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First Year Commish Here Looking For Advice


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Well so far this has been just about a nightmare. I have tried to be fair offering up polls for everyone to vote on topics with the big one seeming to be draft location. I'm going to make the ever fateful executive decision on this one but what a load of BS I have received from people I thought were my friends. Anyway...


I am looking for advice on where to get a good draft board. We are holding our draft on Saturday Night and our hosting site is MyFantasyLeague.com. It does not appear to be available through them. Any words of wisdom would be most appreciated.




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Well so far this has been just about a nightmare. I have tried to be fair offering up polls for everyone to vote on topics with the big one seeming to be draft location. I'm going to make the ever fateful executive decision on this one but what a load of BS I have received from people I thought were my friends. Anyway...


I am looking for advice on where to get a good draft board. We are holding our draft on Saturday Night and our hosting site is MyFantasyLeague.com. It does not appear to be available through them. Any words of wisdom would be most appreciated.





Thanks. Anyone have thoughts on CommishKit.com ?

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CommishKit has always been solid. DraftKit seems to be just fine too. Either one will do. I know CommishKit uses DHL to deliver and DHL seems to deliver very quick...better than the big boys....UPS and FEDEX...so if you need it for Saturday....

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I am looking for advice on where to get a good draft board. We are holding our draft on Saturday Night and our hosting site is MyFantasyLeague.com. It does not appear to be available through them. Any words of wisdom would be most appreciated.


I go to the dollar store, buy 2 sheets of oak tag and a pack of markers (total cost $2.30). Tape them together, get a meterstick and draw 12 columns and 20 rows. At the draft give each owner a marker. So much cheaper (I had to make 3 this year so it's probably saved me over $50 and shipping), I never have to worry about it getting there on time, and I get to re-live arts and crafts class from the 3rd grade!!

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I go to the dollar store, buy 2 sheets of oak tag and a pack of markers (total cost $2.30). Tape them together, get a meterstick and draw 12 columns and 20 rows. At the draft give each owner a marker. So much cheaper (I had to make 3 this year so it's probably saved me over $50 and shipping), I never have to worry about it getting there on time, and I get to re-live arts and crafts class from the 3rd grade!!




That's what I did this year since a bunch of guys weren't on the stickers last year


And Suffering succotash!, a meterstick are you Canadian? :D


Edit to add- I guessW.T. F. changes to Suffering succotash

Edited by Zooty
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That's what I did this year since a bunch of guys weren't on the stickers last year


And Suffering succotash!, a meterstick are you Canadian? :D


I guess I should have said yardstick. . .truth is I lied. I drew my lines using a shelf from an old CD storage case, but I thought that would take too long to type, and it did.

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I guess I should have said yardstick. . .truth is I lied. I drew my lines using a shelf from an old CD storage case, but I thought that would take too long to type, and it did.


That's OK, I used a piece of molding that didn't get used in the basement


But meterstick? I thought you were from Jersey not Vancouver. :D

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I have been running a league for over 10 years and the best advice to give you is run it how YOU want. Up until a few years ago, I would ask for advice from league members, do polls for rules and scoring, and all that does is dig a hole for yourself. It's your league your takeing the time to do it and they all agreed to play so if you want to make a change (before the draft) just do it. Sign up for the site you want to run it on. Set the draft day in advance and keep it. If someone cant make it replace him. Nobody wants your job so what you say goes.

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That's OK, I used a piece of molding that didn't get used in the basement


But meterstick? I thought you were from Jersey not Vancouver. :D


Yeah yeah whatever, now go get me a Molson so I can watch some curling you hoser!


Oh, and Yankees#1. . .I LOVE your QB2!!!! :D

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RTSPORTS.COM We've gotten our draft dits through them the last 3 years and we've used their service to host our league the last 8 years. It's a great deal for around 80 -100 bucks a year, you just put in your rules and put your draft results in and they do the rest. GOOD LUCK!

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Last years league winning team!!!!


I'm proud to say last year I owned Vick on a championship team myself (not his fault, my core was LT, Gore, Bulger and Holt), and I won an IDP league with Pacman Jones as one of my DB's.


