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Great Gretzky ?


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They may have in fact bet on hockey...this is being investigated as well ...and this was not a casual bet , they are using the word RING as they may have been alot more involved than SB box SQUARES




So what if they had a gambling ring...Vegas is 1 big gambling ring. as long as they were not betting on games that their teams were involved in then I don't care how much , who or how often they bet.

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So what if they had a gambling ring...Vegas is 1 big gambling ring. as long as they were not betting on games that their teams were involved in then I don't care how much , who or how often they bet.







they may have in fact bet on hockey and on their team ...this is not proven, yet , but it is also has not been deniedyet :D ..if i am not mistaken Pete Rose had some problems with this


all in all it is not good and as a hockey fan for 20 + years and a person who remembers Gretzky as a rookie , this just stinks

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they may have in fact  bet on hockey and on their team ...this is not proven, yet , but it is also has not been deniedyet  :D  ..if i am not mistaken Pete Rose had some problems with this


all in all it is not good and as a hockey fan for 20 + years and a person who remembers Gretzky as a rookie , this just stinks








The funny thing is they are gonna go to court with Gretzki pretending he had no idea his wife was a gambler. they will get chewed up. no doubt in my mind at least some of her bets were for hubby.and a judge and jury will not buy anything different.

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"Gretzky's wife, actress Janet Jones, allegedly bet at least $100,000 on football games over the course of the investigation by state authorities, the person said. "


Not a big deal except for a few Jersey politico mooks to make a quick name.

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Has an athlete EVER just came out and admitted guilt from the getgo? Raffy comes to mind right now..LOL.. And shame on baseball for covering THAT up until he got #3000.


This hockey thing is big news because they tabbed it as a gambling RING. The guy was basically a BOOKIE who just happens to coach a NHL team (or something like that). The media is nothing more than a glorified National Enquirer--Skip Bayless?? Steven A. Smith??


Is Wayne already in the HOF? I don't follow hockey even tho Texas has a pro team just because we ain't suppose to

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How is it a big deal? Uh, I think any association with the mob is going to bring you some trouble. It's not like they were betting in Vegas here. If it were Vegas betting, I don't think they'd have any trouble at all aside from maybe a little embarrassment. But if the mob is involved, then you have to know that they're likely letting people bet on credit and someone has lost big $$ over time, which could very well lead to shady dealings within their own sport. Bad times.


And what kind of a tool must Gretzky be that he thinks anyone would believe that he doesn't know all about what his best friend and his wife have been doing? And that he's not involved too?


How long before Gretzky announces that he and his wife have split?

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And what kind of a tool must Gretzky be that he thinks anyone would believe that he doesn't know all about what his best friend and his wife have been doing? And that he's not involved too?









He is a terrible liar. In his two press conferences you could just tell he was full of chit.

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Other than it's illegal... not to mention avoiding income taxes... other than that, they should be okay.








:D ...... Janet jones is reported to have dropped $500,000 with Tocchet and $75 K on the super bowl alone. :D


Let's see the purse for that SB square board is 7.5 million. Probably pays 1.5 mil the right way & 500K the wrong way for quarters 1-3 & a cool 4 million on the final. :D


Gretzsky has also been heard on wire taps trying to see if he could avoid having her implicated. If they don't get in trouble they'll almost certainly be facing a grand jury in the near future.


as for tocchet......... he's freak'in toast. book making, tax evasion & the biggie - money laundering. :D I can't wait to watch hockey Night in Canada this saturday to see how ron & don put the spin on this story. :D

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And you know...hockey really didn't need this kind of attention after coming back from a strike year. Or...maybe it will help? :D


And what kind of a dumb ass husband would you be if your wife is throwing around that kind of money betting and you "didn't know about it"? Right...

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Yeah so?  I participated in the Huddle Gambling Ring (SuperBowl squares)...what is the difference?


As long as they weren't betting on hockey or against their own team...I don't see what the big deal is.






There's a big difference and you know that. This is similar to the Pete Rose scandal in baseball, except that The Great One owns a franchise. What does Wayner's situation have in common with you? This isn't a personal attack, I just don't understand why you think you buying SB boxes is similar to Wayne potentially gambling on hockey.

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There's a big difference and you know that. This is similar to the Pete Rose scandal in baseball, except that The Great One owns a franchise. What does Wayner's situation have in common with you? This isn't a personal attack, I just don't understand why you think you buying SB boxes is similar to Wayne potentially gambling on hockey.






My bad...I originally thought the betting was only on football. I did say in a post that I didn't think it was a big deal unless he was betting on hockey or his team.

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My bad...I originally thought the betting was only on football.  I did say in a post that I didn't think it was a big deal unless he was betting on hockey or his team.


It's all good Soup, I just didn't see the parallel. Have a good weekend brotha.

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Communication.  With me (guys in general) I just need to know:  Who, what happened, do I owe money and the resolution.


With the Wife (and all woman I’ve dated) it’s :


Her: “Well today I was watching Ophra and she had cheating husbands on, speaking of which do you remember that guy from our senior year math class Ronnie?  Found out that his wife Annabel, remember Annabel, she is the girl who sneezed in gym class and farted really loud, you know the girl with the long red hair and big boobs.  Anyways found out that she had a lump on her right breast, just like Carol from Church.  I remember when she first found out about it she was shopping for shoes for some spring time church BBQ and her son Tony was having an allergic reaction to some bubble-louses gum.  Gosh I remember when Garbage Pale kids were huge and we would get the packets and they would have that stick gum in there, that was good.”


Me; “Honey, skip to the end”


Her: “Oh, I decided on fish for dinner.”








It's all good Soup, I just didn't see the parallel. Have a good weekend brotha.






You too! Got some hot chicks to go hang with and beer on the agenda...and then Vegas on Sunday! :D

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