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This is not "taunting"


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... and I have no idea why grown man can't tell the difference between celebrating and taunting. It's another one of those stupid slippery slope arguments. "If we let them be happy about scoring, next thing you know, they'll be pretending to ass-rape the opposition in the end-zone."


Um, here's an idea, why not just penalize inappropriate behavior?


I get it, they knew the rules, they got popped, and it cost them. Until the stupid rule is changed, that's the rule and everyone plays by it. Whatever.


However, the quotes from the team handed the victory are pretty effing vinegary...


"...it was a great call, the right call."


The Blue Hills player who clinched the victory for the small school was equally unsympathetic about Owens' penalty when asked about it by NECN.


"We all played fair, we all listened to rules at the beginning of the game. We all know what to do and he was out of line."


Out of line? Really


Whatever, it's a freaking game. Games are supposed to be fun. Scoring the winning TD is supposed to be something you're excited about. And, if in the heat of the moment, you raise your freaking hand up? That's "out of line?"

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"We try and play by the rules, and the rule is no celebrating," Blue Hills football coach Ed Catabia told the Globe. "It was unfortunate [for Cathedral], but it was a great call, the right call."

:wacko: this stupidity of this rule is boundless

Edited by wiegie
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... and I have no idea why grown man can't tell the difference between celebrating and taunting. It's another one of those stupid slippery slope arguments. "If we let them be happy about scoring, next thing you know, they'll be pretending to ass-rape the opposition in the end-zone."


Um, here's an idea, why not just penalize inappropriate behavior?


I get it, they knew the rules, they got popped, and it cost them. Until the stupid rule is changed, that's the rule and everyone plays by it. Whatever.


However, the quotes from the team handed the victory are pretty effing vinegary...


"...it was a great call, the right call."


The Blue Hills player who clinched the victory for the small school was equally unsympathetic about Owens' penalty when asked about it by NECN.


"We all played fair, we all listened to rules at the beginning of the game. We all know what to do and he was out of line."


Out of line? Really


Whatever, it's a freaking game. Games are supposed to be fun. Scoring the winning TD is supposed to be something you're excited about. And, if in the heat of the moment, you raise your freaking hand up? That's "out of line?"


Agree 100%.

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Good grief.


As an aside, perhaps the coach of the team handed the victory needs to attend 1 of his own school's remedial English classes ... his quote about "the rule is no celebrating" seems at odds with the actual wording of the rule as noted in the linked article ... which talks about taunting, not celebrating.


... If the ball is alive when the player makes a taunting gesture, then the penalty is enforced at the spot of the foul ...

And, since we seem to now be splitting hairs on semantics - does a player signaling a fair catch not also qualify as "raising your hand to draw attention to yourself" ?


All in all, good grief.

Edited by ts
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Seems this is a case of a stupid ref. Very stupid ref.

It's hard to blame the ref. The way the rule is worded, he's got no latitude. They've painted the refs into the corner by removing any element of judgment. They've created a slippery slope where there wasn't one. Because, once you put in an absolute zero tolerance rule and refs start ignoring it, then it does, essentially, mean that anything goes.


Player does anything at all that is not part of the game, it's a foul. That much is clear. Stupid, completely effed up, but none the less, very clear.

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Way to take the "fun" out of football. Watched the video....borderline idiotic call. The rules were meant for "taunting". How in the world is that taunting. Whats worse, is that the ref is being supported. Sad....very sad indeed.

Because an idiotic rule says it is. Like I said above, I'm pretty sure that was technically against the rules, so the ref should and did call it. That the other team is making a big deal about is one thing, but, by the letter of the law...


That doesn't mean it's a lame-freaking rule that needs to be changed to, "Any inflammatory, obscene actions or gestures intended to incite or mock the opponent or fans..." Something like that. Make it clear what you're trying to stop. Show the refs videos of what that means. Show them the throat slash, all that crap, and you've effectively removed from the game the undesired act without removing any fun or excitement at the same time.