I Love me some criminals!!!!

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I have been running a league for over 10 years and the best advice to give you is run it how YOU want. Up until a few years ago, I would ask for advice from league members, do polls for rules and scoring, and all that does is dig a hole for yourself. It's your league your takeing the time to do it and they all agreed to play so if you want to make a change (before the draft) just do it. Sign up for the site you want to run it on. Set the draft day in advance and keep it. If someone cant make it replace him. Nobody wants your job so what you say goes.



Totally agree. I run two leagues and both are dictatorships....much easier to run than a democracy

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I use the FJFantasy draft board. Being Commish has it's ups and downs. I would suggest you consider and sort out as many potential issues before the draft as possible. Put it in writing and email everyone. This is the the 4th year I've overseen two leagues. The one I have had zero problems. The other, my office league, has been a different story. Most of the guys are pretty cool but there's always one or two that just don't get it. Be fair but remember you're not going to make everyone happy, nor is that your goal.

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I go to the dollar store, buy 2 sheets of oak tag and a pack of markers (total cost $2.30). Tape them together, get a meterstick and draw 12 columns and 20 rows. At the draft give each owner a marker. So much cheaper (I had to make 3 this year so it's probably saved me over $50 and shipping), I never have to worry about it getting there on time, and I get to re-live arts and crafts class from the 3rd grade!!

This is more or less what I do. I use one 24x36 sheet of posterboard, a straightedge, and a Sharpie. Total cost is about 2 bucks for the posterboard, because everyone has a straightedge and a Sharpie layin' around.


A draft board doesn't have to be the coolest, largest thing ever. If someone wants/needs to see it, they can get off their fat asses, wander over, and take a peek.

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I go to the dollar store, buy 2 sheets of oak tag and a pack of markers (total cost $2.30). Tape them together, get a meterstick and draw 12 columns and 20 rows. At the draft give each owner a marker. So much cheaper (I had to make 3 this year so it's probably saved me over $50 and shipping), I never have to worry about it getting there on time, and I get to re-live arts and crafts class from the 3rd grade!!



This is more or less what I do. I use one 24x36 sheet of posterboard, a straightedge, and a Sharpie. Total cost is about 2 bucks for the posterboard, because everyone has a straightedge and a Sharpie layin' around.


A draft board doesn't have to be the coolest, largest thing ever. If someone wants/needs to see it, they can get off their fat asses, wander over, and take a peek.



One year Sporstline didn't send the draftboard in time... I used a $4 white shower curtain and the aforementioned sharpies and straight edge. The guys in the league still talk about the "shower curtain draft" 3 years later.

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Unless you have a person not in the league marking the board I think it just slows the process down. Maybe it is cool looking but it just isn't practicle.


They can just cross of the players on their cheat sheet.

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Unless you have a person not in the league marking the board I think it just slows the process down. Maybe it is cool looking but it just isn't practicle.


They can just cross of the players on their cheat sheet.


I find having a draft board is very important. If you can see clearly how the other teams have drafted, you can plan your picks better. Knowing what positions the other owners need or have already drafted makes a big difference in drafting strategy for me, especially if I'm drafting close to the turnarounds in a snake draft. Just crossing names off the sheet doesn't give that information.

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I find having a draft board is very important. If you can see clearly how the other teams have drafted, you can plan your picks better. Knowing what positions the other owners need or have already drafted makes a big difference in drafting strategy for me, especially if I'm drafting close to the turnarounds in a snake draft. Just crossing names off the sheet doesn't give that information.



It is but why provide that for evryone? I keep my own draft board in front of me on paper. Teams listed in order of drafting with each pick they have made, bye weeks all that jazz. Why do the work of an unprepared owner and make his life easier.

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I just give each owner a print-out of an Excel sheet with the owners across the top and the rounds down the side (it is only an eight team league, so it isn't hard to fit it on one sheet width in landscape). If they choose to keep track of how the draft is going, they keep track of it. If the do not want to, they just fill out the roster sheets I also hand out so they can keep track of what rosters positions they still need to fill.


I got the Sportsline draft board last season and our league chose not to use it. I also got one for this season but I'm not taking it to our draft.

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