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You know you haven't been able to put incandescent lamps in an office application for several years? I mean there probably isn't a building built in the last 15 years has incandescent bulbs (outside of churches). So the places where the majority of Americans spend most of their awake hours have been under fluorescent bulbs for a long time.


There are a lot of LED alternatives coming out (which I like better than the CFLs). Personally I think it's kind of stupid to say businesses should have energy efficient lighting but homeowners can do whatever they want.


I can fu(k my wife in my house, if I do it in public, I go to jail.

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I can fu(k my wife in my house, if I do it in public, I go to jail.

We are talking about energy policy. People flip the light switch the same way in private businesses or private homes. In a business building, typically the second biggest energy load is the lighting (right after HVAC). If you guys are tired of starting wars in middle eastern countries with lots of brown people who think its the 15th century, you might have to make dramatic changes in your life like changing a light bulb. :wacko:

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We are talking about energy policy. People flip the light switch the same way in private businesses or private homes. In a business building, typically the second biggest energy load is the lighting (right after HVAC). If you guys are tired of starting wars in middle eastern countries with lots of brown people who think its the 15th century, you might have to make dramatic changes in your life like changing a light bulb. :wacko:

its my right as an American idiot to use as much energy as i want. god will provide me with more !!

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Although I have no opinion either way on the politics of the issue, I felt it was worth noting that there is a select population that cannot handle the light emitted from CFL light bulbs. I'm curious to know what kind testing this lights have undergone before becoming mandatory.


A coworker in the office next door broke out into a large rash that doctors originally thought could be a serious skin disorder. Guy took some vacation and it cleared right up. Turns out that the office has installed CFLs in his office two weeks prior. Doctors tested him again and confirmed his "allergy" so to speak.


He has since bought a lifetime supply of incandescents, inefficient as they may be. Food for thought.

And those whose can sense the flicker in florescent lights, which can give them bad headaches.

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You know you haven't been able to put incandescent lamps in an office application for several years? I mean there probably isn't a building built in the last 15 years has incandescent bulbs (outside of churches). So the places where the majority of Americans spend most of their awake hours have been under fluorescent bulbs for a long time.


There are a lot of LED alternatives coming out (which I like better than the CFLs). Personally I think it's kind of stupid to say businesses should have energy efficient lighting but homeowners can do whatever they want.


My office is in Canada there, chief. That said, I don't doubt that Canada has similar regulations regarding fluorescent bulbs. Just relaying what I've seen. That said, the light bulbs that were changed were his drafting table lights which are not much more than your standard lamps.


I also believe the high-energy fluorescent bulbs (the long tubes) are a bit different with regarding to shielding and the actual light spectrum emitted. Happy to see that LED alternatives are being developed and I hope they become a bit more widespread.


Google CFLs and skin problems and have a read for yourself. Better yet, google CFL and mercury should you be unfortunate enough to shatter one.

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We are talking about energy policy. People flip the light switch the same way in private businesses or private homes. In a business building, typically the second biggest energy load is the lighting (right after HVAC). If you guys are tired of starting wars in middle eastern countries with lots of brown people who think its the 15th century, you might have to make dramatic changes in your life like changing a light bulb. :wacko:


15th century?!?!?! Every single one of those monkies has three cell phones, a wide screen television and partial indoor plumbing.


And with regard to the light bulb thingy; They can have my incandescent light bulbs when they pry them outta my cold, dead hands.


AND... If they're soooo concerned about wasted energy why don't they do something about appliances (cable DVR boxes for example) that draw a good bit of electricity even when they are turned "off". Do something about that and then we can keep our beautiful, beautiful bright, warm light.


Further, as Muck (I believe) pointed out, why aren't there any concerns about the poisonous and biologically dangerous new bulbs going into landfills and contaminating our ground water, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm?


ETA: One other thing I picked up on in a neighboring country to where all those brown people live (and I would guess it probably applies to the brown people as well) the use of the Compact Fluorescent bulb is rampant in these countries. So, do you want us to be like them?

Edited by SEC=UGA
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Although I have no opinion either way on the politics of the issue, I felt it was worth noting that there is a select population that cannot handle the light emitted from CFL light bulbs. I'm curious to know what kind testing this lights have undergone before becoming mandatory.


A coworker in the office next door broke out into a large rash that doctors originally thought could be a serious skin disorder. Guy took some vacation and it cleared right up. Turns out that the office has installed CFLs in his office two weeks prior. Doctors tested him again and confirmed his "allergy" so to speak.


