frames and crap like that that would be made out of bronze. We are not in a position to go away for the weekend either so I'm trying to figure out some type of really cool and very different anniversary gift I could get her that is not related to my penis.


Anyone got any ideas?


Well, there goes the bronze dildo idea....


What are her interests? Does she like stuff for the house?

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Ha, I struggled with this one as well. We just had our 8th anniversary a few weeks ago. I kind of lucked out because there really isn't chit that is made of bronze that I could find as being useful, nice, or wanting in the house. So I went a bit of a different route. I found a small nicknack made of bronze and then bought her something else she really wanted. So I got her a little jewelry holder made of bronze (shaped a bit like a leaf). It's just kind of a small bowl for girls to put their rings or necklaces in. Fairly pointless (IMO) but we have a few items like this so I know she likes these little decorative item holders. We had lost several wine glasses to kids or we just happen to let them slip while hand washing them so I bought a nice bottle of wine and then picked out some new wine glasses as the actual gift. Worked for me, but good luck. Bronze was definitely one of the harder years so far.

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I always vote for moments and memories over stuff. As in, a special day of some sort. She'll get more mileage out of that than a thing.


Depending on who does what in your home, I often suggest that you find someone to take the kids, hire a service to detail the house, and either cook, or somehow procure a really nice meal. Buy a nice set of sheets for the bed, which she'll certainly notice when the time comes.


For a married couple, this sort of thing works on a number of levels.


It's not needlessly spendy because you can always use another set of sheets, getting the house clean, and dinner was certainly going to be included in whatever you did that night. I don't know about some, but, when you're pulling money from the same account, sometimes spending too much of your collective money on something over the top doesn't go over very well.


It's a simple pleasures sort of thing that seems to matter more and more as time goes by.


She gets to feel pampered and taken care of. For added bonus, send her to a day spa before hand or something before hand. Also, if you're going to go that route, call the spa, talk to the ladies there and try to figure out what would be cool. Don't just give her a gift card. Again, it's part of the "being taken care of" bit. Like you picked these things out just for her, even if you don't know what half the stuff is.


A couple of thoughts.


Either that or take her out for Mexican :wacko:

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I'm having a tough time figuring out what to get her for an anniversary gift. I know this is the Bronze/Linen year gift wise but we have too many picture frames and crap like that that would be made out of bronze. We are not in a position to go away for the weekend either so I'm trying to figure out some type of really cool and very different anniversary gift I could get her that is not related to my penis.

Anyone got any ideas?


something long :wacko:

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First off, congrads to the solid 8 years :wacko:


Virgins Saints and Angels make a real cool line of jewelry that may be made of the materials you speak of




the website will tell you where your nearest retailer is ...

Edited by Scooby's Hubby
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