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Being adressed as "Papi" in hispanic culture?


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So I work in a very culturally diverse workplace. One (respected) hispanic guy, middle aged is often referred to as "papi". It is used by both hispanic and ethnically white co workers for this one particular guy, Jose, an hispanic, and again, is a respected worker with seniority. On-line interpretrations are all over the place, from daddy to boyfriend to other more "slang" or informal meanings. Becuase Jose is often called papi at work, I know it isn't a derogatory name, nor is it familiarly used, such as daddy, it seems to be used as a way of showing repspect, actually.


So, Jose recently called ME papi after we did some rather labor intensive heavy work, (which at my age I surmise likely suprised him that I could still throw around 50 pound bags of rocks for an hour) and now I'm a bit more curious of what it means street level after being addressed as "papi". Even the urban dictionary definition seemed to fall short of this nickname's actual usage and meaning.


As a side note.... I sure am blessed despite last year's health scares that I can still do the heavy work. At work, they generally treat me as the old guy, and avoid asking me to do the heavy lifting stuff, but this was the first time Jose and I had to do the heavy lifting, and I think this old man surprised him, and that was when he called me "papi". As far as I am concerned, doing the heavy work keeps me in better health. I don't shy away from it, although some at work try to "help" me avoid it. It's almost a battle to fight the "old man" syndrome. I can still haul away with the kids, or at least hold my own.


So, back on topic with that background info, what is the street meaning of being called "papi"?

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It can mean everything from dude to father to sexy, as you mentioned. Meaning changes with the nationality of the speaker and the person they're speaking to. With men of a certain age it's pretty much always a sign of respect.




Though it's used in a variety of ways I have never found it to be used as a derogatory term. Unlike the english term "pops" which sometimes can be used to make fun of a person's age.


So the dude at work either likes and respects you or has no idea what your real name is.

Edited by SayItAintSoJoe
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I haven't read the other posts, but take it to the Bank...Papi is very...very positive!

Just got that info from my "kissin'" Mexican friend, Hector. My great friend of almost 50 years.

Good luck to you Rovers!

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Thanks for the responses. I remember a movie, an hispanic actor who has made a bunch of films, rudy complexion, was a baseball scout in one movie, anyways, in another movie he had gotten out of jail after a long hitch, and he was called "heffe" in that film. He was more or less a gang leader in prison and before he went to prison in the film. Good actor, can't recall his name. At least now I have a better understanding of "heffe" as well.

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Thanks for the responses. I remember a movie, an hispanic actor who has made a bunch of films, rudy complexion, was a baseball scout in one movie, anyways, in another movie he had gotten out of jail after a long hitch, and he was called "heffe" in that film. He was more or less a gang leader in prison and before he went to prison in the film. Good actor, can't recall his name. At least now I have a better understanding of "heffe" as well.

Jefe = boss

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