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Wright / Taylor


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Well, since I was wrong in Hopkins/Tarver....I'm going to say Taylor. :D Nah seriously...here is my prediction:


I'm not sure about the Winky/Taylor fight. Tough to say who wins there. I'll pick Winky by UD. Taylor is still rough around the edges, (but does have E. Steward training him now) and Winky is a bigger guy than Hopkins was. I think Winky wins a boring fight by decision.
Edited by Hitman
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Taylor by Decision..Winky is very tactful but I think Taylor is the man to beat in the division and will do just enough to win.

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Taylor won the fight, and Winky wants no part of Taylor in a rematch. Or so he said to Larry Merchant after the fight. Taylor clearly threw the harder punches, and stunned Wright on several occasions, but Wright covered those up well, with flurries to get taylor off him like a great fighter will do.


Great fight, and Id love to see a rematch.

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Taylor won the fight, and Winky wants no part of Taylor in a rematch. Or so he said to Larry Merchant after the fight. Taylor clearly threw the harder punches, and stunned Wright on several occasions, but Wright covered those up well, with flurries to get taylor off him like a great fighter will do.


Great fight, and Id love to see a rematch.




Taylor threw harder punches, no doubt, but he was missing most of them. Winky took a lot of punishment on his arms blocking very well. I think Taylor was stunned a couple times also. It was horrible that Taylor had to suffer such bad swelling to his left eye because of a head-butt (Winky also suffered swelling because of head-butts but not as severe). Had that not Happened, I think Taylor would have retained the titles.

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Taylor threw harder punches, no doubt, but he was missing most of them. Winky took a lot of punishment on his arms blocking very well. I think Taylor was stunned a couple times also. It was horrible that Taylor had to suffer such bad swelling to his left eye because of a head-butt (Winky also suffered swelling because of head-butts but not as severe). Had that not Happened, I think Taylor would have retained the titles.




Taylor did retain his titles.

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Another close one for Taylor, but I would have given it to Wright. He landed more punches and had a nice jab going tonight.


Honestly, you could argue it either way.



I thought Winky had Taylor confused for most of the night and should have taken the belt...


however...if there was a rematch....Taylor would exploit him....


but Taylor took all night to realize how much Winky was capitalizing on him against the ropes....it was ridiculous after awhile...

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Taylor went in the corner to rest, and Winky took advantage. WHen they were toe to toe in the center of the ring, Winky proved not to be in Taylor class. Taylor is clearly te bigger, stronger, more dangerous fighter. Winky may very well have had Taylor confused, but Winky never hurt Taylor unless you count the head butt. Taylor stunned WInky several occasions.

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Hmmm....it was a very close fight. I wasn't keeping score, but it was a hard one to call. Taylor did land the much harder punches, but Winky did a nice job exploiting his weaknesses and fundamental flaws too. Taylor is VERY strong though...man he was pounding Winky's arms and body...and Winky was lucky more of those sledge hammer right hands didn't sneak through that tight guard of his. It was obvious that Winky was getting beat in the middle of the ring, but Taylor isn't technically sound enough to realize alot of things and adapt. I think he showed alot of different things though that you haven't seen before. Punching in combinations more often instead of the 'ole 1-2, more variety in his punches, body work, etc. Interestingly though...he didn't utilize his awesome jab...must have been the gameplan...to show Winky a different look. I think the addittion of Manny Steward helped Taylor tremendously. I underestimated what him training at Kronk and with Manny would do. I see now why Manny gushes over Taylor and his untapped potential. He gave Wright everything he could handle...and Taylor still has alot of room to improve. :D More time with Manny.....Taylor will be more polished and unbeatable for a long time IMO. That was Winky's best chance...I see why he wouldn't want a rematch. All in all, I could have seen the fight go either way...but probably not enough to take the belts from Taylor. Winky cruised in the 12th...when he should have tried to win it big time. I think the draw was fair...but you hate to see them. I wouldn't have been surprised to see it go to either guy though. But hometown (essentially) and Taylor being the champ...I just don't think Winky was convincing enough to warrant the decision.

Edited by Hitman
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Yeah, and yours is "Squeegiebo". :D I remember you explaining it before...but I forgot. :D



(1) I don't walk around with "Squeegiebo" embroidered on my suits.


(2) I'm not trying to make my living as a professional tough guy with the name "Squeegiebo."

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lol@ winky wanting no part of a rematch...money will talk...there aint any other big fights for winky out there he can cash in on...hes just pissed


lol@ taylor "hurting" winky


cmon...i dunno what some of you guys watched...but i watched winky close jermains eye with a jab...winky won the fight....and stop all the horse crap about him letting taylor off the hook in the 12th....only crime winky is guilty is being in a world title fight and not realizing how much you have to do to beat a former olympian on an hbo contract....winky winning this fight would have made jermain and bernard look bad

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id love for you all to go to boxingtalk.com and read emmanuel stewards interview from june 22nd



cut and past some of it please..so we can comment in this thread

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lol@ winky wanting no part of a rematch...money will talk...there aint any other big fights for winky out there he can cash in on...hes just pissed


lol@ taylor "hurting" winky


cmon...i dunno what some of you guys watched...but i watched winky close jermains eye with a jab...winky won the fight....and stop all the horse crap about him letting taylor off the hook in the 12th....only crime winky is guilty is being in a world title fight and not realizing how much you have to do to beat a former olympian on an hbo contract....winky winning this fight would have made jermain and bernard look bad




Um, Winky and Taylor head butt which caused Taylors eye to close, I tivo'd the fight and watched it again last night before deleting it. YOu must have watched a different fight that night as Taylor hurt Winky at least twice. Jermaine is very raw, and still was too much for Winky. Money will talk, but next time Winky will be KO'd by Taylor. He is clearly the stronger more dangerous fighter.

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taylor is clearly the stronger guy...which is funny cause winky was backing him up...


i can see how you would think jermain won that fight...you must have had lampley turned up real loud..


its funny cause lennox lewis was commenting on how he thought winky was fighting smart in the 12th...then with about a minute left in the round lampley starts talking about how he was doing nothing...



whomper...you gotta go over to boxingtalk and read it...ya cant cut and paste anything from there

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taylor is clearly the stronger guy...which is funny cause winky was backing him up...


i can see how you would think jermain won that fight...you must have had lampley turned up real loud..


its funny cause lennox lewis was commenting on how he thought winky was fighting smart in the 12th...then with about a minute left in the round lampley starts talking about how he was doing nothing...



whomper...you gotta go over to boxingtalk and read it...ya cant cut and paste anything from there

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