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What a heroic battle


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what is wrong with potatos . . .


It depends on how you eat them. If you bake them and eat them with the skin on, the nutrients and the fiber you get outweigh the large amounts of carbs that you also get.


The skin contain a large portion of the nutrients. Remove that, particularly before cooking it, and you've removed much of the the nutrients. You also lose fiber.


Potatoes deep fried in oil (French fries and tater tots) possess no nutritutional value and are otherwise not healthy. When my kid is old enough, I will do what I can to teach him that and to accustom him to eating potatos skin and all.

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So the parents shouldnt expect that the food provided in school is HEALTHY? They should expect junk food and soda? Are YOU kidding?


Not really kidding. My wife and I cook breakfast and dinner for our kids every school day. They eat healthy stuff at home so I don't have a problem with them enjoying a little pizza or chicken fingers at school. I don't expect the school to make sure my kids eat healthy. We do that as parents.


If I didn't want my kids to eat junk at school, I would tell them not to or I would send them with a bag lunch.


The main driver of this program is that kids today are fat because all they eat is processed food and they don't excercise. If the only healthy meal a kid is going to get is lunch at a government controlled school, the parents aren't doing the job at home.


Why should my kid not have a choice because other parents can't keep their kids from eating crap at every meal?


This is like the moran who sued Mcdonalds because his kids got fat.......

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My kids can buy lunch once/week. If they want to eat crap that one time, I am ok with it. Most of the time, they choose a sammich and a piece of fruit. Based on this thread, most huddlers don't take an interest in their kids diet.

Edited by jetsfan
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Is this guy serious?


Totally. What are your thoughts?


I just don't think it is up to the government to make sure my kids eat healthy. It is up to me as a parent.


What kind of school lunches did you have when you were a kid? Salads and brocolli?

Edited by lkirc
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Totally. What are your thoughts?


Where to begin?


The McDonald's analogy is silly for one. And nobody is stopping you (at least not on a federal level) from putting pizza and french fries in your kids sack lunch everyday. Sorry, whining about not having a freedom of choice is asinine. No-one is forcing you to send your kid to a govt. funded school or eat govt. funded hot lunches. :wacko:

Edited by bushwacked
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Why are they mutually exclusive?


It might be if they're having it every day.




Then they go enlist. Or so it seems as this is hideous at chow halls as well; I've seen it. Guys grabbing a tray full of food, take 2 bites, and leave. Not all are that bad but a LOT of them I would say eat half or less of what they get. wtph? If I was in charge they wouldn't leave till it was all eaten. Wasted food is inexcusable and stupid on a variety of fronts.


Ah, the chow hall line. First, one does not get to decide how much of a particular food they get proportioned. It gets spooned onto their plates by the mess hall cooks... at least back in my day. Then, you might think it's spinach, and it's freakin collard greens. :wacko:


Case in point... in boot, yes they DID make us eat everything on the plate. I thought I was getting spinach, it was greens. I wrapped it up in a napkin so I could dispose of it outside, unseen. Nope... the DI follows me out, and decides to have mail call. A wet spot starts to form in my front pocket. The DI notices and asks if I pissed myself. I of course relpy "NO sir!"


He makes me remove the napkin full of greens, now worse because they are dry and he makes me eat it. I puke on his shoes. Not one of my better days in boot, but certainly memorable.


BeeR, can I puke on yer shoes? :tup:

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Where to begin?


The McDonald's analogy is silly for one. And nobody is stopping you (at least not on a federal level) from putting pizza and french fries in your kids sack lunch everyday. Sorry, whining about not having a freedom of choice is asinine. No-one is forcing you to send your kid to a govt. funded school or eat govt. funded hot lunches. :wacko:


So you feel it is the government's job to make sure kids eat healthy?


The McDonlads analogy is not silly.The reason there is such a push for school lunch reform is because kids today are obese. Instead of looking in the mirror and making changes to their kids' diets, parents are blaming schools and demanding the government control what their kids eat.


