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Obama done with poor whites?


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Makes sense to me. The Dems lost the uneducated rural whites a long time ago due to (1) moral issues - abortion and homosexuality primarily - and (2) ability of the Republicans to convince poor whites that urbanites sucking from the government teet are the only thing keeping them back. Or at least that's the way it is around here.

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Makes sense to me. The Dems lost the uneducated rural whites a long time ago due to (1) moral issues - abortion and homosexuality primarily - and (2) ability of the Republicans to convince poor whites that urbanites sucking from the government teet are the only thing keeping them back. Or at least that's the way it is around here.


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Article seems awfully short on actual documentation. A carville quote and small paragraph from a book? After he bailed out the auto industry that saved... White collar jobs this article says he's abandoning? Doesn't pass the smell test in the slightest.



It never does when your attacking a president you don't like............They're lies, damn lies and then there's politcs/statistics.



True is this. Obama had no chance to change much since wall street pressed self destruct on intself. NO president and I mean NO president would overcome such a financial disaster without leaving himself open for criticism on some point of his economic plan.


You just can't spend trillions to bail out a global economy then expect to make ends meet at home come budget time. You just can't do it. Unless you have a world war in which you put everyone to work or at war in a production economy to support a war effort. Problem is we don't fight wars with boots on the ground much anymore. So there goes that option.


Given the hand he has been dealt and the time lags it takes to make any changes to a devastated economy, he will be lucky to recieve a second term.


Funny thing is though the Repubicans know this also and by the folks they are puting up against him it looks like they are willing to stand pat and let Obama take the heat for another term so they won't have to eat chit for 4 years and lose the white house again four years later. I can see them beating on Obama for another 4 years just so they can look like the heros when the lags kick in and they can claim the results for themselves.

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It never does when your attacking a president you don't like............They're lies, damn lies and then there's politcs/statistics.



True is this. Obama had no chance to change much since wall street pressed self destruct on intself. NO president and I mean NO president would overcome such a financial disaster without leaving himself open for criticism on some point of his economic plan.


You just can't spend trillions to bail out a global economy then expect to make ends meet at home come budget time. You just can't do it. Unless you have a world war in which you put everyone to work or at war in a production economy to support a war effort. Problem is we don't fight wars with boots on the ground much anymore. So there goes that option.


Given the hand he has been dealt and the time lags it takes to make any changes to a devastated economy, he will be lucky to recieve a second term.


Funny thing is though the Repubicans know this also and by the folks they are puting up against him it looks like they are willing to stand pat and let Obama take the heat for another term so they won't have to eat chit for 4 years and lose the white house again four years later. I can see them beating on Obama for another 4 years just so they can look like the heros when the lags kick in and they can claim the results for themselves.



I'm fairly convinced this is playing out like 2004, just with the parties switched. Kerry was a General Election Turd in the same way everyone in the Republican field is at this moment.

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I'm fairly convinced this is playing out like 2004, just with the parties switched. Kerry was a General Election Turd in the same way everyone in the Republican field is at this moment.




Get used to seeing Obama addressing the nation for another 4 years. Not 1 person on the Republican side that is worth nominating. Worst collection of candidates I've seen in a very long time.

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Article seems awfully short on actual documentation. A carville quote and small paragraph from a book? After he bailed out the auto industry that saved... White collar jobs this article says he's abandoning? Doesn't pass the smell test in the slightest.


I don't think anyone working for the auto industry could be called poor unless you were a janitor.

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Who on that side could win this thing? Pope is right. This has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with the fact that nobody in the GOP is electable. Just like in 2004 when we put up horseface to go against shrub.



I think Romney could win against Obama. Even though conservatives are lukewarm on him there is no way they would vote for Obama. They would have to vote for him. I also think Independents would go for Romney as well as he is much closer to the center than anyone else in the running.

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I think Romney could win against Obama. Even though conservatives are lukewarm on him there is no way they would vote for Obama. They would have to vote for him. I also think Independents would go for Romney as well as he is much closer to the center than anyone else in the running.




On the day Romney wins the GOP nomination (if he wins) he'll begin the shift back to the middle. I'm still hoping that Newt wins the nomination though.

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I think Romney could win against Obama. Even though conservatives are lukewarm on him there is no way they would vote for Obama. They would have to vote for him. I also think Independents would go for Romney as well as he is much closer to the center than anyone else in the running.

As I was writing my post, I thought about Romney. Thing is, the GOP machine is not what it used to be and I don't think they have it together enough to nominate him.

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As I was writing my post, I thought about Romney. Thing is, the GOP machine is not what it used to be and I don't think they have it together enough to nominate him.


Romney isthe only one who can beat Obama. Problem is that he won't make it outta the primary as the evangelical wing will turn out en masse to vote against him. For some reason the right wing is afraid of a Mormon, but not a moron...

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Who on that side could win this thing? Pope is right. This has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with the fact that nobody in the GOP is electable. Just like in 2004 when we put up horseface to go against shrub.

I agree with this.


The scary thing is that everyone on the GOP side sucks and then the scarier thing is that the dude on the Dem side sucks also.

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