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I'm not so sure he will - he's sounding pretty despondent in this latest interview. All I know is that I'm happy I stayed away from him in my roto drafts.

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Guest dabears
I'm not so sure he will - he's sounding pretty despondent in this latest interview.  All I know is that I'm happy I stayed away from him in my roto drafts.







I hope he doesn't play, but not because of his health. I don't want him breaking any more records.


In that note, Go Cubs!

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I think Bonds is just fed up. Him being the biggest jerk in sports is finally catching up to him.


The Fefeds are after him in the Balco case. There are rumors of the IRS looking into some card show income he didn't pay taxes on. The steroid testing talk will deflate him.


I think he will pass Ruth because he has always talked of that, not Aaron, as his ultimate goal. He may hit 12 dingers this year and then retire.

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I hope he doesn't either. I find it pretty coincidental that the new steroid policy comes out and all of a sudden can't recover fram an injury as fast as he used to. Maybe I'm just being cynical but maybe if was still using the cream, he'd be back on the field in no time.

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I hope he doesn't play, but not because of his health.  I don't want him breaking any more records.


In that note, Go Cubs!







Absolutely. Hank Aaron came up with death threats, seperate restaurants, hotels and transportation and i don't want a steroids user taking his record. Barry was a great player, but how far would be get if he had stayed clean? It makes you wonder.

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I think he's done, too. Pressures related to the whole steriods thing... imagine how bad it'll get if/when he approaches the record?


Better off just hanging it up now.


I stayed far, FAR away from him in my drafts. Glad I did.

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I own him in one of my leagues, so I'm hoping that his comments today were merely a venting of frustration.


With that said, did anyone else see the clips of the interview? I thought it was incredibly weak for him to use his son in an attempt to shield himself from criticism. :violin: He's a very difficult man to root for.

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Just heard him on the news saying it was the media's fault.  Barry is was you f'n roid full SOB :D






Easy, broncos, easy. He's gettin' to ya, bro!

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Hey Barry, take a little responsibility for your actions.  WAKE UP you tired bastuhd.






It was the media that made him take steroids.

It was the media that made him cheat on his wife.

It was the media that alienated his teammates and opponents.

Yep. He's been wronged!




So half a year to a year off for arthroscopic surgery? :D Sounds like when Jordan took "a year off" twice ... each time after gambling allegations surfaced ... hmmm -- a secret suspension for Bonds?

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Guest dabears

So I guess he's not healing as expected, (ha ha!) and prob'ly won't play until after mid-season. Guess it counts as good news. He just needs to retire. He's gotta be mentally drained.





Don't get me wrong, I think he WAS a great athlete, on and off 'roids. I hope this decision, or toying w/the idea, of being done ends up sticking.

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Guest dabears

Bears don't leave me in this forum cheering alone.







Think when the season starts we can start a Cubs love/hate thread.


Looks like Wood and Prior are going to be "ready." Hopefully they will grow stronger as the season goes. Ahhh, to dwell on the past. :D

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