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I'm shocked... Shocked, I tell you!


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You know when these guys get up there and tell me they can only cut $100 billion per year over the next decade (and a great deal of it being through creative aoocunting) and then I see stuff like this.... well, we just need to start a good 'ol fashion march to DC.



(CBS News) Bringing home the bacon is one of Washington's oldest traditions.



Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress spend considerable time trying to get federal funds for pet projects in their home districts.



So how's that affected some of the newer members who came to Washington vowing to cut federal spending at every turn? CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports that in some cases, apparently, not at all.



Everyone agrees the old Stillwater Bridge linking Minnesota and Wisconsin is on its last legs and must go. But the fancy, $700 million replacement in the works costs double the cheaper alternative.



A bill co-sponsored by Republican freshman Sean Duffy paved the way for the expensive bridge to be built, even though he ran on this platform: "Our national debt has grown sky high thanks to the liberals in D.C. I'll work in Congress to cut spending and balance the budget."



Duffy's office told us his bill doesn't fund the bridge, it simply allows it to move forward and has some Democratic support too.



Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense sees it as a perfect example of excess Congress can't seem to resist, even during a time of fiscal crisis.



"There's an alternative that's hundreds of millions of dollars less, maybe not the signature bridge, maybe not the tourist attraction, but actually could get the job done for far less money," Ellis says.



Freshman Republican Steven Palazzo of Mississippi also ran as a fiscal conservative. Then he added more than $150 million to the defense budget, bound for a shipyard in his own district.



He didn't want to talk to CBS News but has said he's "glad to be able to help ensure the long-term viability of our shipbuilding industry."



Republican Duncan Hunter, now in his second term, added $5 million to the 2012 defense budget destined for Trex Enterprises, where employees are major donors to his campaign. Hunter also asked for $3 million in tax dollars for Trex in 2010.



A spokesman for Hunter told us part of his role in Congress is drawing business to companies in his district.



If Congress really expects to do more with less, it's not evident in their add-ons to the 2012 defense budget. There are fewer of them than in years past, but they add up to just as much as before: about $1.3 billion.

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We don't need to advocate the overthrow of the US Government....the US Government is doing a good enough job overthrowing themselves. Jesus, these people are stupid. They act like they didn't vote all this spending in the first place. And President Odummy is up there playing politics as much as Reid and Boehner. Idiots...all of them.

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Remember that their job is not to govern the country but to make sure that they are re-elected. They are all a hugh bunch of rajns.

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You know when these guys get up there and tell me they can only cut $100 billion per year over the next decade (and a great deal of it being through creative aoocunting) and then I see stuff like this.... well, we just need to start a good 'ol fashion march to DC.

Since I live close by, I've been following this bridge thing closely. The Stillwater Bridge DOES need replacing, without a doubt, but that's exactly what should happen. Close it, demolish it and replace it. Putting another bridge where Bachmann (Rep), Klobuchar (Dem) and Dayton (Dem Gov MN) are proposing is a $700 million boondoggle of the highest order, serving only to allow people from Wisconsin to commute further and faster into the Twin Cities. Not only that but a special Act of Congress is required because the St Croix is a protected waterway.


You have to wonder why they're all supporting this travesty when the I-94 bridge is only five miles to the south. I especially don't see why Bachmann, high priestess of not spending anything, is into this idea so heavily.

Edited by Ursa Majoris
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Since I live close by, I've been following this bridge thing closely. The Stillwater Bridge DOES need replacing, without a doubt, but that's exactly what should happen. Close it, demolish it and replace it. Putting another bridge where Bachmann (Rep), Klobuchar (Dem) and Dayton (Dem Gov MN) are proposing is a $700 million boondoggle of the highest order, serving only to allow people from Wisconsin to commute further and faster into the Twin Cities. Not only that but a special Act of Congress is required because the St Croix is a protected waterway.


You have to wonder why they're all supporting this travesty when the I-94 bridge is only five miles to the south. I especially don't see why Bachmann, high priestess of not spending anything, is into this idea so heavily.

um have you ever been in downtown Stillwater or Hudson when one of those bridges is closed. sorry but since i was a kid they have needed a new bridge in Stillwater. Hudson and Osceola can not handle the traffic right now and just replacing the bridge in Stillwater will not help the traffic it all has to funnel through the downtown 2 lane traffic with 6 stop lights in 3 blocks. If they would have built it in the 80's like they wanted to it would have cost 200 million. I agree with busty amy klobucher and dayton on this one. bachmann jumped on this late so she gets no credit.