This really isn't a big issue for me. It just rubs me the wrong way that poeple expect the government to be responsible for their kids. Obviously my views on it rub you the wrong way.

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So you feel it is the government's job to make sure kids eat healthy?


The McDonlads analogy is not silly.The reason there is such a push for school lunch reform is because kids today are obese. Instead of looking in the mirror and making changes to their kids' diets, parents are blaming schools and demanding the government control what their kids eat.


This really isn't a big issue for me. It just rubs me the wrong way that poeple expect the government to be responsible for their kids. Obviously my views on it rub you the wrong way.


Do you think it is the gubment's job to pump them full of salt and other crap because a lobbyist paid a politician to allow them to do so?


Or do you think that kids having a healthier choice is a good thing?


Or are you just :wacko: here like cowboyH8tankkGal9000?

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Do you think it is the gubment's job to pump them full of salt and other crap because a lobbyist paid a politician to allow them to do so?


Or do you think that kids having a healthier choice is a good thing?


Or are you just :wacko: here like cowboyH8tankkGal9000?


I think that each school should be staffed with master chefs and all kids should eat organically grown food that is bought fresh each morning. They should fashion each cafeteria after the Wynn Buffet in Vegas and have roughly the same selection.


ETA: I also think that they should charge $25 per student to eat each day.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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Do you think it is the gubment's job to pump them full of salt and other crap because a lobbyist paid a politician to allow them to do so?


Or do you think that kids having a healthier choice is a good thing?


Or are you just :wacko: here like cowboyH8tankkGal9000?


I do think there should be healthy choices. My kids eat fruit, salads, and vegatables at school more than they eat the crap. There are healthy choices for them.


I am all about choices. Are you saying there are no choices? All they can get is hamburgers and pizza with fries?

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Ah, the chow hall line. First, one does not get to decide how much of a particular food they get proportioned. It gets spooned onto their plates by the mess hall cooks... at least back in my day.
Things changed a bit since Vietnam. :wacko: At least in USAF, probably not as much so w/the others but still on an upward swing. In USAF the facilities are greatly improved - the food, not really. Probably better but still basically cafeteria level garbage. Still, the punks are forced to eat anything in particular, it's all get what you want. You don't want, don't get. Grow up little boys.


Case in point... in boot, yes they DID make us eat everything on the plate.
Us too. But not after that.


I thought I was getting spinach, it was greens. I wrapped it up in a napkin so I could dispose of it outside, unseen. Nope... the DI follows me out, and decides to have mail call. A wet spot starts to form in my front pocket. The DI notices and asks if I pissed myself. I of course relpy "NO sir!"


He makes me remove the napkin full of greens, now worse because they are dry and he makes me eat it. I puke on his shoes. Not one of my better days in boot, but certainly memorable.


BeeR, can I puke on yer shoes? :lol:

lol @ story - ah I'll pass :tup:

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I'm new to this thread. I fear that I am misunderstanding some of the points being made here, and I don't want to look foolish again.


No one is really advocating that requiring a school to provide healthy food to children is some sort of government control or a bad thing? Certainly no one is arguing that schools should have to put say salted deep fried butter sticks, on the menu so that their kid has a "right" to choose it for lunch instead of a piece of broiled fish or chicken?


Right? :wacko:

Edited by Furd
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My kids eat healthy at home for breakfast and dinner - who cares if they want a slice of pizza for lunch?


IMHO, it's my job as a parent to promote a healthy lifestyle and to teach them about proper nutrition. The gov't should be focusing their efforts on other things.

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My kids eat healthy at home for breakfast and dinner - who cares if they want a slice of pizza for lunch?


IMHO, it's my job as a parent to promote a healthy lifestyle and to teach them about proper nutrition. The gov't should be focusing their efforts on other things.


You've been reported. You piece of sh!t.

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I'm new to this thread. I fear that I am misunderstanding some of the points being made here, and I don't want to look foolish again.


