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Sandusky/Paterno victim bullied out of school


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more power to him to get all he can ... this story just feels like there's a lawyer behind the scenes advising him to drop out of school because it will boost the case for emotional grief. that's sickening too.


Why would a lawyer feel the need to weaken the case by trumping up damages when the actual ones don't require it?


That makes no sense.

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yeah, bullies are most effective in an environment where their behavior is implicitly tolerated or in some way reflects a prevailing sentiment. a bully who picks on gay kids, for example, is probably going to be a lot more emboldened and "effective" in, say, a rural texas school than in a private school in san francisco. bullies are bullies, and victims are victims....but bullies can really only get traction when the rest of the crowd stands by and lets them.

:wacko: well said.

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scenario ...


dude comes home from school and tells his lawyer a kid said something to him that was hurtful

lawyer sees an opportunity and advises the kid to drop out of school, citing bullying. hires psychologist.

psychologist confirms what kid said at school was indeed hurtful.

lawyer now happy to be armed with more ammo for an even bigger settlement due to additional emotional stress.


if the above is true, i do find that sickening. as tragic as the victim's life has been, those that may be maneuvering around him for a bigger payday for themselves is just as tragic and sad. so this is the cynic in me ... but i don't find this to be out of the realm of possibility, do you?


if the kids are overwhelmingly insensitive at the school and forced the kid out via their bullying, then those are indeed some f-ed up kids to be piling on this victim. that this would be widespread in the school or that students would be mad that this guy was negatively impacting penn state is really hard to believe ... and if true, even sadder for the state of those kids.


You have got to be kidding me . . . . do you seriously believe this stuff? This HAS to be a fishing trip, it just HAS to . . .


"not outside the realm of possibility?" It is also not "outside the realm of possibility" that you will win the lottery, but I dont like your odds.


That you immedately jump to this ridiculous conclusion implies that you actually DO believe this scenario is what is actually happening. Wow.

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Why would a lawyer feel the need to weaken the case by trumping up damages when the actual ones don't require it?


That makes no sense.


saying the emotional distress is so great and the negative impact on the kid's life are so large that they are unable to attend school does not weaken the case, it strengthens it. i don't know the kid and i don't know what kind of bullying he received, but it is possible that despite the attacks of a few, he could very well be able to keep studying and finish school.


so either the kid refused to finish his senior year because the bullying was so bad he couldn't take it or upon receiving some bullying, his counsel recommended to him that he drop out of school, knowing it will strengthen the case for emotional distress and the inability to function as an independent adult. i don't think the latter alternative is beyond the realm of possibility, at least partly driven by the lawyers personal desire for a larger settlement and therefore a bigger cut.


i don't know which one to hope for because both suck. either we have a pack of completely insensitive bullies that don't understand that being sexually abused as a child trumps a football program or you have people around this kid manipulating his life for their own personal gain.


if the bullying drove him out of school completely, it would have to be more than 1-2 knuckleheads, which i would hope would be disciplined and compensated for by the overwhelming flow of support from fellow students for this true victim. if it is more than 1-2 knuckleheads, and it's so bad that it can't be dealt with, then what kind of kids are they raising there and what kind of school is this? this would be monstrous behavior, would it not?


and yes, it could also just be a hurt, confused, tortured soul that is shutting down from society in the face of this tragedy. one certainly would not need the cause of bullying to do this given all he's been through.

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You have got to be kidding me . . . . do you seriously believe this stuff? This HAS to be a fishing trip, it just HAS to . . .


"not outside the realm of possibility?" It is also not "outside the realm of possibility" that you will win the lottery, but I dont like your odds.


That you immedately jump to this ridiculous conclusion implies that you actually DO believe this scenario is what is actually happening. Wow.




i do think its a possibility, yes.

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I've seen many references to the "Look how much money we have raised" angle in citing how good Penn Staters are at heart.


