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ITunes question


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If I have an Itunes account on my home computer and now I am in a different state using a different computer can I log onot Itunes.com and download Itunes and sign on and listen to my music?


You can log onto itunes to buy music with your ID but you can't view or listen to your playlists unless both of these computers are on the same network which I'm guessing is a no.

Edited by twiley
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Thanks - That sucks!!


Yeah, I know. Apple is pretty good with the pirating of music. If you own a PC, here is a way around copying music from other peoples playlist:


I plugged in the IPOD...and it asked me to associate my IPOD with my PC. Of course if you do that your IPOD gets wiped out.


At this point don't click anything (yes or no). If you click no, the IPOD will no longer be recognized by the computer. Instead go to My Computer and you should see the IPOD.


Open the IPOD, display hidden files and you'll find the music folders. Copy them to your harddrive go to Itunes and import the music. When you import select the files that you saved on the hardrive.


Check the comments section to get more technical directions.



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Thanks - That sucks!!



Why does it suck? You are not storing the files online anywhere, they are stored on the local machine and acessed through the program.


No different than accessing a word or Excel file.. unless you have a networked computer or a program like PCAnywhere on your home computer, you aren't going to be able to access them.

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Hmm.. I havent done that yet.... is that because you are set to autoupdate your Ipods?


No, anytime you authorize your ipod to another computer it will wipe out your songs currently on the ipod. I have my friends hook their ipods up to my computer or I hook it up to theirs then I follow the instructions up above.


Be careful though, if you do it wrong it'll wipe your ipod clear and you'll have to load all of your songs again.

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Why does it suck? You are not storing the files online anywhere, they are stored on the local machine and acessed through the program.


No different than accessing a word or Excel file.. unless you have a networked computer or a program like PCAnywhere on your home computer, you aren't going to be able to access them.




It sucks because I can't play my tunes on a different PC. Do you want to explain it more? It would be really nice to be able to do that.

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It sucks because I can't play my tunes on a different PC. Do you want to explain it more? It would be really nice to be able to do that.



You can play your tunes on any PC... you just need access to the files, so that means you need to either transfer the files to the new computer (ie, bring your Ipod/MP3 player to new computer and load songs as described above), or, set your computer up for remote access (aka, PCAnywhere as mentioned above) so you can access the files.


As noted in my response, it is no different than accessing any other type of file that is saved on your PC. You can't just go open up any Excel sheet you have on your PC on any other PC unless you have access to that file, why would it be any different for any other type of file?

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It sucks because I can't play my tunes on a different PC. Do you want to explain it more? It would be really nice to be able to do that.



i think big country's point is along the lines that it would nice to able to fly, but the law of gravity prevents it. your tone suggests that not having this ability is a limit of itunes, when it is more just a limit of reality.

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i think big country's point is along the lines that it would nice to able to fly, but the law of gravity prevents it. your tone suggests that not having this ability is a limit of itunes, when it is more just a limit of reality.




Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner..... that and I felt like being argumentative for the one time this year... now back to normal for me.

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