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George HW Bush is parachuting again


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Pretty cool, but I wonder how much that is costing the tax payers. Does his secret service detail have to jump with him?


meh, part of the deal when you are president is that you get a secret service detail for life. I don't think these guys should have to adjust what they do with their life to save taxpayer pennies. and let's not forget, when randall says he was parachuting again, I assume he is referring to his stint as a pilot in WWII...

After Bush's promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade on August 1, the San Jacinto commenced operations against the Japanese in the Bonin Islands. Bush piloted one of four Grumman TBM Avenger aircraft from VT-51 that attacked the Japanese installations on Chichijima.[6] His crew for the mission, which occurred on September 2, 1944, included Radioman Second Class John Delaney and Lieutenant Junior Grade William White.[1] During their attack, the Avengers encountered intense anti-aircraft fire; Bush's aircraft was hit by flak[7] and his engine caught on fire.[1] Despite his plane being on fire, Bush completed his attack and released bombs over his target, scoring several damaging hits.[1] With his engine afire, Bush flew several miles from the island, where he and one other crew member on the TBM Avenger bailed out of the aircraft;[7] the other man's parachute did not open.[1] It has not been determined which man bailed out with Bush[1] as both Delaney and White were killed as a result of the battle.[7] Bush waited for four hours in an inflated raft, while several fighters circled protectively overhead until he was rescued by the lifeguard submarine USS Finback.[1] For the next month he remained on the Finback, and participated in the rescue of other pilots.

add that to the rest of his distinguished career of service and, IMO, he could waste lifetimes of free secret service protection and this country would still owe him more than he owes it.

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meh, part of the deal when you are president is that you get a secret service detail for life. I don't think these guys should have to adjust what they do with their life to save taxpayer pennies. and let's not forget, when randall says he was parachuting again, I assume he is referring to his stint as a pilot in WWII...


Nope. It refers to his enjoyment of sky diving in his free time at taxpayer expense (three times after his military service was completed). Really not much different than Obama's date night in New York. Ahh . . . the perks of being the POTUS . . ..


Bush made his first jump as a Navy pilot when his plane was shot down over the Pacific during World War II. He also made two jumps apiece on his 75th and 80th birthdays.


His most recent jump was in November 2007 at the reopening of his library at Texas A&M University.

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Pretty cool, but I wonder how much that is costing the tax payers. Does his secret service detail have to jump with him?



You turn on the TV, that sets in motion a string of events that costs you a ton. You support the notion that advertising on TV can be effective. That means whatever that Pepsi, Cheeseburger, or pickup truck you were going to buy, just got more expensive to cover the cost of people screaming at you and telling you to buy them.


Hell, you don't turn on the TV, but simply because others do, the same thing goes down.


In other words, in some way you will always end up paying for things that don't do you any good. Deal with it.


Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of massively expensive, taxpayer supported funerals for POTUSs when they die, but that has at least as much to do with the fact that I think they're silly and ostentatious. However, I don't think it's too much to ask to pay a few cops to jump off a plane with the dude every 5 years.

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