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Dental Issues...


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To make a long story short my first dentist as a kid was a mess. He screwed up my teeth for life. He used to tell me I had no cavities after every visit. When my family switched dentists for insurance reasons the new Doc found 7-8 cavities and three or four of them were so deep a root canal might have been needed which by the way he filled and I ended up not getting a single root canal. Now about 10-15 years later part of my tooth around one of those same fillings is starting to break away. I was eating a hard pretzel the other night and a piece cracked off. I have an appointment tomorrow at 11:30 for the Doc to look at the damages. I'm hoping he can just fill it again. However, here's where things get interesting. If he tells me he can't fill it as the tooth wouldn't make it, should I have him root canal it and crown it ($$$ and don't want to go that direction) or have him pull it as I have a wisdom tooth coming in 1 tooth behind it and it's causing overcrowding. He would eventually have to pull the wisdom tooth so I figure get rid of the bad molar instead if it can't be filled. Thoughts??? Any dentists or dental hygenists/assistants out there?

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you should drink more beer and less pop. :D


Seriously though, your dentist will let you know your options. I assume both of those options you mentioned will be explored. Crowns aren't that bad but they are expensive and they'll come out in about two years, mine is close.


Good luck.

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you should drink more beer and less pop. :D


Seriously though, your dentist will let you know your options. I assume both of those options you mentioned will be explored. Crowns aren't that bad but they are expensive and they'll come out in about two years, mine is close.


Good luck.



More beer and less pop at this point might not be a bad idea. :D The reasons you mentioned are exactly why I don't want to go the crown route. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Please be able to fill it. The other issue is if he were to pull it, it may throw my teeth alignment all off being it's not the molar right in front of the wisdom tooth.


Thanks for the input and luck.

Edited by irish
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If your tooth just has a crack but the nerve is still OK you can get a crown without a root canal. If you have nerve damage they will have to do the root canal.Crowns last longer then 2 years..I have had some for over 5 years that are totally fine.. You dont want to start pulling teeth that can be saved because if you do the other teeth may shift . Unfortunately they are expensive though.

Edited by whomper
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Ask him for a lot of vicodin and then eat a lot of soup .....


I have had a lot of work done on my teeth and I can tell you first and foremost make sure you trust whatever dentist you use ...really trust them and make sur they have a good rep ....a good honest dentist should make all efforts to avoid extra work and expenses to you ...if you need root canal then go for it but hopefully they can avoid the crowns ...good luck

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Well fellas I'm back home and it's over for now. He told me that the decay was basically right on my nerve and that I probably needed a root canal. He then said that he knows how much I want to avoid them and said that he would try to fill it if that's what I wanted. of course I told him to try and fill it, which he did. He told me to avoid hot and cold obviously and said that the tooth is now very soft and that I should avoid chewing on it for a while as it might just crack. He said the next time something happens to it I will need a root canal and crown. In the future, I also have other options such as getting it pulled and 1) getting a dental implant (titanium) or 2) getting braces in an attempt to fix the overcrowding, avoid the implant while closing the gap and use the teeth I have left. I just have to hope that when the numbness wears off that I don't feel terrible pain. I have a high pain threshold so hopefully it works out. In the past I've gotten work done and right after for a couple days, even as long as a couple weeks, I've had pain/discomfort and then it would just go away. So we'll see let's hope in about 6 hours I feel reasonably fine.


Thanks for the giving me your :D all. Right now I'm :bash: all that extra filling crap that seems to linger in your mouth for days after and I can't feel more than half my face, even my left ear and temple are numb. I look like a stroke victim. :D

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My dental problems are twofold...


1. chipping teeth on beer bottles while boating


2. breaking teeth performing amazing faceplants



Neither one of those can be good. Your face has to look like a trainwreck. :D

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you should drink more beer and less pop. :D


Seriously though, your dentist will let you know your options. I assume both of those options you mentioned will be explored. Crowns aren't that bad but they are expensive and they'll come out in about two years, mine is close.


Good luck.




My dental problems are twofold...


1. chipping teeth on beer bottles while boating


2. breaking teeth performing amazing faceplants




It's being around children too much that make teeth go bad. Become a bartender and your problems will go away. :D


And that is one of the BEST sig lines I've ever seen. :bash:


You know if I wasn't paying attention I would miss the fact that you guys were busting my chops about being a non-drinker. :clap:


And that sigline certainly is the truth whether it turns out to be a good profession or not. :tup:

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And that sigline certainly is the truth whether it turns out to be a good profession or not. :D

sigline really is good



Well I certainly feel that way. And I'm genuinely pissed at teachers who are unprofessional, as in education you're not just being lazy at work for a day or two you're screwing with young people's minds, opportunities and futures. With only 180 days per school year there's not a moment to waste!!

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