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I continue to be amazed.....


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.....at people that expect a group/band/solo artist to be the same as they were when they were big 30-40 years ago.


Accept them as they are.... old. Their voices, dexterity on instruments, movements on stage are not that of 20 year olds. They are the actions of 50-60 year olds.


Just because the last time you saw your favorite group was 1982 and you were in love doesn't mean that they have remaind the same and true to that love. They are old! It happens. Accept them for what they are....old. To see them now is a nostalgia trip. That is all it is. Not seeing them as if they were still 20 fer cryin' out loud.


Every time some group people here used to like comes out of retirement or regroups for a tour everyone jumps on them as not being the same. Well fer cryin' out loud....they aren't the same. They are 40 years older. Complaining that you liked their older stuff better than what they are doing now, or redoing now is waste of space, time, and breath.




I am sure there is some 40 year old here that will say that they are just the same as when they were 20. They need to quit smoking that stuff.

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Kind of like those of us who watched Star Wars as young kids and were just amazed. What?...you didn't think the movies would have the same effect on you when you were 8 yrs old and Star Wars was the only game in town with CGI?


I don't necessarily knock groups like Van Halen coming back out, but they strike me as athletes past their prime...when is it time to quit?

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.....at people that expect a group/band/solo artist to be the same as they were when they were big 30-40 years ago.


Accept them as they are.... old. Their voices, dexterity on instruments, movements on stage are not that of 20 year olds. They are the actions of 50-60 year olds.


Just because the last time you saw your favorite group was 1982 and you were in love doesn't mean that they have remaind the same and true to that love. They are old! It happens. Accept them for what they are....old. To see them now is a nostalgia trip. That is all it is. Not seeing them as if they were still 20 fer cryin' out loud.


Every time some group people here used to like comes out of retirement or regroups for a tour everyone jumps on them as not being the same. Well fer cryin' out loud....they aren't the same. They are 40 years older. Complaining that you liked their older stuff better than what they are doing now, or redoing now is waste of space, time, and breath.




I am sure there is some 40 year old here that will say that they are just the same as when they were 20. They need to quit smoking that stuff.


I would equate it with going to watch Dr. J play basketball and expecting him to dunk from the free throw line. Ok, maybe that comparison is a bit extreme, but I know where you're coming from.

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I don't necessarily knock groups like Van Halen coming back out, but they strike me as athletes past their prime...


I don't hold it against groups doing a re-group/nostalgia tour. More power to them. I just don't expect them to be where they were at in 1978. You go into a nostalgia tour concert with the expectation that they are OLD and are not going to be what they once were. No reason to complain or bring up what they used to be. You want what they used to be go watch a movie of them then. That is what gets me.

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I don't hold it against groups doing a re-group/nostalgia tour. More power to them. I just don't expect them to be where they were at in 1978. You go into a nostalgia tour concert with the expectation that they are OLD and are not going to be what they once were. No reason to complain or bring up what they used to be. You want what they used to be go watch a movie of them then. That is what gets me.

Agreed. That's why I referenced Star Wars and the new ones that came out. They are different and 25 years later, so are we.

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I don't hold it against groups doing a re-group/nostalgia tour. More power to them. I just don't expect them to be where they were at in 1978. You go into a nostalgia tour concert with the expectation that they are OLD and are not going to be what they once were. No reason to complain or bring up what they used to be. You want what they used to be go watch a movie of them then. That is what gets me.

I was wondering what brought that on. FWIW, I have seen the Moody Blues twice in the last three years and both times they were outstanding, far better than I would have expected at their vintage. The Rolling Stones about four years back were dynamite too.


Seems obvious to me that guys pushing 60 and even 70 shouldn't be expected to be as dexterous as they were in their 20s. The really amazing thing is that they can get out there and play at all, IMO.

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I saw Roger Waters--The Wall in November 2010. I went with my (then) 11-yr-old son. Shortly after the concert he said he wished he could go again now that he knew all the lyrics.


The Wall is coming back in June. We're going again--and we have floor seats again.


And that show was flkking awesome.

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I hear you. But it is a reasonable expectation for them to be at least in the same ballpark. If not, they shouldn't be out there. And if they sound like crapola I see no problem in calling a spade a spade. And some can still at least stay close to the same level for a long time. I recall seeing ARS some years back and they hadn't missed a beat. Ditto a few others. OTOH around the same time I saw other acts who were a joke of a shell of their former selves. It's like seeing Stephen Hawking playing QB in the NFL. Just aint right.

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real musicians can certainly extend their prime well into their 50s and 60s and often beyond. lame acts like van halen suck decades later because their scthick had a short shelf life by design. and when they get back together, they're just trying to make money by doing the same thing they did 30 years ago. it sucks because their act is tired, not necessarily because their bodies are.


that's why I find it so thoroughly refreshing to see someone like robert plant, whose last couple albums aren't blowing the doors off sales-wise like any sort of led zep reunion would, but they are as interesting musically as anything he's ever done. HE is interested in making great music first and foremost. and maybe he can't belt the high notes like he used to, but he still has a phenomenal instrument, and has also learned a lot about how to use it.

