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Does anyone even care anymore?

Hugh 0ne

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Without his star power, golf takes a tumble in viewership.

For those of us who always watched golf and will continue regardless of Tiger, this could be seen as a positive. All the hype around one player, especially the updates you would hear like "Aaaand at the US Open, Tiger is 8 strokes off the lead, moving on to baseball..." :wacko:


There are a lot of good young golfers who generate plenty of interest for the true fan.

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For those of us who always watched golf and will continue regardless of Tiger, this could be seen as a positive. All the hype around one player, especially the updates you would hear like "Aaaand at the US Open, Tiger is 8 strokes off the lead, moving on to baseball..." :wacko:

Exactly. This is very much a positive as the focus can get back to golf itself vs this star worship BS and all the idiots it brought with it who really know/care little for the game. Also the so-called sports announcers not jacking off to him will be a refreshing change of pace.

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There are a lot of good young golfers who generate plenty of interest for the true fan.


But the true fan is always going to be there, even when the likes of Steve Strickler [sic] is the #1 ranked US golfer.


Woods appealed to the casual fan and to even those that you couldn't consider fans. People watched golf because of Tiger Woods. Compare the television ratings with/without Woods in a tournament.


So why lots of people don't care, lots of people do.

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I've spoken with people involved in other fantasy sports and unlike football, Tiger has ruled golf. Anything related to him generates interest. Him just showing up has been money in the bank. Without his star power, golf takes a tumble in viewership. Same thing in fantasy basketball for Kobe Bryant. His name on any article means it gets read and he rules the NBA in terms of star power. Football doesn't have anyone like that really.

That's... debatable.

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Exactly. This is very much a positive as the focus can get back to golf itself vs this star worship BS and all the idiots it brought with it who really know/care little for the game. Also the so-called sports announcers not jacking off to him will be a refreshing change of pace.


I agree for the true fan it could be a positive, b/c the Tiger coverage can get annoying probably. But the bottom line is a huge drop in viewership, sponsors, tv coverage and the like. There will be less money for everyone.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh he'll get it, unfortunately.


the bottom line is a huge drop in viewership, sponsors, tv coverage and the like. There will be less money for everyone.

I seriously doubt it. A dip maybe, but not a collapse. There will always be storylines.


PS though never mind what I said about the so-called sports announcers (and ESPN, etc etc etc) not jacking off to him :wacko:

Edited by BeeR
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