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Sheriff Joe Arpaio tasks ‘Cold Case Posse’ to investigate Obama’s birth certificate


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He likes attention.


Arpaio's latest crusade has gotten him on the cover of The Globe, but he told the Arizona Republic that he doesn't mind being featured in tabloids. "In fact, those are the magazines that do the best journalistic stories," Arpaio said. "More accurate than anybody else. You laugh at that, but I've dealt with the National Enquirer and their stories are always right down the line, believe it or not."




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That guy is such a tool. I used to live in the AZ and when they had their Superbowl their ten years over ten years ago I remember this tool bought a vacancy sign to put on top of the jail. I wanted to remind people coming into town that if they needed a place to stay he has room.

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Wasn't the State of Texas flirting with legislation that would require presenting a valid brith certificate before they would allow a Presidential candidate on their ballot? Not that Obama really needs to be on the Texas ballot anyway, but is that still happening?

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Wasn't the State of Texas flirting with legislation that would require presenting a valid brith certificate before they would allow a Presidential candidate on their ballot? Not that Obama really needs to be on the Texas ballot anyway, but is that still happening?


So you are saying Obama doesn't have a valid birth certificate?

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So you are saying Obama doesn't have a valid birth certificate?


:wacko: Where in the hell did you get that from my question? I'm simply asking if the State of Texas is going through with the proposed legislation to require a valid birth certificate to be presented before being allowed on the Presidential ballot. Whether Obama can or will fulfill that potential requirement is up to him. I frankly don't care either way. He is the President, and no amount of conspiracy theory birther crying is going to undo the damage that he has done.

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:wacko: Where in the hell did you get that from my question? I'm simply asking if the State of Texas is going through with the proposed legislation to require a valid birth certificate to be presented before being allowed on the Presidential ballot. Whether Obama can or will fulfill that potential requirement is up to him. I frankly don't care either way. He is the President, and no amount of conspiracy theory birther crying is going to undo the damage that he has done.


:tup: So the answer is yes.

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:tup: Where in the hell did you get that from my question?



Wasn't the State of Texas flirting with legislation that would require presenting a valid brith certificate before they would allow a Presidential candidate on their ballot? Not that Obama really needs to be on the Texas ballot anyway, but is that still happening?



How do you not get that out of your question? :wacko:

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For Savage.



Marco Rubio can’t be President or Vice President



Having become comfortable with ignoring the will of the people, American politicians have created a culture of corruption in Washington, D.C., while they steadily whittle away at the Constitution to remove any remaining obstacles in their pursuit of personal power and affluence. The rule of law has deteriorated to such an extent that it is now possible for Barack Hussein Obama to present a forged Certificate of Live Birth on national television, to use a stolen Social Security Number and forge his Selective Service registration without a single member of Congress raising an objection.



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I think clearly the scientific definition of a "natural born" citizen would be a child that was born through a vaginal birth canal. Therefore, any babies born via c-section are not "natural born" and not eligible for the office of the Presidency.

Edited by CaP'N GRuNGe
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:tup: So the answer is yes.


For the record, I believe Obama was born in Hawaii exactly as he has claimed. I have no idea whether he actually possesses an official birth certificate or not. I also don't really care.


How do you not get that out of your question? :wacko:


You misunderstood my statement. I was implying that there is no way that the State of Texas goes to Obama in the election, so it doesn't really matter if he is on the ballot or not.

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So you believe the one he released on national TV was fake.


My understanding is that it wasn't an actual birth certificate per se, but a certificate of live birth (without all of the detail that a birth certificate is supposed to have). I could be wrong. Again, don't really care. But have fun continuing to try your damndest to paint me as a birther. :wacko:

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