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Sandusky/Paterno victim bullied out of school


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Way to stay classy Penn State fans. :wacko:

Ahh yes, because the collective voice of high school students is always focused on the moral and ethical right of any given issue and serves as a barometer for all Penn State fans. You sir, are a bag of dicks. :tup:

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Ahh yes, because the collective voice of high school students is always focused on the moral and ethical right of any given issue and serves as a barometer for all Penn State fans. You sir, are a bag of dicks. :wacko:

While I do agree the poster is definitely a huge bag of dicks...his point has merit. Where do you think these kids get there ideas? Of course from their parents. While they may not reflect ALL Penn State fans, they are a larger segment than you want to admit. Way too many fans are still upset by the Joe firing than what is really going on here. That is the reality.

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Or perhaps they are a much smaller segment than you or others want to admit. I doubt even at the school it was like most everyone was harrassing the kid. It's almost always a smaller percentage of aholes but they're the loudest so that's what people hear - and of course what the media loves to report on.


Yeah a lot of people are upset by the firing but they're still mindful any feel just as disgusted about what happened to the poor kid(s) unlike the POSs in the story.

Edited by BeeR
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i hope the students would not be this insensitive toward someone who was abused and came forward and i hope they are not doing so in the defense of the penn state football program.


i also hope the abused victim is not blowing the "bullying" he's been getting out of proportion, looking for either media attention or a large payday.


unfortunately, i suspect that some of both are probably at play here ...

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While I do agree the poster is definitely a huge bag of dicks...his point has merit. Where do you think these kids get there ideas? Of course from their parents. While they may not reflect ALL Penn State fans, they are a larger segment than you want to admit. Way too many fans are still upset by the Joe firing than what is really going on here. That is the reality.

OK, so painting everyone with the same brush is always the best answer. :roll eyes:


I'm guessing that you don't talk with Penn Staters on a daily basis. I do. In general, we are saddened and hurt by this entire mess. We are also saddened that Joe Paterno put himself in this position. But the reality is that nothing other than what happened could have been the end result. We are very cognizant of that fact. We are also looking toward a way of putting this behind us. We are not rationalizing things away in an effort to put a good face on this. We have raised almost $500,000 for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). We are larger than this incident and perhaps more importantly, we are larger than the football program and we we will work to rebuild our once sterling reputation. We (still) are Penn State.

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Ahh yes, because the collective voice of high school students is always focused on the moral and ethical right of any given issue and serves as a barometer for all Penn State fans. You sir, are a bag of dicks. :wacko:


A terrific example of displaced anger here. Who are you really mad at? Let it out now.

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Not to mention THON. A 48 hour dance marathon.


Largest student run philanthropy in the US, helping tons of kids with Pediatric cancer. Last year, they rasied 11 million dollars to fight pediatric cancer.


Sandusky and Co.. should be drawn and quatered

Joe pa- big mistake, and will have to live with it.

Podunk high - idiots. they should be dealt with harshly.


Penn State community - 11 million reasons a year to think they are helping make children's lives a better place. Check out the four diamonds fund, and all the great work that they have done. Maybe you will think a little differently about the Penn State community, and let the disgusting actions of the few not completely drown out the actions of the many, who have helped many families through horrific times. Penn State is more than a few stupid sick individuals, It is a community that has done a lot of good in this world. Somehow, that's not getting communicated in the papers, which of course is a shocking revelation.

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Penn State is more than a few stupid sick individuals, It is a community that has done a lot of good in this world. Somehow, that's not getting communicated in the papers, which of course is a shocking revelation.

That's because people aren't interested in charity work etc etc. That's "boring." Same goes for other groups and incidents as well. Ignore all the good. As Don Henley reminded us, we all know that crap is king, give us dirty laundry.

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a large payday.


unfortunately, i suspect that some of both are probably at play here ...




There isn't a big enough payday.


This kid was f*cked up the a$$, maybe forced to suck the co(k of that nasty pock marked son of a bitch, maybe that big nasty freak was jerking off on his face, making him eat it, who knows - it was probably much worse than that. Maybe he threatened the kid or the kid's family? And the whole time this kid is probably trying to figure out what his problem is since Sandusky is such a pilliar of the community. The fact this kid hasn't blown his head off or swallowed a handful of pills should impress us.


Why don't you tell us what a reasonable payday is for this kid.

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There isn't a big enough payday.


This kid was f*cked up the a$$, maybe forced to suck the co(k of that nasty pock marked son of a bitch, maybe that big nasty freak was jerking off on his face, making him eat it, who knows - it was probably much worse than that. Maybe he threatened the kid or the kid's family? And the whole time this kid is probably trying to figure out what his problem is since Sandusky is such a pilliar of the community. The fact this kid hasn't blown his head off or swallowed a handful of pills should impress us.


Why don't you tell us what a reasonable payday is for this kid.


more power to him to get all he can ... this story just feels like there's a lawyer behind the scenes advising him to drop out of school because it will boost the case for emotional grief. that's sickening too.

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Are you fishing? Or do you actually believe that?


scenario ...


dude comes home from school and tells his lawyer a kid said something to him that was hurtful

lawyer sees an opportunity and advises the kid to drop out of school, citing bullying. hires psychologist.

psychologist confirms what kid said at school was indeed hurtful.

lawyer now happy to be armed with more ammo for an even bigger settlement due to additional emotional stress.


if the above is true, i do find that sickening. as tragic as the victim's life has been, those that may be maneuvering around him for a bigger payday for themselves is just as tragic and sad. so this is the cynic in me ... but i don't find this to be out of the realm of possibility, do you?


if the kids are overwhelmingly insensitive at the school and forced the kid out via their bullying, then those are indeed some f-ed up kids to be piling on this victim. that this would be widespread in the school or that students would be mad that this guy was negatively impacting penn state is really hard to believe ... and if true, even sadder for the state of those kids.