Uh, I'll pass....I imagine every PSU alum is filled with guilt and embarrassment, and it would not surprise me one bit to learn that donations are up this year for the shallow purpose of trying to make a wrong seem right. While for a good cause, I think its sickening that PUS folks think that by throwing money at a charity, it will somehow offset (even to a small degree) the ugliness that was the University's involvement in allowing Sandusky to be a predator on their campus.



You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect that. I'm disgusted as much as you are about how this all went down.


Just a point of fact, the numbers I referenced were from last year, this years is running shortly if I remember correctly. So the argumnet of guilt has no bearing on the giving or the generosity, that that community has shown, of which I referenced.


I also don't think they are trying to buy their way out of this issue. You seem to be willing to blame hundreds of thousands of people for the actions of a few, dismissing their generosity, and the true good that the majority have done, for what purpose? What do you gain by broad brushing all of the Penn State people with your "the're all sickening and ugly" nastyness? Does your hatred of all things Penn State help to save a child?


There are a lot of good people doing a lot of good things at Penn State, for children and the world, and for you to lump them in with sandusky et al, and dismiss their generosity as irrelevant, will only go to further harm children, you seem so rightfully eager to protect. Just ask any of the 4 diamond kids/ families, like I got the opportunity to do.


As a Purdue Undergraduate, and a Penn State EMBA program graduate, I got to see the great side of this community. I hated Penn State for most of my life through college. It was only until I met some people, and got to know the college through my EMBA that I realized what a great commuity and place it was. It still is. I think you are unfairly dissmissive of the good so that you can revel in the bad. That is your choice. Me, I am going to be glad that there are people such as the ones at Penn State working hard to make the world a better place.

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He is adamant that the university will name the football stadium someday after Joe. RU effing kidding me? It's over for Joe. No celebration of any kind is warranted or is it going to happen.

Naming a stadium after him wouldn't be a "celebration" but an acknowledgement and appreciation for all the good he has done - which is quite a few truckloads' worth, unmatched in the school's history. That didn't all suddenly disappear because he wasn't aggressive enough in doing something about Sandusky, much as all the headhunting idiots want it to. Personally I'd just as soon keep the name we have though, never been a fan of naming stadiums/etc after people.


Believe me, I talk to way more people that are upset about Joe than I do that are upset about what happened to these kids. Plenty of them only care because this is taking down the great football program. Not all, but a hell of a lot.
Really? Did they say that? Or imply it? Or did you just assume it because you have a large and obvious ax to grind with Penn State/its fans?


I talk to plenty too and not one has said or implied any such thing. In fact there are a lot of mixed feelings about Joe (and all the others, remember?) and what should/shouldn't happen here. Some actually think they should wait until this goes to trial and we actually learn as many FACTS as we can about this and a verdict is given. Those crazy radicals, don't they know how much more fun it is to just assume and point fingers and burn people at the stake??? :wacko:


Lastly, you guys deserve everything you get.
Really? We who had nothing to do with these crimes deserve some kind of "punishment?" Brilliant. Once again the witch burning, mob mentality rears its ugly, asinine head.


Guess I should have expected that in a thread titled "Sandusky/Paterno victum" though. Yeah Joe deserves equal billing with Sandusky, that makes sense.

Edited by BeeR
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Naming a stadium after him wouldn't be a "celebration" but an acknowledgement and appreciation for all the good he has done - which is quite a few truckloads' worth, unmatched in the school's history. That didn't all suddenly disappear because he wasn't aggressive enough in doing something about Sandusky, much as all the headhunting idiots want it to.


uh, yes it does. harboring a child molester to protect the football program pretty much cancels the good several times over.

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uh, yes it does. harboring a child molester to protect the football program pretty much cancels the good several times over.




This from the guy who has spent most of the tread accusing the victim of trumping up charges despite the fact no amount of money is going to be enough in the first place.



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This from the guy who has spent most of the tread accusing the victim of trumping up charges despite the fact no amount of money is going to be enough in the first place.




and the two points are related how?


i suspect the attorneys around this kid could manipulate this situation for their own personal gain.


i believe paterno should not be honored in anyway by the university because covering up a child molester to protect a football program negates any of the good the man has ever done.


how is that a problem for you?

