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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


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I went and saw the movie and wondered what others thought about it. The reviews are split between the film of the year and "meh". My wife and I both thought that the kid was a tremendous actor. It was a predictably dark film about the aftermath of 911 on one family who lost their father. It was a bit long at the first to me but we both enjoyed the film. And it had some nice plot points along the way. It is all drama - no comedy, no action, no profanities but deep drama.


Just wondered how it was received by others. I won't post anything yet that would be a spoiler but I still had questions about it.

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Looks sad as fck. Probably won't see it. :wacko:

This. My wife and I watch enough documentaries for me to get my "so should we just go slit our wrists now?" quota in without sad stories that are made-up. If I'm watching fiction, I pretty much want super heroes or zaniness. Or boobs, those are nice as well.

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I for one am glad to see major hollywood studios biting charred flesh off of the thousands of people who lost their lives in the worst act of terrorism in history and then shooting cash out of their asses. Ain't that what America's all about?

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I for one am glad to see major hollywood studios biting charred flesh off of the thousands of people who lost their lives in the worst act of terrorism in history and then shooting cash out of their asses. Ain't that what America's all about?

I think one could argue that making a movie about a family coping with post 9-11 is a tribute to those who lost loved ones in that tragedy. One could also argue that there were far worse exploitations of that horrible day perpetrated by some for political gain. I would not rank something like this even close.

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I think one could argue that making a movie about a family coping with post 9-11 is a tribute to those who lost loved ones in that tragedy. One could also argue that there were far worse exploitations of that horrible day perpetrated by some for political gain. I would not rank something like this even close.


I think he was talking about Sandra Bullock.

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I think one could argue that making a movie about a family coping with post 9-11 is a tribute to those who lost loved ones in that tragedy. One could also argue that there were far worse exploitations of that horrible day perpetrated by some for political gain. I would not rank something like this even close.

Agreed but this movie isn't something that I'd particularly want to see, mainly because I like movies with plenty of action rather than for any other reason.

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Looks like we're lowbrow movie watchers. If I'm surfing channels and come across one of the Terminator or Die Hard series, for instance, I'll always stop right there. Love that stuff.

For whatever reason, I can live without the Die Hards or whatever the series of flicks that Danny Glover and Mel Gibson made together. So I do have "standards" in that regard, however random they may be.

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I went and saw the movie and wondered what others thought about it. The reviews are split between the film of the year and "meh". My wife and I both thought that the kid was a tremendous actor. It was a predictably dark film about the aftermath of 911 on one family who lost their father. It was a bit long at the first to me but we both enjoyed the film. And it had some nice plot points along the way. It is all drama - no comedy, no action, no profanities but deep drama.


Just wondered how it was received by others. I won't post anything yet that would be a spoiler but I still had questions about it.

Very much enjoyed it, but it was sad at times.

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For what it is worth, very little of the movie was directly about the buildings falling. It is almost entirely about the aftermath experienced by this young boy. I did not feel it was exploitive at all about 911. A heavy movie to be sure, but not exploitive. You only got literally a few seconds of the actual burning buildings.

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If I'm surfing channels and come across one of the Terminator or Die Hard series, for instance, I'll always stop right there. Love that stuff.


+1. I'm a sucker for True Lies too.


Won't see ELIC until I can get for a buck at Red Box. I generally don't pay to see non-action flcks at theaters. What's the point?

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For what it is worth, very little of the movie was directly about the buildings falling. It is almost entirely about the aftermath experienced by this young boy. I did not feel it was exploitive at all about 911. A heavy movie to be sure, but not exploitive. You only got literally a few seconds of the actual burning buildings.


If it's immaterial to the film how the father dies, why not have him suffer a sudden heart attack or get mauled by wild boars or something...

Edited by SheikYerbuti
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If it's immaterial to the film how the father dies, why not have him suffer a sudden heart attack or get mauled by wild boars or something...


In some sense, it could have been perhaps but it would have not allowed one of the major plot points that I cannot divulge without spoiling the movie. Plus it was set in NYC and sort of had to be in a large urban area. I can't say more but it is a story about the aftermath of 911 for one family but uses only a few moments during that actual day.

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If it's immaterial to the film how the father dies, why not have him suffer a sudden heart attack or get mauled by wild boars or something...

The event is part of our history - I don't think the subject is taboo. It's a legitimate a setting as any for film. Besides, its got Tom Hanks in it and everything he's ever done is classy.

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Did you like Saving Private Ryan or any other war movie?


I think there's a time issue at play here. I'd like to see people who make millions of dollars making films spread that wealth to those whose misfortunes made those films possible. As WWII was over 60 years ago, it's more difficult (though not impossible) to contribute to those affected by it. There are thousands of families still trying to put their lives back together after 9/11. I think it would be the right thing to do if filmmakers pledged some of their profits to those families.


DMD claims the actual events of 9/11 play a very small role in the plot of the film, yet the trailer makes it look like a "9/11 film". Seems to me the studio is using imagery that hits people in a very primal way to get them to see a movie that's not really about 9/11. If that's the case, that seems manipulative.

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I enjoy action movies but I prefer a movie with depth to it. A good drama or a movie with a really good concept or good, well thought out story wins for me over action. Some of my favorite movies most people would turn their noses up to. As for creating a movie based on the events of 9/11, I don't have an issue with that. I felt that the movie with Nicholas Cage about the towers collapsing wasn't very good imo. However, i personally feel that United 93 was very well done and really paid tribute to the passengers. In fact, United 93 had me standing up and falling down on my knees during the climatic ending; screaming, yelling and crying at the TV. Very emotional. I have no issues with this Extremely Loud movie because the concept (imo) is very well conceived

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