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Could only happen to me


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So, I'm sitting in my living room playing on my computer, and my wife starts walking up the stairs and says, "what was that?" I say, "what was what?" She says, "you didn't hear that noise?" I didn't hear anything I say...what did it sound like and where was it coming from? So she goes and explores the situation upstairs, and comes back and says we have a problem. I had a can of Edge shaving gel sitting on my shower floor, evidently it just spontaneously exploded and took out my glass shower door. I kid you not, this type of thing could only happen to me. Tried to call Edge, but they're gone for the day, and their website is down. I took LOTS of pictures, I'll try calling again tomorrow. Unreal...anyone ever hear of exploding shaving gel?

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Is it cold in your bathroom? Sounds like it was frozen then after thaw, the gel expanded and exploded. it's a pretty popular practical joke in college but never in the bathroom (mirrors, glass doors ect.)

It's maybe a little chilly in there, but definitely not freezing cold. It's actually unseasonably warm here in the Philly area tonight, it's almost 60 degrees out right now. This is the strangest thing, and also a huge friggin' mess, glass everywhere. The can must've actually propelled itself to some degree. Is that what they would do when you guys would freeze them as a joke too?

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Haha, yeah, yeah, I know it sounds weird, but I assure you, no shenanigans were involved. I was able to speak with Edge customer service this morning and got the distinct impression that this isn't as strange an occurence as I otherwise would have thought. They didn't bat an eye when I started explaining what happened, but instead were extremely nice, apologetic, took down my personal information and said that they would expedite a claims form to me and pay for any damages. I'm sure that they were glad that no one was injured and that they avoided a lawsuit. I may have to consider making the switch to tubed shaving gel though as it would seem that those cans are dangerous!

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I wonder if having it on the floor of the shower exposed to constant water (and never really drying out) weakened the crimped edge at the bottom. All it would take would be a pinhole failure and boom. Was it a brand new can? Was it a month old with a little rust there?

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The can I have has like a rubber nib on the bottom that I thought was a pressure relief thingee. :wacko:

When I was on a business trip, that little sucker let loose so I threw it into the sink. It overflowed the sink by about 900%! Took forever to wash that stuff down.

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I wonder if having it on the floor of the shower exposed to constant water (and never really drying out) weakened the crimped edge at the bottom. All it would take would be a pinhole failure and boom. Was it a brand new can? Was it a month old with a little rust there?

It was a fairly new can. I mean, I'm sure I owned it for months, but it was in the linen closet most of that time. It had probably been in my shower only about two weeks or so. Once I cleaned the gel off the can, you could barely tell it blew from looking at it, it blew at the top of the can where the metal meets the plastic top. If you run your fingers over the metal side near the top you can feel the spot that blew sort of under the metal label, but it's not too visible.

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