He has since bought a lifetime supply of incandescents, inefficient as they may be. Food for thought.


Public CFL lights emit a green color on camera. That might be the cause.

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I didint give a frack when they were being phased out, and I dont give a frack that they have been "saved".


But at least we have something super duper to focus on . . . like light bulbs. Thankfully everything else is going so well in this country that we can delve into the mundane with topics like light bulbs.


Freedom isnt free . . . but freedom does apparently require a incandescent light bulb . . .

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I didint give a frack when they were being phased out, and I dont give a frack that they have been "saved".


But at least we have something super duper to focus on . . . like light bulbs. Thankfully everything else is going so well in this country that we can delve into the mundane with topics like light bulbs.


Freedom isnt free . . . but freedom does apparently require a incandescent light bulb . . .


Tell that to the residents of S.Carolina. Last time I checked, they were still a state and worth job protection. Unless you don't believe in job protection.

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Further, as Muck (I believe) pointed out, why aren't there any concerns about the poisonous and biologically dangerous new bulbs going into landfills and contaminating our ground water, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm?

So every commercial and industrial building in America has been using fluorescent technology almost exclusively for the better part of two decades but nobody has looked into mercury? :wacko:


Canada has a stricter energy policy than most of America and the same handful of lamp companies in the US are the same in Canada (GE, Phillips, Sylvania).


And for the record I do think DVRs are hugh waste of electricity and there should be regulations that curb the current models. It's obvious the homeowners don't care (or are too stupid to realize how a constantly recording HD uses energy) and the industry doesn't currently provide many options. I know the commies all win if have more regulations, but there seems to be good cause to do that. None of that means that we should ignore a better technology until everything else is perfectly energy efficient.

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Again, I defy anyone here, save Taz when he's sober, from being able to tell the difference between "normal" bulbs and the new LED lights. Not the blue ones, btw. And they use 1/10th the juice, create almost no heat at all, and should last 35,000 hours. That's 12 years if turned on 8 hours a day.


As far as the landfills are concerned, since my wife just started a new job with a waste reduction company, I've learned more about trash than I'd like to know. And one thing that is abundantly clear, virtually nobody gives two chights about landfills, how fast they're filling up, or the consequences of what we put into them. Nobody has cared for a long time and nobody seems close to caring now, despite the fact that it's going to get ugly and quick.


And don't get me started on the waste management lobby. There may be no lobby more hell-bent on completely destroying our planet than they are.


So, all of a sudden caring about landfills in this case just seems rather convenient.

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As far as the landfills are concerned, since my wife just started a new job with a waste reduction company, I've learned more about trash than I'd like to know. And one thing that is abundantly clear, virtually nobody gives two chights about landfills, how fast they're filling up, or the consequences of what we put into them. Nobody has cared for a long time and nobody seems close to caring now, despite the fact that it's going to get ugly and quick.


Use the prison population to sort trash.


Recycle what can be reused, incinerate the rest for electricity. If they can make coal burn clean, they can burn trash clean.


This could be done tomorrow, the jobs created constructing these would be immediate and in the thousands all across the country.


But the ACLU and liberals will never allow it. Inhuman treatment and such.

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Again, I defy anyone here, save Taz when he's sober, from being able to tell the difference between "normal" bulbs and the new LED lights. Not the blue ones, btw. And they use 1/10th the juice, create almost no heat at all, and should last 35,000 hours. That's 12 years if turned on 8 hours a day.


As far as the landfills are concerned, since my wife just started a new job with a waste reduction company, I've learned more about trash than I'd like to know. And one thing that is abundantly clear, virtually nobody gives two chights about landfills, how fast they're filling up, or the consequences of what we put into them. Nobody has cared for a long time and nobody seems close to caring now, despite the fact that it's going to get ugly and quick.


And don't get me started on the waste management lobby. There may be no lobby more hell-bent on completely destroying our planet than they are.


So, all of a sudden caring about landfills in this case just seems rather convenient.


I've always cared about what is going into landfills... Remember that commercial where the Indian is crying, that one tear rolling down his cheek? Well, that was my grandpa, about three months after that commercial hit they found his mangled body in landfill with a fluorescent tube shoved up his ass, so don't tell me that I don't care about what goes in our landfills.


And I can tell the difference between the new lights, I have some in my kitchen and I tore them outta the freaking wall and tossed them in my freking lake and had the commie son of a bitch that installed those pieces of crap come back to my house and put in fixtures that hold incandescent lights. Then i followed him home and popped his mom in the grill for giving birth to such an a-hole.

