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Younger People Are Angry


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Hey! Good News for the movement. The Flea Baggers pick up another key endorsement to further their cause!


Armed citizen militia group US Border Guard is making its presence felt at the Occupy Phoenix demonstration to protect free speech rights, arguing that the second amendment prevents the state from abusing the first amendment...


...The group has been labeled “neo-nazis” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is usually a demonization tactic, but the individual shown in the clip, “JT Ready” has attended neo-nazi rallies and is closely affiliated with the fringe National Socialist Party.


Now the Flea Baggin' movement is really going to pick up steam.

Edited by tosberg34
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Hey! Good News for the movement. The Flea Baggers pick up another key endorsement to further their cause!




Now the Flea Baggin' movement is really going to pick up steam.


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that David Duke has endorsed the OWS movement.

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If the OWS movement is symbolized by hippies, gangsters, and racists and still more palatable to Americans than the tea party, what does that say about the tea party movement?


Well, the MSM treats them a whole lot better, when ever they can, so that isn't surprising. Plus since almost 1/2 of America effectively pays no income tax, why wouldn't they be in favor of taxing a small minority more so they can get more $hit? The majority of America is now made up of useless idiots, just look at who they elected as President.

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But learned the error of his ways and migrated to where the real racists are.


Yes, apparently to the Flea Baggers which are....wait for it....supported by Democrats. But also supported by rapists, thieves, communists, socialists and other less-than-savory elements of our society.

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But learned the error of his ways and migrated to where the real racists are.


Which party freed the slaves? Which party appointed a black man to the supreme court? Which party had over 80% support based on their votes for the Civil Rights act of 1964, and which party had support only in the 60% range? Why is Herman Cain doing so well? Which party is racist? Which party promotes programs to make blacks dependent rather than independent?

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Which party freed the slaves? Which party appointed a black man to the supreme court? Which party had over 80% support based on their votes for the Civil Rights act of 1964, and which party had support only in the 60% range? Why is Herman Cain doing so well? Which party is racist? Which party promotes programs to make blacks dependent rather than independent?


I know in my state of non racism people voted against Obama because he was a dark Muslim. Just sayin!

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Well, the MSM treats them a whole lot better, when ever they can, so that isn't surprising. Plus since almost 1/2 of America effectively pays no income tax, why wouldn't they be in favor of taxing a small minority more so they can get more $hit? The majority of America is now made up of useless idiots, just look at who they elected as President.


1) The police don't seem to treat them as well as the Tea Party.


2) Look at who the idiots elected before Obama.

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1) The police don't seem to treat them as well as the Tea Party.


2) Look at who the idiots elected before Obama.


1) Last time I checked the Tea Party usually get permits to assemble. The Tea Party doesn't camp out on public/private property for extended periods of time. The Tea Party doesn't beat on bongos at all hours of the night/day/morning. Tea Partiers (surprisingly) don't urinate in the streets... it's called adult diapers, people... Tea Partiers don't loiter in front of businesses and keep them from serving customers. Tea Partiers don't have segregated areas where only Transgendered, wimmen, and queer people only can gather. Tea Partiers are just as proportionally white as the OWS group in NY. Tea Partiers aren't demanding that the government confiscate other's money to pay for the bad decisions that they made in their lives (like getting a masters degree in interpretive dance, raking up $173K in student debt in the process and then bitching about not being able to find a job that pays $90K per year.) Tea Partiers don't blame the cops as being part of the problem, harass them while they're doing their job and then confront them when the cops are asking them to clear an area that is being unlawfully occupied.


2) While shrub may have been a mistake, look at who he was running against. The Dems are just as much at fault for Bush's two terms as is the populace of the US (same can be said for the current predicament we are in.)

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2) While shrub may have been a mistake, look at who he was running against. The Dems are just as much at fault for Bush's two terms as is the populace of the US (same can be said for the current predicament we are in.)


We really need to get money out of politics. A father's son also becoming president should have alarmed people that maybe the best people aren't running for office. Just because Obama and Bush had the most money shouldn't mean they become president. I don't think kids who grow up in the upper class and grow up in the political scene really know what's best for the country. We've had a cycle of the rich leading everyone else and there has been no outside the box ideas or ways of doing things. With the rich breeding with only the rich there has to be some dumbing down along the way. I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Bush Sr. was vastly superior to Bush Jr.


I agree. It is everyone's fault that we just vote for rich guy #1 or #2 instead of putting up for election people who are smart and not bought out. It's out fault for not electing someone who cares about the country more than his bank account.

