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goodbye mr. jobs


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I didn't make the statement but agree totally. In short he was an ass. He got rich by making alternative products and convincing that his customers were smarter by buying his products. That was an amazing idea. Last night while sitting in my "reading" room I was watching vids of his posted by people on twitter. About half of them were him overtly insulting micorsoft about their crap products. Sorry but at the end of the day his greatest achievement was chagring a couple grand for a slightly above average modified version of Linux.


I look at him as a cross between William Shatner and Ron Popeil.

So, in essence:


Microsoft (Gates) = America

Apple (Jobs) = Japan


Before you think it, that wasn't meant to be a cancer joke.

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So, in essence:


Microsoft (Gates) = America

Apple (Jobs) = Japan


Before you think it, that wasn't meant to be a cancer joke.


Umm, not really.


Gates = Ford


Jobs = Studebaker/ Jim Jones hybrid


Honda = Linux


Eli Whitney = Unix

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Im just curious as to why ?

For me it's about a few of those interesting facts posted about Jobs earlier in this thread.


He had an illegitimate daughter and tried to claim she wasn't his because he was sterile.


He lied to Wozniak about how much money he got paid for Break-Out.


Plus, he was apparently an a-hole to many of his workers.


And it seemed that his character never changed.

Edited by wiegie
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For me it's about a few of those interesting facts posted about Jobs earlier in this thread.


He had an illegitimate daughter and tried to claim she was his because he was sterile.


He lied to Wozniak about how much money he got paid for Break-Out.


Plus, he was apparently an a-hole to many of his workers.


And it seemed that his character never changed.



and this

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For me it's about a few of those interesting facts posted about Jobs earlier in this thread.


He had an illegitimate daughter and tried to claim she wasn't his because he was sterile.

Ironic that he was born out of wedlock.


ETA: http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/articl..._sectionstories

Edited by Big John
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For me it's about a few of those interesting facts posted about Jobs earlier in this thread.


He had an illegitimate daughter and tried to claim she wasn't his because he was sterile.


He lied to Wozniak about how much money he got paid for Break-Out.


Plus, he was apparently an a-hole to many of his workers.


And it seemed that his character never changed.

Those things for sure - and he undeniably WAS a total ass hole (but so are many geniuses) - but for me the thing I loathed was his move to make purchased music only playable on his devices. I saw that as an assault on artistic freedom - up until the advent of DRM, purchased music was completely independent of the device used to play it. Vinyl would play on any record player, cassettes on any cassette player, CDs......you get the picture. I bought the f'n music, don't tell me what f'n device I need to buy for it. On top of that, at one point the f'n music file would only play on the computer that particular copy of iTunes was on.


I know there were others but Jobs drove it. Apple backed off DRM in music in 2009 but I think retain it for video.


More minor but still infuriating is his requirement for iTunes before an iPad could be used usefully with a PC.


Genius for sure, POS also for sure.


Bill Gates has done more for the advancement of computing than Jobs would have done in ten lifetimes.

Edited by Ursa Majoris
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For me it's about a few of those interesting facts posted about Jobs earlier in this thread.


He had an illegitimate daughter and tried to claim she wasn't his because he was sterile.


He lied to Wozniak about how much money he got paid for Break-Out.


Plus, he was apparently an a-hole to many of his workers.


And it seemed that his character never changed.


He initially refused to marry his current wife as well.


In 1989, Jobs spoke at Stanford's graduate business school and met his wife, Laurene Powell, who was then a student. When she became pregnant, Jobs at first refused to marry her. It was a near-repeat of what had happened more than a decade earlier with then-girlfriend Brennan, Deutschman said, but eventually Jobs relented.
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Those things for sure - and he undeniably WAS a total ass hole (but so are many geniuses) - but for me the thing I loathed was his move to make purchased music only playable on his devices. I saw that as an assault on artistic freedom - up until the advent of DRM, purchased music was completely independent of the device used to play it. Vinyl would play on any record player, cassettes on any cassette player, CDs......you get the picture. I bought the f'n music, don't tell me what f'n device I need to buy for it. On top of that, at one point the f'n music file would only play on the computer that particular copy of iTunes was on.


I know there were others but Jobs drove it. Apple backed off DRM in music in 2009 but I think retain it for video.


More minor but still infuriating is his requirement for iTunes before an iPad could be used usefully with a PC.


Genius for sure, POS also for sure.


Bill Gates has done more for the advancement of computing than Jobs would have done in ten lifetimes.


well put

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Well then I stand corrected. These examples surely are reason to celebrate his premature death by a horrible disease.

Not celebrating at all. Not in the least. I was asked why I said - while he was very much alive - that I couldn't stand him and I answered.

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