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I spent last Sunday and today w/ my grandson...


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I'm sooo freakin' wired I can't go to sleep!

So yall will have to put up w/ my raves/rants.

The Mrs. and I babysat him last Sunday and today. I LOVE this kid!!!

He is such a cutie! He cried when I left the room. When I came back he was laughing and I swear he was trying to talk to me.

Yeah...he's only 10 months old, but this kid is gonna be a world shaker.

Am I too proud? I don't care!!!! :wacko:

"JUST SAYIN'." :tup:

GOD...life is good!

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He is such a cutie! He cried when I left the room. When I came back he was laughing and I swear he was trying to talk to me.



My girl will cry and cry in her crib, and I go in and peer over at her and she'll stop, smile, coo and do spit bubbles at me.


I'm like :tup: but then go :bow: but when it happens at 5am like it did today I'm more like :rofl::wacko::lol:

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Hmmm, did you take his scotch with you when you left?


No. I left it. He's cutting 2 teeth now and can use it. :yay:





My girl will cry and cry in her crib, and I go in and peer over at her and she'll stop, smile, coo and do spit bubbles at me.


I'm like :tup: but then go :brew: but when it happens at 5am like it did today I'm more like :rofl::wacko::lol:


And that's the diff. Papa and Nana don't have to deal w/ the 5am wakeup! :bow:

Can't wait until I buy him his first radio controlled car or nerf gun, or....help me out! :brew:

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