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"There's an alternative that's hundreds of millions of dollars less, maybe not the signature bridge, maybe not the tourist attraction,
But a fancier bridge would really draw the tourists to that vacation hot-spot. I don't see the problem.


We don't need to advocate the overthrow of the US Government....the US Government is doing a good enough job overthrowing themselves. Jesus, these people are stupid. They act like they didn't vote all this spending in the first place. And President Odummy is up there playing politics as much as Reid and Boehner. .

racist. Obamessiah will lead us to glory. Hope and change! He's a smooth talker, so he MUST be a good president.


And if it doesn't work, it's Bush's fault. :wacko:

Edited by BeeR
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But a fancier bridge would really draw the tourists to that vacation hot-spot. I don't see the problem.



racist. Obamessiah will lead us to glory. Hope and change! He's a smooth talker, so he MUST be a good president.


And if it doesn't work, it's Bush's fault. :tup:


An article on Tea Party candidates wasting money on pork projects turns to Obama pretty damn quickly . . .:wacko:

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um have you ever been in downtown Stillwater or Hudson when one of those bridges is closed. sorry but since i was a kid they have needed a new bridge in Stillwater. Hudson and Osceola can not handle the traffic right now and just replacing the bridge in Stillwater will not help the traffic it all has to funnel through the downtown 2 lane traffic with 6 stop lights in 3 blocks. If they would have built it in the 80's like they wanted to it would have cost 200 million. I agree with busty amy klobucher and dayton on this one. bachmann jumped on this late so she gets no credit.

I've been in Stillwater several times, including when it's jammed. A replacement bridge could be built just down river from the left bridge but there is no way any bridge should be built for $700million, unless Wisconsin wants to pick up at least 80% of the tab.


That $700 million to benefit such a relatively small number of people is way out of whack.

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I've been in Stillwater several times, including when it's jammed. A replacement bridge could be built just down river from the left bridge but there is no way any bridge should be built for $700million, unless Wisconsin wants to pick up at least 80% of the tab.


That $700 million to benefit such a relatively small number of people is way out of whack.


Um . . that is the point. It can be done for half the price. But that doesnt eliminate the need for a bridge in the first place.

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um have you ever been in downtown Stillwater or Hudson when one of those bridges is closed. sorry but since i was a kid they have needed a new bridge in Stillwater. Hudson and Osceola can not handle the traffic right now and just replacing the bridge in Stillwater will not help the traffic it all has to funnel through the downtown 2 lane traffic with 6 stop lights in 3 blocks. If they would have built it in the 80's like they wanted to it would have cost 200 million. I agree with busty amy klobucher and dayton on this one. bachmann jumped on this late so she gets no credit.


Why do you need a bridge any how, can't you drive across that river 9 months out of the year? During the other three months just stay on your side of the bridge.

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I've been in Stillwater several times, including when it's jammed. A replacement bridge could be built just down river from the left bridge but there is no way any bridge should be built for $700million, unless Wisconsin wants to pick up at least 80% of the tab.


That $700 million to benefit such a relatively small number of people is way out of whack.

oh i agree with that but they are trying to appease the sierra club with the nifty looking bridge.

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oh i agree with that but they are trying to appease the sierra club with the nifty looking bridge.


Once again the liberals are forcing us to spend, spend, spend... :wacko:


And the repubs are more than happy to jump in bed with 'em.

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The Stillwater bridge battle has been going on for decades. I'm surprised the damn thing hasn't collapsed yet. Every time they think they've got a project ready, someone comes along to block it. Why should this time be any different? This crumbling bridge is a fitting monument for how to not get things done in politics.

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"Think Globally, Act Locally"


This type of behavior was lauded in the starvation thread. Go figure.




An article on Tea Party candidates wasting money on pork projects turns to Obama pretty damn quickly . . . :wacko:

Everything is the other side's fault. duh!

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Since I live close by, I've been following this bridge thing closely. The Stillwater Bridge DOES need replacing, without a doubt, but that's exactly what should happen. Close it, demolish it and replace it. Putting another bridge where Bachmann (Rep), Klobuchar (Dem) and Dayton (Dem Gov MN) are proposing is a $700 million boondoggle of the highest order, serving only to allow people from Wisconsin to commute further and faster into the Twin Cities. Not only that but a special Act of Congress is required because the St Croix is a protected waterway.


You have to wonder why they're all supporting this travesty when the I-94 bridge is only five miles to the south. I especially don't see why Bachmann, high priestess of not spending anything, is into this idea so heavily.


Yep. Conservative Bachmann wants to spend for this in the worst way.

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