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Blood test for concussions approved by FDA


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Blood test to detect concussions



The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved a long-awaited blood test to detect concussions in people and more quickly identify those with possible brain injuries.




One of the challenges of diagnosing concussions is that symptoms can occur at different times. In some people, they appear instantly, while in others they can show up hours or even days later. Symptoms also vary from person to person. Some experience sensitivity to noise, others lose their balance, and still others become sensitive to bright light.




“This is going to change the testing paradigm for suspected cases of concussion,” said Tara Rabin, a spokeswoman for the F.D.A. She noted that the agency had worked closely on the application with the Defense Department, which has wanted a diagnostic tool to evaluate wounded soldiers in combat zones. The Pentagon financed a 2,000-person clinical trial that led to the test’s approval.




The possibility of testing an athlete on the sidelines could also be used in all sports, but particularly football, which includes high-speed collisions on every play. While professional and collegiate athletes have access to trainers and doctors, players on high school teams and in youth leagues often make do with a volunteer physician or an emergency medical technician, if at all.



This would be very advantageous and could skirt around players trying to hide their concussions and allow doctors to be more accurate with the diagnosis. And quicker too.


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The test works by measuring the levels of proteins, known as UCH-L1, and GFAP, that are released from the brain into blood and measured within 12 hours of the head injury.


Does not seem very instantaneous yet. 

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I read that to mean they are released for up to 12 hours but measuring it after that would not be accurate. So you have to test within 12 hours but apparently can be very quickly if they are talking about using it on the sidelines.

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The critical part is to not allow someone with a concussion to continue to play since he could really injure his brain if he was hit again while concussed. If it is for player safety, I am for anything that gets him off the field to prevent further harm. If proteins in the blood are indisputable, then use it.

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On Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 6:44 PM, DMD said:

The critical part is to not allow someone with a concussion to continue to play since he could really injure his brain if he was hit again while concussed. If it is for player safety, I am for anything that gets him off the field to prevent further harm. If proteins in the blood are indisputable, then use it.


Exactly, and right now they can still test, take how ever long and hold the player out of the game. So if the NFL adopts this its not going to be used as some sort of advantage (not sure how that would work, as the opposing team does not get to decide who is evaluated for a concussion).


I too wonder how long the actual test on the sideline would take, to administer and get results. I'm sure making it quick will be a goal, not sure what is reasonable. 5min?  A woman can pee on a stick and have a pretty accurate pregancy test, obviously drawing blood may take more time and a trained technician.

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