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Which party freed the slaves? Which party appointed a black man to the supreme court? Which party had over 80% support based on their votes for the Civil Rights act of 1964, and which party had support only in the 60% range? Why is Herman Cain doing so well? Which party is racist? Which party promotes programs to make blacks dependent rather than independent?

Breathtaking. Utterly f'n breathtaking.

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Which party freed the slaves?


I have heard this one a lot.


I don’t think the you can go back 150 years and say that the republicans of today are the same as the republicans of 150 years ago. For God’s sake Lincoln would be considered a socialist/communist by the GOP of today:


Lincoln Socialism


Let’s consider the Lincoln record. During just one term (plus 45 days), Lincoln managed to do the following “socialist-communist” acts:


Taxed the Wealth Creators. In 1861, Lincoln signed a law enacting the nation’s first personal income tax. Eventually, those earning between $600 and $10,000 a year paid 3% and those making more paid a higher rate. This was the first move toward “progressive taxation” of individual effort and we still live with such taxes today.


Exploded Deficit Spending. When Lincoln took over from James Buchanan, the U.S. debt was $65 million; in 1865, it reached $2.7 billion — a 4000 percent increase!


Led a Federal Takeover of Currency and Banking. Lincoln’s Legal Tender Act of 1862 created “greenbacks,” Federal paper money that Americans had to accept in place of gold and silver coins. And then the banking laws of 1863 and 1864 established a system of federally-chartered banks that undercut state-chartered institutions, in disregard of the 10th Amendment.


Forced People to Work for the Federal Government. Lincoln instituted the first national conscription act, forcing American men to give up their farms and to follow the orders of his generals. Lincoln also allowed men to buy their way out of the draft with a $300 fee, exacting more money for the Federal government.


Indulged in Government Giveaways to Special Interests. Lincoln gave away huge chunks of valuable national property to vested interests:


(1) Colleges: In 1862, Lincoln signed the Land Grant act, previously vetoed by President Buchanan; it gave away 300,000 acres (or the cash equivalent) to northern states for each of their congressional representatives to be used to establish colleges that would teach agriculture, engineering, and military tactics. Today, universities like U.C. Berkeley exist on that gift, teaching subjects like sociology and Arabic.


(2) Railroads: The Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864 signed by Lincoln authorized the federal government to give away land and to go into debt selling bonds in order to finance the first transcontinental railroad.


(3) Land-Grabbers: In 1862, Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, also previously vetoed by President Buchanan. It eventually gave away 420,000 square miles — 10% of all American land — to squatters. Moreover, the Homestead Act generated a lot of waste, fraud and abuse.


Expropriated Private Property for Redistribution. With the stroke of a pen and no constitutional authority, Lincoln expropriated about $4 billion worth of private property (in the form of human chattel), today equal in value to at least $100 billion, and handed it over to poor blacks (the human chattel themselves). Not even FDR was as redistributionist as that!


And you thought Obama was bad......


BTW, I'm not saying that the GOP is a party of racist. I think that blanket accusation is unfair.

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Who is more angry? The OWS protestors themselves or Perch and his dumberer cheeze head sidekick because of the protests.

I guess I don't get all the name calling / hate from the right. Maybe they look like hippies :wacko: but it seems like its just being used as a way to just marginalize the whole thing. I'm sure they would have preferred the Tea party movement be addressed on it's issues (of government spending) instead of just attacked for the perception of the people attending. I'd think most people would be able to put together that both government spending and Wall street type lobbying are symptoms of the overall problem. Somehow both sides get their portion but want to obfuscate the other sides. :tup:


I haven't really researched all the OWS talking points and I'm sure there are some stupid things in there (college loan forgiveness? I get deferral but forgiveness makes no sense to me), but of that list that I posted in this thread the first 5 looked like no brainers to both the left and right. It should benefit all Americans to try to get the money out of politics as much as possible. No it wouldn't be perfect, but nothing ever is. I don't see how it could really be worse though.

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I guess I don't get all the name calling / hate from the right.


Apparently the jealousy and envy of a left-wing equivalent to the tea party movement gaining popularity and media attention trumps some of the distinct similarities and common ground between the two groups.

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Apparently the jealousy and envy of a left-wing equivalent to the tea party movement gaining popularity and media attention trumps some of the distinct similarities and common ground between the two groups.


Yeah, the right are the only people casting aspersions. Those racist, tea partiers get a pass from the left.


In all seriousness, what ideological common ground do they share?

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