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Norway bombed


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So senseless. When will this crap ever end?




When the EBOV virus combines with H2N2 virus and wipes out all but 10% of the human population. Of course, after the virus burns itself out after the secondary or tertiary waves we will see an increase in violence as pockets of humanity fight over the remaining resources availability to them. Eventually, humans will have to disperse to avoid the rampant disease from all of the rotting corpses and, of course, to avoid all of nuclear fallout from all of the nuclear reactors that melt down when their safety protocols fail.


However, roughly 50 to 100 years after humanity is all but wiped out from the pandemic we will all be reverted back to a tribal system and we shouldn't see the same level of terrorism we do these days.

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However, roughly 50 to 100 years after humanity is all but wiped out from the pandemic we will all be reverted back to a tribal system and we shouldn't see the same level of terrorism we do these days.


So you're saying we've got a chance. :wacko:

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Well you and I do. Me, because I am all that. And you because of your avy.


The rest of these huddlers.....not so sure about


Oh I'll be there. I'm all about melting down and then surviving. And I'll keep TimC around as my chauffeur.

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Well, let's not jump to conclusions and assume this is from someone associated with the Islamic religion. After all ... it is a peaceful religion. :wacko:

Would have been a good move, as it turns out. Some Norwegian nutjob has been arrested.

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Would have been a good move, as it turns out. Some Norwegian nutjob has been arrested.



edited for more completeness concerning a response to millerx's post

Whew! I'm glad my forewarning and cautiousness about the peaceful nature of the Islamic religion came to fruition in this case.



F'n religions and their F'd up brainwashing... I despise this kind of SHAM WOW!! For the life of me I still cannot fathom killing someone for not sharing the same beliefs I have... George Foreman Grill!!!



Side note: W T F is now considered a censored word?!? W T F = George Foreman Grill?? Seriously... George Foreman Grill is that all about? You guys are just having fun with the SHAM WOW! now, aren't you?

Edited by millerx
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"According to a non-too-reliable Norwegian tabloid, the suspect is something of a loner who spends a lot of his time on anti-islam forums on the Internet, describes himself as a nationalist and thinks that multiculturalism is the devil."



Sounds like the US gov't should put a lockdown on about half the Huddle, if we're going to profile by that description.

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Whew! I'm glad my forewarning and cautiousness about the peaceful nature of the Islamic religion came to fruition in this case.



F'n religions and their F'd up brainwashing...



I'm starting to feel this way to.


Why can't people just read religious text and make their own minds up on what it means and what they want to believe in? Why do we need someone or some group telling us what it means and what to believe in?

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‎"Our answer to violence is more democracy. More compassion. More freedom. We owe this to the families of the victims." - King of Norway's statement on the attacks.



That cinches it - Europeans are wusses. I demand reactionary legislation, finger-pointing, and general panic like we'd do here in the good ol' US of A.

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‎"Our answer to violence is more democracy. More compassion. More freedom. We owe this to the families of the victims." - King of Norway's statement on the attacks.



That cinches it - Europeans are wusses. I demand reactionary legislation, finger-pointing, and general panic like we'd do here in the good ol' US of A.


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Norwegian man accused of killing at least 92 people in a deadly bombing followed by a shooting spree at a youth camp has reportedly 'admitted responsibility' for the attacks — which are punishable by up to 21 years in prison.




Wow "up to" 21 whole years for murdering a mere 92 people? This place makes America's legal system look tough, and that aint easy.

Edited by BeeR
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‎"Our answer to violence is more democracy. More compassion. More freedom. We owe this to the families of the victims." - King of Norway's statement on the attacks.



That cinches it - Europeans are wusses. I demand reactionary legislation, finger-pointing, and general panic like we'd do here in the good ol' US of A.

:tup: Chavez, I don't know a lot of your posts, but I owe you beer, because that chit is hilarious. Seriously good stuff man. :wacko:

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