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uh, yes it does. harboring a child molester to protect the football program pretty much cancels the good several times over.

Agree 100%. It is simply despicable, compounded in severity by each new boy victimized after Paterno and everyone else became aware of the first instance. I can't imagine how incensed I would be if my kid was victimized in this manner and there were people aware that it had happened in the past. How anyone could suggest naming a stadium after the man is difficult to comprehend.

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if the bullying drove him out of school completely, it would have to be more than 1-2 knuckleheads, which i would hope would be disciplined and compensated for by the overwhelming flow of support from fellow students for this true victim. if it is more than 1-2 knuckleheads, and it's so bad that it can't be dealt with, then what kind of kids are they raising there and what kind of school is this? this would be monstrous behavior, would it not?



I totally disagree with this assumption. Even a single person can make the life of another person a living hell by relentless and heartless bullying. And oftentimes there is very little that can be done about it until it is too late.

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Agree 100%. It is simply despicable, compounded in severity by each new boy victimized after Paterno and everyone else became aware of the first instance. I can't imagine how incensed I would be if my kid was victimized in this manner and there were people aware that it had happened in the past. How anyone could suggest naming a stadium after the man is difficult to comprehend.


if they want the university to continue to exist at all, there's no way you will ever see a "joe paterno stadium."

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I totally disagree with this assumption. Even a single person can make the life of another person a living hell by relentless and heartless bullying. And oftentimes there is very little that can be done about it until it is too late.


you are right ... but why can't the school then come together to expel those 1-2 students and rally around the victim with overwhelming support?

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This kid was f*cked up the a$$, maybe forced to suck the co(k of that nasty pock marked son of a bitch, maybe that big nasty freak was jerking off on his face, making him eat it

I would also like to be compensated just for having read this.

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uh, yes it does. harboring a child molester to protect the football program pretty much cancels the good several times over.

Pretending for a second that what you said is accurate, uh, no, it doesn't. This is not a math equation where you add up all the plusses and minuses and they "cancel each other out." Each stands on its own, good or bad.


and the two points are related how?

In the lack of credibility you seem intent on creating for yourself here.



if they want the university to continue to exist at all, there's no way you will ever see a "joe paterno stadium."

Because..........? What you think if they do that a crowd will riot and destroy the entire university?


Brilliant :wacko:

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Pretending for a second that what you said is accurate, uh, no, it doesn't. This is not a math equation where you add up all the plusses and minuses and they "cancel each other out." Each stands on its own, good or bad.


they don't just cancel, one smashes the other into oblivion.


In the lack of credibility you seem intent on creating for yourself here.


yes, intelligent response and addresses the question. nice work.


Because..........? What you think if they do that a crowd will riot and destroy the entire university?


Brilliant :wacko:


no, i believe people will stop sending their kids there if the institution is willing to honor this man. no riots needed, just no more tuition payments.

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Because..........? What you think if they do that a crowd will riot and destroy the entire university?

The university seems to be taking the right steps to investigate what happened, clean house and eventually put it behind them. It would be the height of stupidity to immortalize the most recognizable face associated with the most horrific and scandalous episode anyone could imagine happening to an institution. I can't see it happening.

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Pretending for a second that what you said is accurate, uh, no, it doesn't. This is not a math equation where you add up all the plusses and minuses and they "cancel each other out." Each stands on its own, good or bad.


maybe in theory, but when the supposed "good" is an atmosphere of school pride that basically allowed the bad to be covered up and kept in the dark where it grew and claimed more and more victims....then yes, the bad cancels out the good. and then some.

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Everybody is still waiting for you to quantify how much is too much for the kid.


my point is not the kid. i wasn't thinking the kid is out for more money, even though my first post read that way. my point is that those around the kid could be the ones who persuaded him to drop out of school because it could get them a bigger payout, namely his attorney(s). i said that i hope this is not the case, but i fear it could be.


there's no putting a monetary amount on something like this and even if the kid has a hundred billion dollars, it wouldn't make up for what sick sandusky did to him ... but you knew that, didn't you?

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