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The above link is to a my space page for the band "Angels Lacking Halos" this is my youngest son's band. He has visions of grandeur for this. Please check it out and give me some feedback. No this is NOT spam. I am generally interested in what people here think. I know this isn't for everyone, and the thing that comes to mind for me is the "cookie monster on PCP" comments Ive read here before. I like the music for the most part but the vocals just rub me the wrong way.

They recorded this in early Nov in Des Moines. I really wished his aspirations were in a different direction but as a parent I still want to support him as much as I can.

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Honest two cents: the recording is way too tinny and "overproduced" for my tastes. I like track 1, and elements of track 2, but track 3 is terribly self-indulgent and indicative of a band that is trying to be what it thinks it is, rather than what they are.

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Remembering that I'm old and hate any music made since around 1992ish....


It sounds like Marilyn Manson with a terrible head cold. And I like Marilyn Manson. Music isn't terrible, but that singing has to go. I hope yer son isn't the lead singer. :D


Not too much unique about them...but what do I know? They should switch to rap metal. That singer is lousy and maybe can use spoken word. :D


Oh and the picture...guy 1 is perfectly normal and still stands a chance. Picture 2 guy is clearly a homosexual. Guy 3 looks like a dick and probably got beat up alot. Guy 4 doesn't stand a chance and better pray this works out or he'll have a long semi-successful career working at Chik-Fil-A.


Best of luck to them and good for you for supporting them. They have the rest of their life to be old and bitter. :wacko:

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First of all, I'm not hugh into metal, but like enough of it to hopefully be able to offer some commentary. Off the bat, I hate the band's name.


The music is pretty solid but the "singing" could use some work. Maybe it's because I don't find myself liking the "hardcore" metal where this "scream-singing" is the way to go. So yeah, +1 on the "hope your son isn't the singer" thing. :wacko:


Obviously some talented kids that take their art seriously. With practice and the right direction they could certainly make it.

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They are actually quite good and kudos to supporting your son, but there is really nothing unique about them as far as "making it" goes.]


ETA: Of course I thought Kid Rock was going to be a one hit wonder, and still not sure why he has a career.

Edited by bushwacked
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I let my 12-yr-old listen. For reference, of late he's into Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, All That Remains, and Dragonforce.


He didn't like the music or vocals. He's a quiet kid and didn't elaborate except to say he didn't like it. As for me, I've never liked the "scream" vocals.

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Thanks for checking it out. Actually my son is the lead singer, he gets his vocal prowess from his mom. :wacko:


Now that we can adequately rip into everyone....:D


Just a quick guess that your son is the leader/ego behind the band, and that the drummer has the most/most expensive/best equipment, and/or a van. Both were way too out front on the recordings and not particularly the strongest suit of the music. Not that they were weak, just that a good engineer is going to figure out what is good and what isn't and either promote or cover adequately. Nothing of the sort was done. It sounds to me like someone just stuck some microphones out in a room and then maybe some guitar fills got added in after the fact. I hope you didn't have to pay a lot for that.


If I was your son, and I was ambitious and had a vision as to what I want to be and where I want to take my music, I'd tell the rest of the band to practice, practice, practice. And then practice some more. Music first, lyrics second. The head bangs first before anyone signs along. Get that stuff down then work on doom and gloom.


And never ever pay someone to take pictures of the band. That's a record company's job. I can't stand bands that put time/effort/energy/money into their glamor and image without dealing with the music first.


Specifically, your son better tell the drummer that his job is to keep the rhythm heavy and in time, and that his job does not include masturbating with fills and stupid cheater-beater kick drum baloney every second of every song. If he isn't willing to do this, remind him he can be replaced more than effectively by a machine and no one would even notice. Then move to Des Moines or Omaha or Kansas City until a real drummer without delusions can be found.


I'm also guessing that your son and the lead guitarist have a good relationship and probably can effectively communicate, but that the kid probably not that good a player, which means he needs to get better or get covered up by doing less solo stuff and effects-laden fills. Find the strengths, and exploit them. Cover up the weaknesses.


If the bass player is your son's best friend, they need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart about how he's is the one that has to keep the drummer in line and balance the song. If he's the guitarist's best friend, fire him ASAP and replace him with the coolest looking guy you can find and let him know that it's his job to keep the drummer in line and teach him to play everything the rhythm guitar does until he's more competent.


If the bass player is the drummer's best friend, it may be necessary to start anew.

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