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Showtimes Dexter...


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When does season 5 start?


We subscribed to HBO for no other reason than for True Blood, but I'd rather switch to Showtime for Dexter.


Is there a way to buy the current shows online?


Season 5 starts Sept. 26. I see season 4 is now on DVD, must have just been released. I torrented it.

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You can get the previous seasons on Netflix. And if you are watching now and havn't seen the 1st/2nd season, you really need to. Dexter's character is a complex one and the first 2 seasons explain alot to those of you that just jumped in.

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Love this show too. Caught the first season when it aired on CBS. Been Netflixing it since, but have the free 3 months with new DirecTV suscribers. I've been catching up on Season 4 (3/4 thru). Accidentally fell asleep on an episode and woke up with a promo for season 5 and saw too much or just enough. :wacko:

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  • 2 months later...

Every time Dexter is in danger of being exposed, I think to myself, oh man, he's going to have to kill THAT guy too now. :tup:


Side note, it is about time for some Julia Stiles nudity. I don't want shows on cable to see women with their clothes on.


Great season so far, really heating up. :wacko:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anyone else catch the finale?


Overall I have to say this season took a dip from last year, which would have been hard not to do. But the finale was WEAK, way too many holes in the plot, details glossed over. One act by Debra was completely :wacko: and the Quinn resolution was ridiculous. Seems like everyone from the producers to the actors went through the motions this time around.



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Anyone else catch the finale?


Overall I have to say this season took a dip from last year, which would have been hard not to do. But the finale was WEAK, way too many holes in the plot, details glossed over. One act by Debra was completely :wacko: and the Quinn resolution was ridiculous. Seems like everyone from the producers to the actors went through the motions this time around.




I have to agree. I enjoyed the season overall, but the finale was a letdown.



After they killed off Rita last year, I really thought they were going to have Debra discover Dexter, and I was actually disappointed that they didn't. I'm actually getting tired of Dexter always barely getting away. Quinn going from prime murder suspect to holding hands with Debra was totally lame. I know they already did the "Dexter frames a cop for murder" plot with Dokes in the second season, but it was all too neat and tidy. I wanted messy.


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All in all the finale was rushed but alright. Can't be a Trinity every season. Peter Weller was great, they tied up loose ends with Stiles. Dexter and Quinn are sympatico now even though they despise each other an Deb is even realizing she has a darker side other than her sailor mouth. And they did it with Hughmor. I was laughing my ass off at times, sometimes much to the chagrin of my wife and stepson. :wacko:


All in all, he will go on, has the support of his step family now(more babysitters) and he is smarter because of his fubars this season and will be even better at his crafts next year.

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I have to agree. I enjoyed the season overall, but the finale was a letdown.



After they killed off Rita last year, I really thought they were going to have Debra discover Dexter, and I was actually disappointed that they didn't. I'm actually getting tired of Dexter always barely getting away. Quinn going from prime murder suspect to holding hands with Debra was totally lame. I know they already did the "Dexter frames a cop for murder" plot with Dokes in the second season, but it was all too neat and tidy. I wanted messy.




I agree, Dexter always getting so close to getting caught is getting annoying. Especially how they did it this time -- we're to believe Debra wouldn't have made that collar?? Give me a break, she lives and breathes the job, especially the high profile cases. No way she pulls back at the last second when she has a chance to show everyone, especially LaGuerta that her vigilante theory was correct. That was the first time I've seen the show blatantly cheat, and it was a big one, almost unforgivable. My wife was pissed too. Another thing, how is she getting credit for solving the case when they made no arrests???? That made no sense at all.


Also how the hell does Quinn get off scot free when his prints are all over the van and he can't explain the phone calls from Liddy, and they have no other suspects? Suddenly he's in the clear because the blood didn't match? Absurd.