No one is really advocating that requiring a school to provide healthy food to children is some sort of government control or a bad thing? Certainly no one is arguing that schools should have to put say salted deep fried butter sticks, on the menu so that their kid has a "right" to choose it for lunch instead of a piece of broiled fish or chicken?


Right? :wacko:


You would think, but not sure

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I don't have a problem with kids having healthy choices, but I also don't have a problem with them have some unhealthy choices.


Kids aren't going to be fat because they eat a piece of pizza for lunch. They will be if all they ever eat is crap.


Weren't any of you people kids once? Didn't you like to eat pizza or hot dogs or hamburgers? Isn't part of being a kid about having fun?


All I am saying is there doesn't need to be a school lunch reform because kids in our country are obese. There needs to be a parent reform. Get your kids off the couch once in awhile and show them the outdoors. Make them healthy food at home. Take some responsibility for your own chiuldren's diet. don't make it the school's job.


Don't you get to choose what you eat? Isn't it fun once in a while to go eat a greasy cheesburger? As adults, our metabolism is slower, so that stuff is really bad for us. It isn't bad for a kid to have a soda or a burger once in a while.


There is no need to make it political. We are talking about lunch here...


I'm getting hungry........

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So you feel it is the government's job to make sure kids eat healthy?


The McDonlads analogy is not silly.The reason there is such a push for school lunch reform is because kids today are obese. Instead of looking in the mirror and making changes to their kids' diets, parents are blaming schools and demanding the government control what their kids eat.


This really isn't a big issue for me. It just rubs me the wrong way that poeple expect the government to be responsible for their kids. Obviously my views on it rub you the wrong way.



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I don't have a problem with kids having healthy choices, but I also don't have a problem with them have some unhealthy choices.


Kids aren't going to be fat because they eat a piece of pizza for lunch. They will be if all they ever eat is crap.


Weren't any of you people kids once? Didn't you like to eat pizza or hot dogs or hamburgers? Isn't part of being a kid about having fun?


All I am saying is there doesn't need to be a school lunch reform because kids in our country are obese. There needs to be a parent reform. Get your kids off the couch once in awhile and show them the outdoors. Make them healthy food at home. Take some responsibility for your own chiuldren's diet. don't make it the school's job.


Don't you get to choose what you eat? Isn't it fun once in a while to go eat a greasy cheesburger? As adults, our metabolism is slower, so that stuff is really bad for us. It isn't bad for a kid to have a soda or a burger once in a while.


There is no need to make it political. We are talking about lunch here...


I'm getting hungry........


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My kids can buy lunch once/week. If they want to eat crap that one time, I am ok with it. Most of the time, they choose a sammich and a piece of fruit. Based on this thread, most huddlers don't take an interest in their kids diet.


You should see pictures of alot of Huddlers. It's no wonder.

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The McDonlads analogy is not silly.The reason there is such a push for school lunch reform is because kids today are obese. Instead of looking in the mirror and making changes to their kids' diets, parents are blaming schools and demanding the government control what their kids eat.


Wait...so we all agree that a major contributor to obesity in children is unhealthy, processed, fatty foods being served to children. Therefore, of course, schools should continue to serve unhealthy, processed, fatty foods.


I shall retire to Bedlam.

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I'm new to this thread. I fear that I am misunderstanding some of the points being made here, and I don't want to look foolish again.


No one is really advocating that requiring a school to provide healthy food to children is some sort of government control or a bad thing? Certainly no one is arguing that schools should have to put say salted deep fried butter sticks, on the menu so that their kid has a "right" to choose it for lunch instead of a piece of broiled fish or chicken?


Right? :wacko:


Yes, because apparently school lunches becoming healthier means that parent's are no longer responsible for their kids and the govt. is. :tup:

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. The gov't should be focusing their efforts on other things.


Like classifying tomato paste a vegetable? No-one is claiming it's the school's job to teach kids about nutrition instead of the parents. That's a strawman.

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