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Some bands continue to evolve and write relevant songs well into their middle age and beyond, others trot out the same tired formula and become a sad parody of themselves. Which is fine, if they market it that way and have a sense of humor about it.

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Saw Tom Petty last year. besides the fact that he could barely move around the stage, the music was awesome.


Or maybe the massive clouds of Josh Gordon fog enveloping the crowd had a unique acoustical effect for the better . . .:wacko:


Either way it was groovy man . . . . reallllly groovy.

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There's something "magical" about music. When I was 6 or 7, I took piano lessons from a woman who was in her mid 90's. When I got to her house, I would ring the door bell and it would take her a while just to get to the door to let me in. Her old age showed - her gait was very slow & calculated, like any misstep could cause her to fall, her bony, wrinkly fingers looked like they were permanently cramped. She could barely move.


And then....she would sit down at the piano and play Chopin with complete command and the dexterity of a twenty-year-old. It was amazing. After she was done, she would return to former posture, as if it nothing had happened.

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I think that some of you have missed my point.


It is the expectation that you will see and hear what you saw and heard 30 years ago that amazes me. And when that expectation is not fulfilled you complain about it.


The wife and I were big fans of the Righteous Brothers. When they came to Seattle in 1995, 30 years after their first hit, we ended up with tickets to the show. Neither one of us went with the expectation that we would seeing and hearing 1965 Righteous Brothers. So we enjoyed the show for what it was. Hatfiled couldn't come close to the high notes that had made him famous but that didn't matter because we never expected him to. It was a great concert and I would say that most enjoyed it. But.....


When we were leaving there were several couples that were complaining that it just wasn't what they expected. They were disappointed by the fact that the group had become old and the songs just weren't as good as they remembered. I really wanted to point out to them that they (the couples) probably weren't has good as they remembered either...but the wife stopped me.


There are those that defy the odds of change that time brings. Got no problem with that...and it has appeared over the years that no one here has a problem with that either. It is the ones that go to a concert of some group they rocked out to when they were 18 some 25 years later and complain that the group just isn't what they expected. Well of course they aren't....they are 25 years older and so the heck is the one complaining.


That is what I am amazed about.

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I think that some of you have missed my point.


It is the expectation that you will see and hear what you saw and heard 30 years ago that amazes me. And when that expectation is not fulfilled you complain about it.


The wife and I were big fans of the Righteous Brothers. When they came to Seattle in 1995, 30 years after their first hit, we ended up with tickets to the show. Neither one of us went with the expectation that we would seeing and hearing 1965 Righteous Brothers. So we enjoyed the show for what it was. Hatfiled couldn't come close to the high notes that had made him famous but that didn't matter because we never expected him to. It was a great concert and I would say that most enjoyed it. But.....


When we were leaving there were several couples that were complaining that it just wasn't what they expected. They were disappointed by the fact that the group had become old and the songs just weren't as good as they remembered. I really wanted to point out to them that they (the couples) probably weren't has good as they remembered either...but the wife stopped me.


There are those that defy the odds of change that time brings. Got no problem with that...and it has appeared over the years that no one here has a problem with that either. It is the ones that go to a concert of some group they rocked out to when they were 18 some 25 years later and complain that the group just isn't what they expected. Well of course they aren't....they are 25 years older and so the heck is the one complaining.


That is what I am amazed about.


I hear where you're coming from, but if there is one thing that irks me, it's when an old group on tour, shows promos hyping the stuff that made them famous, but when you get there they open up w/ maybe 2 oldies, then announce they have a new album/new songs, and most of the rest of the concert is new stuff which isn't what I paid for. This hasn't happened often, but it has happened.

I realize a group like Paul Revere can't do the antics or expend the energy they had 40 years ago, but Dammit I want to hear the stuff I remember. And yes I couldn't care less if their voices cracked or could hit the high notes, just don't dupe me into paying for listening to stuff I prolly have no interest in.

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I hear where you're coming from, but if there is one thing that irks me, it's when an old group on tour, shows promos hyping the stuff that made them famous, but when you get there they open up w/ maybe 2 oldies, then announce they have a new album/new songs, and most of the rest of the concert is new stuff which isn't what I paid for. This hasn't happened often, but it has happened.

I realize a group like Paul Revere can't do the antics or expend the energy they had 40 years ago, but Dammit I want to hear the stuff I remember. And yes I couldn't care less if their voices cracked or could hit the high notes, just don't dupe me into paying for listening to stuff I prolly have no interest in.


Yeah, but you kiss ghey messicans... :wacko:

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I saw the Beach Boys last summer with Al Jardine and Mike Love still doing their thing. They were awesome! Ninety minutes straight of the tunes that made them famous. At the end of the concert (which, by the way, was attended by a great many young people who knew the words to most of the songs) they got a standing ovation, and they deserved it.

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