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poor savage beatings


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I ascent to the Church's authority and teachings in matters of faith and morals. Geo-political economics on the other hand I will leave to the experts (like Wiegie and Sarah Palin). :wacko:


When I was in the Seminary it was pretty interesting to study the history of the political swings within the Church. There is a pattern of large swings in politial ideology from Left to Right and back again... over and over. That political battle is even pretty evident on a local level when visiting neighboring parishes within a single Diocese. Oftentimes I have thought that it has been a strength of the Catholic Church to be able to accomodate very differnt political views. But I can do without crap like this being published from the Vatican. It shows that a lot of people in high positions have accepted the premise that the Church needs to use politics to engineer it's vision of social justice. I respectfully disagree.

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I see naivete is alive and well and living in Rome:


Asked at a news conference if the document could become a manifesto for the movement of the “indignant ones”, who have criticised global economic policies, Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the Vatican’s Justice and Peace department, said: “The people on Wall Street need to sit down and go through a process of discernment and see whether their role managing the finances of the world is actually serving the interests of humanity and the common good. “We are calling for all these bodies and organisations to sit down and do a little bit of re-thinking.”


Good luck with that. :wacko:

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We should install as much power as possible with the Catholic Church. History has shown that they have never ever abused such power. :tup:




Actually I find it ironic that they call for this - IMO it's all but cue card for Mr Antichrist to come on down and I don't mean on Price is Right.


..|.. "centralized power," esp economically. God bless ya Vatican but on this matter please shut up.

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There's no reason ethics and economics must be mutually exclusive. Steve Jobs talks about that in his bio. Greedy people choose to separate the two merely for their own convenience. There's nothing wrong with condemning that behavior when it contributes to social ills at all levels. The problem isn't going to fix itself and, frankly, I'm glad to see more than just the Occupy Wall Street movement saying it out loud.

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Ironically, I bet most of the Wall Street banker brigade go to church.


As a church goer, and a Catholic, I find christians to be the most intolerant judgemental people I have met. Particularly the christian right wingers, the bible beating extremists, typically the so called born agains. They beat on a book that they claim to follow, but apparenntly never even read it. They can quote it, but fail to understand it.


For but one example: These idiots like Mel Gibson who hate Jews for killing Christ. In christian doctrine, if Christ had not been killed, all mankind would be unforgiven and go to hell. Jews were chosen according to scripture. They bear the brunt of this misplaced hatred. If not for the sacrafice of Christ, no one can reach heaven, he had to die for the forgiveness of sins. Why hate the people who made salvation possible? It was in the scriptures, it HAD to happen. The christians should actually be grateful to the Jews or they would go to hell and damnation. That is BASIC christian theology.


I am in no way saying that the basic christian belief is true or reliable, it's about "faith", but how can any practicing christian hate the Jews for killing Christ? It was that act that opened the doors of heaven for christians. That is the basis for forgiveness. That is basic doctrine, and most christians have no idea.


As far as the Vatican goes.... other than feeding the poor and condemning violence of any kind, it should just shut up. Of course, when that is exactly what they did in WW2, they got slammed for not actively resisting the Nazis. The Vatican will always be a target and will always be wrong as there are so many who need to target it for whatever reason is the hot topic this week. The leadership is torn between just being a spititual institution and a political one, and no matter what it does, it will be critisized. Some people need a target to blame things on, and the Vatican is a politically correct target.


The good works of the catholic church go unoticed. But, isn't persecution the way that Christ lived his life? I don't find it surpising that he church he founded also gets persecuted. I also do not find it surprising that that same church saves millioins of lives both physically and spiritually evey year.

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ethics and economics? seems a little more like religion and politics. or church and state. I tend to think there is good reason for keeping them separate.

The church is commenting on ethics and economics. They aren't running for Congress. But way to go supporting free speech!

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I respectfully disagree.


So, you pounce on every bit of ill-perceived psuedo-Socialism like it's the plague and when your headquarters makes a blatant Socialist statement, you respectfully disagree. How convenient. Religion.

Edited by bushwacked
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So, you pounce on every bit of ill-perceived psuedo-Socialism like it's the plague and when your headquarters makes a blatant Socialist statement, you respectfully disagree. How convenient. Religion.


Sorry my complete disagreement with this statement by the Vatican doesn't meet with your desired level of outrage. :tup:


I suppose you think I should condemn my entire faith because some misguided Cardinal is pushing a political view that I disagree with.


Tool. :wacko:

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If people haven't given up on their faith after what seems to be serial child molestation by those in power, this current statement isn't gonna make a dent.

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Sorry my complete disagreement with this statement by the Vatican doesn't meet with your desired level of outrage. :tup:


I suppose you think I should condemn my entire faith because some misguided Cardinal is pushing a political view that I disagree with.


Tool. :wacko:

Meh... chalk it up to me not understanding religion. You openly abhor socialism and despise the soicialist bogeyman. Yet when the organization I assume you invest your lifes foundation on calls for blantant socialistic action you just shrug your shoulders and seemingly dismiss it. I guess I apologize for not understanding the rationality.

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