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Sybil - Multiple Personalities

Savage Beatings

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I think there are an awful lot of "illnesses" and "syndromes" that have no basis or are grossly exaggerated or are extended from something much more prosaic.

Undoubtedly this, as someone who was diagnosed with "ADD", which the way it's defined could include over 1/2 of the population... Not really a "disorder" if that many people have it. It's more of a personality type.


Many "disorders" and things like that are merely framed in a way that implies medical treatment. For example, alcoholism is really an alcohol addiction, but by using the "ism" frames it more as something that's completely out of your control and needs to be treated. The "war against cancer" is also framed it as something that needs to be cured/checked/treated, with far less emphasis on things that we can prevent.


Not saying that all "disorders" are fabricated, but there are still many cases where the framing of the issue implies treatment, again rather than necessarily prevention or true understanding of the underlying issue...

Edited by delusions of granduer
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I have long contended that all women have multiple personalities and that I apparently do not bring out the good ones. When I was newly married, I used to wake up and ask my wife who she was going to be today so I can plan my day accordingly.

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I have long contended that all women have multiple personalities and that I apparently do not bring out the good ones. When I was newly married, I used to wake up and ask my wife who she was going to be today so I can plan my day accordingly.


Now know to keep your head down, stay quite, and get out of the way.

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The "war against cancer" is also framed it as something that needs to be cured/checked/treated, with far less emphasis on things that we can prevent.


Let me get this straight... you are saying that cancer can be prevented and we shouldn't try to cure/check/treat but that we should place our energies into preventions?

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Let me get this straight... you are saying that cancer can be prevented and we shouldn't try to cure/check/treat but that we should place our energies into preventions?


If that is what delusions means then someone needs to tell my wife that it can be prevented then so she can stop faking her skin cancer

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The "war against cancer" is also framed it as something that needs to be cured/checked/treated, with far less emphasis on things that we can prevent.

I might be misinterpreting what delusions is trying to say, but I think his statement is not unreasonable. While there are some cancerns for which no known method of prevention exists, there are other cancerns for which there are ways to help (perhaps not completely) prevent the cancerns from occuring. Consider the cervical (and other) cancer(s) caused by the HPV virus. A vaccination exists to prevent HPV and hence the associated cancers that may come with it. Some forms of skin cancer can be limiting one's exposure to the sun (such as by using sun-block, etc.) Lung cancer can by limited by people not smoking, etc.


Now, of course, there are some cancers for which no known methods of prevention exist. And the fact that some cancers could have possibly been prevented doesn't help the person who already has such cancers. But I think delusions makes sense if he is saying that it is reasonable to devote some of our anti-cancer resources to prevention.

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But I think delusions makes sense if he is saying that it is reasonable to devote some of our anti-cancer resources to prevention.


That's precisely what I’m saying… I’m certainly not against checking, treatment or cures, and in fact my Grandad might have survived prostate cancer had he simply gotten it checked soon enough. (A bit off topic, but I wish that the NFL would champion a cause like this that affects the largest portion of their audience, rather than essentially exploiting breast cancer awareness to try to cater to a new demographic. Though please don’t get me wrong again that I’m somehow against breast cancer awareness, I just feel it would be a much greater service to the vast majority of their audience who are male and at far more at risk of things like prostate cancer, also being one of the most deadly if not caught early)…


But back on topic, I was more making a point that if you frame issues as things that need to be diagnosed/treated/cured, there will tend to be more of a focus on treatment than true understanding of underlying causes.


With it being a sore subject for me too, cancer was probably not the best example, but how many know about how things like leaf blowers can contribute to breast cancer and negative health effects? Moreover, how aware are most people of the steps we need to take to prevent forms of cancer before it’s already there, both on an individual and societal level? These kind of things should go hand-in-hand with awareness, not simply awareness to check, treat, repeat… That’s not being against the latter, that’s hoping to prevent the latter, which unfortunately often seems to take a back seat in healthcare discussions and lots of other issues…

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I wish that the NFL would champion a cause like this that affects the largest portion of their audience, rather than essentially exploiting breast cancer awareness to try to cater to a new demographic.

It goes well beyond the NFL. This obsession and extreme over-emphasis on one form of cancer (which generally has a very high survival rate already btw) is completely flucking whacked. My cancer donations will always go to any other cancer out there ie those which scarcely get a whisper compared to the absurd media frenzy of breast cancer. Of course I'm all for eradicating breast cancer too but again the disproportionate amount of attention it gets is ridiculous.


"Breast Cancer Awareness Month" should simply be "Cancer Awareness Month."

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