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I is be drinking


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I'm on my 5th glass of bota box cabernet sovignon. But matt770 you're saying to yourself, I could swear you once said you quit drinking. That's correct, I did say that.


These first few months are always great, before the really negative consequences start to pile up and I jump back on the wagon. Also I always used to say that living in ga is like being on vacation, so none of this feels real anyway. It's almost freaking November and it's mid 70s all week. I'm making piña coladas tomorrow night.

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f*cking korean kid pwned me so i raged quit and started watching this show about how the lottery changed people's lives and there are to of the most redneck fools i've seen talking about how nice this toilet is in their house and they're gonna pass it down generation to generation. horrible.

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The Sam Adams "Bonfire Rauchbrau" sucks, just FYI. Like drinking used charcoal.

I like his black lager a lot. Only ever had it as part of the holiday sampler but yesterday! Oh holy taco we have this place called total wine and they have this insane beer aisle. Almost bought a six of black lager, got Shiner Oktoberfest instead, which was just okay. I'm going back there, they have those crazy single bottles from like Belgium and whatnot for 8 bucks a pop. You're not an alcoholic if you can say wine spectator gave it 93 points.

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They have various ones I like. Oktoberfest is pretty good.

Sam Adams or shiner? Ive had SAMs and like it, shiner not so much. Had sort of a metallic taste. May have been a bad batch. Of course after the third it could be Guinness or pbr, who cares

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Opie! You tacofaced tonight?? Give us a quote we can run with, it's been too long. You're alright man, sorry about all that stuff I said. I'm coming to Denver and were going to that strip joint you mentioned that's next to Target. That's right, you make a passing reference to a strip joint, mind like a steel trap over here.

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I don't feel good. I see two Haloti Ngatas, and 9-0 jags??? Bulltaco.


Matty call in sick tomorrow.

Also, I'm sorry, but I don't care how much she's done for me through the years, if I can't get a bacon egg & cheese at a time like this, the terrorists have won.






We have coffee and Irish cream..... :wacko:

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Sorry, no qoutes tonighbt... my wife just killed my buzz when she announced that she wants to spend $1000 on window treatments... sobered me right the fook up.

Wants to spend is easy, already spent is hard.


My wife had already moved into the house, I was still in MD packing boxes, I had empire come by to quote carpeting for my office so it would be in before we moved all our stuff in...she calls me, they want a grand for a burritoing 14x10 room, and these amazing window treatments are only another $1200. I'm like nooooooooo tell her to get the hell out of our house!!!!I. She feels bad, the poor girl is new and flustered and is fumbling around with samples for two hours. I insisted, those prices are insane, she tells the girl my husband won't pay that, she calls the office, okay, we can do $450 for the carpeting. :wacko: Damn nice carpet though.

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It's my birthday, but I had a business dinner, so I was drinking too.


4 Woodford Reserve's on the rocks, coupled with some blackened scallops and mashed sweet potatoes.


Started with a mix of East Coast/West Coast Oysters on the half shell. Life is good. :wacko:

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It's my birthday, but I had a business dinner, so I was drinking too.


4 Woodford Reserve's on the rocks, coupled with some blackened scallops and mashed sweet potatoes.


Started with a mix of East Coast/West Coast Oysters on the half shell. Life is good. :wacko:

Happy 44th :tup:

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