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OK, so painting everyone with the same brush is always the best answer. :roll eyes:


I'm guessing that you don't talk with Penn Staters on a daily basis. I do. In general, we are saddened and hurt by this entire mess. We are also saddened that Joe Paterno put himself in this position. But the reality is that nothing other than what happened could have been the end result. We are very cognizant of that fact. We are also looking toward a way of putting this behind us. We are not rationalizing things away in an effort to put a good face on this. We have raised almost $500,000 for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). We are larger than this incident and perhaps more importantly, we are larger than the football program and we we will work to rebuild our once sterling reputation. We (still) are Penn State.

Dude, can you read? Where did I paint everyone with a broad brush? Secondly, your GUESS could not be more wrong. I live in the North Hills of Pittsburgh and work all across the state. I talk to PSU people every damn day. Just like the brother of one of the assistant AD'S I talked with recently. He is adamant that the university will name the football stadium someday after Joe. RU effing kidding me? It's over for Joe. No celebration of any kind is warranted or is it going to happen. Believe me, I talk to way more people that are upset about Joe than I do that are upset about what happened to these kids. Plenty of them only care because this is taking down the great football program. Not all, but a hell of a lot.


Lastly, you guys deserve everything you get. For years I have dealt with arrogant fans of that football team. For years I have heard how you did it the right way. When I say years, I am talking about since the freaking 70's. I have heard that we are better than you because we do it the right way...please. Like I said, you deserve all the crap you are going to get for a LONG time. Raising some cash and saying a prayer at a football game is not going to get you arrogant pricks off the hook. You are screwed for years and you deserve to be.

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Just for my part in this thread, I certainly never meant to imply that all Penn State fans are classless jerks. But weather it's the hand wringing over the fate of the football program, rioting students, and now bullied victims, I'd say there are more than a few bad apples.

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OK, so painting everyone with the same brush is always the best answer. :roll eyes:


I'm guessing that you don't talk with Penn Staters on a daily basis. I do. In general, we are saddened and hurt by this entire mess. We are also saddened that Joe Paterno put himself in this position. But the reality is that nothing other than what happened could have been the end result. We are very cognizant of that fact. We are also looking toward a way of putting this behind us. We are not rationalizing things away in an effort to put a good face on this. We have raised almost $500,000 for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). We are larger than this incident and perhaps more importantly, we are larger than the football program and we we will work to rebuild our once sterling reputation. We (still) are Penn State.

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Just for my part in this thread, I certainly never meant to imply that all Penn State fans are classless jerks. But weather it's the hand wringing over the fate of the football program, rioting students, and now bullied victims, I'd say there are more than a few bad apples.


kid cid definitely being one of them ...



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I've seen many references to the "Look how much money we have raised" angle in citing how good Penn Staters are at heart.


Uh, I'll pass....I imagine every PSU alum is filled with guilt and embarrassment, and it would not surprise me one bit to learn that donations are up this year for the shallow purpose of trying to make a wrong seem right. While for a good cause, I think its sickening that PUS folks think that by throwing money at a charity, it will somehow offset (even to a small degree) the ugliness that was the University's involvement in allowing Sandusky to be a predator on their campus.

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There isn't a big enough payday.


This kid was f*cked up the a$$, maybe forced to suck the co(k of that nasty pock marked son of a bitch, maybe that big nasty freak was jerking off on his face, making him eat it, who knows - it was probably much worse than that. Maybe he threatened the kid or the kid's family? And the whole time this kid is probably trying to figure out what his problem is since Sandusky is such a pilliar of the community. The fact this kid hasn't blown his head off or swallowed a handful of pills should impress us.


Why don't you tell us what a reasonable payday is for this kid.


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I think what Penn Staters fail to realize is that no one really wants to hear "we are penn state" because it was that philosophy that led to the enablement and coverup of a pedophile for over a decade. You guys need to run from that and frankly bend over for Louis Feeeh before anyone outside of State College will ever respect your school again.

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i think many are being way too harsh on the penn staters here. they supported the university in the past because they believed in the higher ideas talked and they witnessed many, many examples of good. the majority of penn staters have gone about their business over the past 10 years, supporting the university they love and trying adhere to its stated higher ideas. i admire their spirit and i'm sad that they are now put in this position, having to essentially defend their university in the face of this indefensible atrocity. all they can do is cite the good, give more, and come together for all that is right about the school they love. none of this makes everything OK or minimizes this tragedy.


everyone needs to be laser focused to get rid of everyone connected to this thing who knew, and covered it up for the sake of the university and the football program. that is how penn staters and non penn staters should be united. i still believe the only way to effectively do this is to shut down the football program and focus all efforts on cleaning house. i think it is sad and a farce that the program goes on while there may still be people in the program and on the sideline who were a part of this coverup. it is unfortunate for those unaware and innocent, but something this horrible should indeed have repercussions on everyone associated with the program itself.

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Just for my part in this thread, I certainly never meant to imply that all Penn State fans are classless jerks. But weather it's the hand wringing over the fate of the football program, rioting students, and now bullied victims, I'd say there are more than a few bad apples.


yeah, bullies are most effective in an environment where their behavior is implicitly tolerated or in some way reflects a prevailing sentiment. a bully who picks on gay kids, for example, is probably going to be a lot more emboldened and "effective" in, say, a rural texas school than in a private school in san francisco. bullies are bullies, and victims are victims....but bullies can really only get traction when the rest of the crowd stands by and lets them.

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