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I've always cared about what is going into landfills... Remember that commercial where the Indian is crying, that one tear rolling down his cheek? Well, that was my grandpa, about three months after that commercial hit they found his mangled body in landfill with a fluorescent tube shoved up his ass, so don't tell me that I don't care about what goes in our landfills.


And I can tell the difference between the new lights, I have some in my kitchen and I tore them outta the freaking wall and tossed them in my freking lake and had the commie son of a bitch that installed those pieces of crap come back to my house and put in fixtures that hold incandescent lights. Then i followed him home and popped his mom in the grill for giving birth to such an a-hole.

You mean this guy?

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I've always cared about what is going into landfills... Remember that commercial where the Indian is crying, that one tear rolling down his cheek? Well, that was my grandpa, about three months after that commercial hit they found his mangled body in landfill with a fluorescent tube shoved up his ass, so don't tell me that I don't care about what goes in our landfills.


And I can tell the difference between the new lights, I have some in my kitchen and I tore them outta the freaking wall and tossed them in my freking lake and had the commie son of a bitch that installed those pieces of crap come back to my house and put in fixtures that hold incandescent lights. Then i followed him home and popped his mom in the grill for giving birth to such an a-hole.

Funny you bring up the crying Indian, because I learned about him as well. The crying Indian was part of a campaign set up by bottle manufacturers to get government off their backs for switching from the reusable bottles that dominated the market at the time to single use bottles. Of course, that simply meant that these bottles were ending up in land-fills rather than littering city streets, neither of which was as good a situation as people simply not generating as much garbage as they now do.

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Use the prison population to sort trash.


Recycle what can be reused, incinerate the rest for electricity. If they can make coal burn clean, they can burn trash clean.


This could be done tomorrow, the jobs created constructing these would be immediate and in the thousands all across the country.


But the ACLU and liberals will never allow it. Inhuman treatment and such.

One of the biggest myths is that recycling is some great thing. The problem is the toll producing all this crap takes and the marginal usefulness of the recyclable stuff. Better still is that we reduce the amount of crap we use and use the stuff we buy more than once. Something like 80% of what is produced is used once and thrown away.


Tackling the issue from the end is a losing battle because it doesn't deal with the real issue.

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Again, I defy anyone here, save Taz when he's sober, from being able to tell the difference between "normal" bulbs and the new LED lights. Not the blue ones, btw. And they use 1/10th the juice, create almost no heat at all, and should last 35,000 hours. That's 12 years if turned on 8 hours a day.


As far as the landfills are concerned, since my wife just started a new job with a waste reduction company, I've learned more about trash than I'd like to know. And one thing that is abundantly clear, virtually nobody gives two chights about landfills, how fast they're filling up, or the consequences of what we put into them. Nobody has cared for a long time and nobody seems close to caring now, despite the fact that it's going to get ugly and quick.


And don't get me started on the waste management lobby. There may be no lobby more hell-bent on completely destroying our planet than they are.


So, all of a sudden caring about landfills in this case just seems rather convenient.



:wacko: Great call.

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As far as the landfills are concerned, since my wife just started a new job with a waste reduction company, I've learned more about trash than I'd like to know. And one thing that is abundantly clear, virtually nobody gives two chights about landfills, how fast they're filling up, or the consequences of what we put into them. Nobody has cared for a long time and nobody seems close to caring now, despite the fact that it's going to get ugly and quick.


And don't get me started on the waste management lobby. There may be no lobby more hell-bent on completely destroying our planet than they are.


So, all of a sudden caring about landfills in this case just seems rather convenient.


Use the prison population to sort trash.


Recycle what can be reused, incinerate the rest for electricity. If they can make coal burn clean, they can burn trash clean.


This could be done tomorrow, the jobs created constructing these would be immediate and in the thousands all across the country.


But the ACLU and liberals will never allow it. Inhuman treatment and such.


For the record, I've been rather involved for over a year to get a business off the ground that builds, installs and operates incinerators at landfills, transfer stations, shipping ports, airports, military bases, and prisons.



Edited by muck
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Better still is that we reduce the amount of crap we use...


My idea deals in reality, your idea, use less stuff? That's lalaland pie in the sky dreamworld.


Stay in reality, you think I am going to wash/resuse my baby's diapers? No. You think I am going to use the same plastic water bottle 100 times? No. You think I want to drink my wine coolers out of a recycled rubber bag? No. And neither do the rest of us.

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