Way too easy not throw the baby out with the bath water on this one. Way too easy. But they totally punted. And it's nearly the same in college.

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Because an idiotic rule says it is. Like I said above, I'm pretty sure that was technically against the rules, so the ref should and did call it. That the other team is making a big deal about is one thing, but, by the letter of the law...


That doesn't mean it's a lame-freaking rule that needs to be changed to, "Any inflammatory, obscene actions or gestures intended to incite or mock the opponent or fans..." Something like that. Make it clear what you're trying to stop. Show the refs videos of what that means. Show them the throat slash, all that crap, and you've effectively removed from the game the undesired act without removing any fun or excitement at the same time.


Way too easy not throw the baby out with the bath water on this one. Way too easy. But they totally punted. And it's nearly the same in college.


Oh I agree with you 100%. Being a christian school conference makes it that much worse as far as enforcement and writing of the rules goes. Rules are rules...I get that. But what a lame, misguided and poorly written one it is.

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It's hard to blame the ref. The way the rule is worded, he's got no latitude. They've painted the refs into the corner by removing any element of judgment.
?? There's no latitude in what a taunting gesture is?


Player does anything at all that is not part of the game, it's a foul. That much is clear.
OK guess I missed that part, didn't see it.


Anyway as you say change/clarify the rule in a common sense way. In fact your wording is a good start IMO.

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?? There's no latitude in what a taunting gesture is?


OK guess I missed that part, didn't see it.


Anyway as you say change/clarify the rule in a common sense way. In fact your wording is a good start IMO.

Here's the quote from the director of officials for the state or something:


"It's tough, but the official absolutely made the right call according to the letter of the law," Cacciatore told the Herald. "It says it right there in the rules that any attempt to draw attention to yourself, whether it is pointing the finger, raising a fist or anything like that, is a penalty. We've been instructed to call it when it happens, it's zero tolerance now."


Again, a stupid rule that doesn't need to be as far reaching in order to achieve what I'd imagine is the desired effect.

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god, that's dumb.



i hate skip bayless so much...





What about discretion Mr. Referree? This is over-officious, I couldn't be convinced otherwise.



Stupid call. Rules be damned, something like that should be let go. Refs aren't robots. They look over holding calls on half the plays, there is no reason to act like this rule demands iron fist enforcement. That kid is going to catch chit for that for the rest of his life from his HS buddies.

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Because an idiotic rule says it is. Like I said above, I'm pretty sure that was technically against the rules, so the ref should and did call it. That the other team is making a big deal about is one thing, but, by the letter of the law...


That doesn't mean it's a lame-freaking rule that needs to be changed to, "Any inflammatory, obscene actions or gestures intended to incite or mock the opponent or fans..." Something like that. Make it clear what you're trying to stop. Show the refs videos of what that means. Show them the throat slash, all that crap, and you've effectively removed from the game the undesired act without removing any fun or excitement at the same time.


Way too easy not throw the baby out with the bath water on this one. Way too easy. But they totally punted. And it's nearly the same in college.



I agree. I don't like that rule as written. But I'm not sure the answer is to rewrite the rule in order to clarify taunting. I'm sure you could write a better rule, but there would still be interpretation.


I say get rid of the taunting rules. The refs have enough things to worry about judging the game. Leave it up to coaches to teach their kids how to win with class. I don't think taunting would run rampant if these types of rules were repealed.


Most parents, teachers, fans, and coaches want to see their team win with class.

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I say get rid of the taunting rules. The refs have enough things to worry about judging the game. Leave it up to coaches to teach their kids how to win with class.

Yeah that's working real well WITH taunting rules. :wacko: Horrible idea.


you have the ball, streaking toward the end zone, the fans are captivated, all eyes are on you ... now, please, do not draw attention to yourself.

Yeah because streaking toward the end zone for a TD isn't enough attention already.

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