Another thing, Dexter steals a car from right near the Liddy murder scene and crashes it by the Jordan Chase murder scene? Might the detectives pick up on that? I guess we'll never know. And my favorite -- a Cuban fruit vendor who speaks no English is like "Hey, that's Jordan Chase! My favorite motivational speaker!". And then when Debra asks him which way he went, he says "That way", Debra says "What's that way?", the Cuban says "Oh, just an old abandoned camp". And Debra drives right up to it. Hey Showtime, not everyone smokes the pot. You need to humor the rest of us with a story that actually makes some freaking sense. :wacko:


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Money money money moooooooooooney!!! (money!)





That's the only reason they didn't end it this season. They totally could have wrapped up the Lumen storyline at least an episode quicker, which leaves Deb catching Dexter in the pen-ultimate and the season finale with everyone's acceptance, his admission of EVERYTHING, and his execution. But Deb clearly felt for the vigilantes, so she wouldn't have totally written her brother off! It would have been the PERFECT ENDING! After this I see no way for Dexter to come out of next season without Deb either catching a bullet tragically or eating a bullet when she finds out.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I finally watched the first episode on netflix streaming. 3 days later I had watched the first 2 seasons :wacko:


Yeah, that's how I was when I first started the show. Not quite as impressive as you, but I remember not going to sleep several nights and coming into work with bloodshot eyes. I was working on the West Coast, and I sent the DVD's to my g/f on the East Coast, and she got hooked. I overnighted her season two. It arrived on a Friday, and she stayed in all weekend to watch it.



I was let down by this season. First, the villain wasn't that interesting. Second, there were way too many holes. There have been in the past, and I know you have to have to a certain suspension of disbelief, but it doesn't mean they should keep stretching it to the point that it breaks. The babysitter alone was unbelievable. She was just too good.


I didn't think they would keep the female character, because I didn't think the show would transform itself into a serial Bonnie and Clyde. I'm glad that they didn't get rid of her though. Last season was difficult to follow. I imagine that they are going to have to really push the envelope next season.


I still like it enough for the show to keep going. I'm worried that it may not. Michael C. Hall (Dexter) and Jennifer Carpenter (Deb) got divorced. Reports say it was because once Hall was declared cancer-free, he decided he didn't want to have kids. Also Hall and Julia Stiles were rumored to have become close, but Stiles claims they are just friends, and she had nothing to do with the breakup. All of this kind of drama won't help keep the show going.


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  • 11 months later...

Anyone watch the season that just ended tonight?



I was really hoping Deb was going to catch Dexter at the end of last season, but I'm still intrigued at what her catching him in the finale means for next year. I really think that if they're going to keep this show going, then a central character needs to know who Dexter really is, and it makes sense that it would be his sister. She has ascended to a higher status in the police department than their father, and now she takes on the "advisory" role that the ghost dad did, while also protecting Dexter. And maybe she gains a non-sexual intimacy with Dexter that she wants so bad.


Overall, I thought this season was better than last year's, but not nearly as good as the Trinity season (which I think was the best so far). The Nebraska episode was terrible. The revelation that the professor was in Travis' mind the whole time came out of nowhere, and was such a ripoff that they should've just named him Tyler Durden. When Travis painted that mural with Dexter's face as the devil, I figured that the police would see it, but they would just assume that Travis painted Dexter's face because he hated Dexter for foiling the plan to gas the police department. Instead, Dexter silently bashes in the wall while everyone else conveniently waits outside.


Finally, what's the deal with the lab intern mailing the Ice Truck Killer mannequin hand to Dexter? Is timid video game guy supposed to be the next serial killer?


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Anyone watch the season that just ended tonight?

this was the 1st season I have watched...safe to say I think I will go back and watch the others...



was an interesting ending but I figured that was how it was going to end...i mean he did basically tell her he would be there that night...to me it seemed as if he got consumed and sloppy...but was lucky to keep it covered up...in the end the sloppiness led to Deb seeing what happened.


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  • 1 month later...
just finished.


in addition to what was said above about Dexter getting caught and how that will go... what's up with the video game intern? Is there something there or are the writers just planting possible future storylines? Why did he send Dexter the hand? Is he a killer, a cop, a knowing fan, random chance?

Thank you Captain Spoiler.

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