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Bad Day for Libs

Zeke 1982

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Prosecutors tell Rove he won't be charged....



Tuesday, June 13, 2006


By John Solomon, The Associated Press


WASHINGTON -- Top White House aide Karl Rove has been told by prosecutors he won't be charged with any crimes in the investigation into the leak of a CIA officer's identity, his lawyer said today.



Ron Edmonds, Associated Press

Karl Rove, President Bush's top political adviser, leaves U.S. District Court in Washington in this Oct. 14, 2005, file photo. Rove has been told by prosecutors he won't be charged with any crimes in the investigation into the leak of a CIA officer's identity, his lawyer said today.

Click photo for larger image.




Attorney Robert Luskin said that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald informed him of the decision yesterday, ending months of speculation about the fate of one of President Bush's closest advisers. Rove testified five times before a grand jury.


Fitzgerald has already secured a criminal indictment against Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.


"On June 12, 2006, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove," Luskin said in a statement.


"In deference to the pending case, we will not make any further public statements about the subject matter of the investigation," Luskin said. "We believe the special counsel's decision should put an end to the baseless speculation about Mr. Rove's conduct."


Fitzgerald has been investigating whether senior administration officials intentionally leaked the identity of CIA undercover operative Valerie Plame in retribution because her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, sharply criticized the administration's pursuit of war in Iraq.


Rove, who most recently appeared before a grand jury in April, has admitted he spoke with columnist Robert Novak and Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper in the days before they published Plame's name in July 2003.


Rove, however, did not originally tell prosecutors about his conversation with Cooper, only revealing it after his lawyer discovered a White House e-mail that referred to it.


Fitzgerald was investigating whether Rove lied or obstructed justice in failing to initially disclose the conversation. The presidential aide blamed a faulty memory and sought to testify before the grand jury after finding the e-mail to correct his testimony.


The threat of indictment had hung over Rove, the man President Bush dubbed "the architect" of his re-election, even as Rove was focusing on the arduous task of halting Bush's popularity spiral and keeping Democrats from capturing the House or Senate in November elections.


Fitzgerald's investigation has been underway since the start of the 2004 election, and the decision not to indict Rove is certain to cheer Republicans concerned about Bush's low approval ratings and the prospects of a difficult 2006 congressional election.


"The fact is this, I thought it was wrong when you had people like Howard Dean and (Sen.) Harry Reid presuming that he was guilty," Republican Party Chairman Ken Mehlman told Fox News Channel's "Fox and Friends" show this morning.


Democrats, on the other hand, had no reason to cheer the development.


"Good news for the White House, not so good news for America," Dean, the Democratic Party chairman, said this morning on NBC's "Today" show.


Rove has been at Bush's sides since his days as Texas governor and was the architect of Bush's two presidential election victory. A political strategist, Rove assumed new policy responsibilities inside the White House in 2005 as deputy chief of staff.


However, as part of the shake-up brought by new White House chief of staff Joshua Bolton, Rove shed those policymaking duties earlier this year to return to full time politics.


Fitzgerald's case against Libby is moving toward trial, as the two sides work through pretrial issues such as access to classified documents.


Libby, 55, was charged last October with lying to the FBI and a federal grand jury about how he learned and when he subsequently told three reporters about CIA officer Valerie Plame. He faces five counts of perjury, false statements and obstruction of justice.


Plame's identity was exposed eight days after her husband, Bush administration critic and former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, alleged that the U.S. government had manipulated prewar intelligence to exaggerate an Iraqi nuclear threat.


With Rove's fate now decided, other unfinished business in Fitzgerald's probe focuses on the source who provided Washington Post reporter Bob Woodwind information about Plame.


Woodwind says his source, who he has not publicly identified, provided the information about Wilson's wife, several weeks before Novak learned of Plame's identity. The Post reporter, who never wrote a story, was interviewed by Fitzgerald late last year.



Story #2

Patrick Kennedy to Plead Guilty to DUI



Randaloco....why did you not post these stories? You sure are quick to post anything bad about the GOP. Where is the thread about Rove to be charged? Morons.

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:D So the individual or individuals who leaked the information are still not identified. That is something that we can all be proud of Zeke. The country really dodged a bullet there. :D


Not the point...my point is all the libs were happy when he was to be charged. But as you can see, the hippocrits are not posting here.

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Not the point...my point is all the libs were happy when he was to be charged. But as you can see, the hippocrits are not posting here.


So your thread title is incorrect. It should read "bad day for Americans, and an especially bad day for some libs who would have been happy to see Rove charged." :D

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