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Trade was Vetoed - need advice


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Dear Cocklicky,

You are way overstepping the bounds of commish power. The trade benefits both teams. You are there to stop collusion, player dumping and such. NOT keeping good AND bad teams from getting better. The trade is not unfair for either team. You don't have the right to dictate what other teams can do unless it is an outragous deal. Get over yourself. I guess you are one of those people that start a league and mold it so you can win?

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Gates vs Witten isn't much of a change. Sounds like you're a whinner too.


I appreciate the mature name-calling. If Gates vs Witten isn't much of a change (Gates #1 fantasy TE, 11.8 pts per gm; Witten #7, 7.5 pts per gm), then we'll just have to agree to disagree.



Dazzlemaster is downgrading his already wafer-thin RB corps for Gates' scoring potential. What's the problem?


The highest-scoring team in the league has a wafer-thin RB corps :D


With Bulger/Palmer, TO, Randy Moss, Santana Moss, Steven Jackson, Julius Jones/Marion Barber, and Antonio Gates, you don't see a problem? :D

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you don't see a problem? 






colickyboy, is there any evidence that the two teams are in cahoots?







Unless you can answer yes to the above I think I can speak for about 20 people when I answer yer question with a no.

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The highest-scoring team in the league has a wafer-thin RB corps  :D


With Bulger/Palmer, TO, Randy Moss, Santana Moss, Steven Jackson, Julius Jones/Marion Barber, and Antonio Gates, you don't see a problem?  :D






What are you, a commie?

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The highest-scoring team in the league has a wafer-thin RB corps  :D


With Bulger/Palmer, TO, Randy Moss, Santana Moss, Steven Jackson, Julius Jones/Marion Barber, and Antonio Gates, you don't see a problem?  :D







Once again: Why do you think it's fair to penalize a team for winning? Or for that matter, drafting better than everyone else?

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Dear Cocklicky,

You are way overstepping the bounds of commish power.  The trade benefits both teams.  You are there to stop collusion, player dumping and such.  NOT keeping good  AND bad teams from getting better.  The trade is not unfair for either team.  You don't have the right to dictate what other teams can do unless it is an outragous deal.  Get over yourself.  I guess you are one of those people that start a league and mold it so you can win?







I didn't use any commish power. I suggest re-reading what I wrote.


As for the name-calling, I'll take the high road.

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here's some missing info on that trade:


dazzlemaster's roster (second place, 5-2 record):

- carson palmer, qb

- marc bulger, qb

- santana moss, wr

- terrell owens, wr

- randy moss, wr

- donte stallworth, wr

- jerry porter, wr

- steven jackson, rb

- julius jones, rb

- mewelde moore, rb

- ricky williams, rb

- jason witten, te


the other team's roster (ninth place, 1-6 record):

- steve mcnair, qb

- michael vick, qb

- laveranues coles, wr

- robert ferguson, wr

- plaxico burress, wr

- michael clayton, wr

- roy williams, wr

- kevin jones, rb

- thomas jones, rb

- antowain smith, rb

- cedric benson, rb

- antonio gates, te

- alge crumpler, te


still think it's a fair trade for dazzlemaster to add antonio gates to his already-stacked team while the other team gets a rb who would probably sit on his bench while also downgrading his TE?







You are vetoing a trade because you don't like the idea that a team improved itself? Isn't that the whole objective of trading, to improve your team?


Because the projected performance of players is so subjective trades should NEVER be vetoed unless there is proof of collusion OR unless the trade is so lopsided as to be obvious collusion (giving LT for Ladell Betts straight up).


Owners should NOT have the power to veto trades simply because they don't like them.


Remind me to never play in a league with you.

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I didn't use any commish power. I suggest re-reading what I wrote.


As for the name-calling, I'll take the high road.







I haven't called you a single name. What reason do you have to believe the two teams are cheating/trying to cheat?


They husband and wife, gay lovers, just two bi-curious guys?


Like or dislike the trade it is nowhere near so far out of whack that yer league should stop it unless you can show the two teams are trying to cheat. :D

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My two cents.


I was commissioner of my league last year and I think you have to let fair trades occur even if you don't like them. The fact that you let it go to a vote isn't really fair for Dazzlemaster. Of course everyone is going to vote against him as the high point scorer of your league. The trade is fair, if Dazzlemaster was a mid to bottom ranked team in your league you would let the trade go through. You shouldn't penalize him because he had a good draft and has been successful. The commissioner needs to treat everyone evenly.

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I didn't use any commish power. I suggest re-reading what I wrote.


As for the name-calling, I'll take the high road.



Fine. You did'nt use any commish powers. Did you raise a stink and try to get other owners to vote against it?


As you have failed to answer my questions, I have to believe that the fix is in. You are manipulating the league to better your odds of winning. If I were dazzlemaster, and had paid any monies into the league, I would demand a refund and quit immediately.

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Allow me to pile on. I'm a commish and have been for the last 8 yrs. No way can that deal not be allowed to stand.


And to top it all off, you maintain your stubborness despite having read what many, many long time fantasy players have suggested is bass-ackwards.


Suck it up and acknowledge you made a mistake. Takes a bigger man to do that sometimes. Fortunately I've never had to do that myself, mind you.

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I've been commish of one league for 10+ years, and another for 6, and this is the most ridiculous attempt by a commish to control a league that I have EVER seen.


That trade is completely, 100% fair. You, Colicky, keep telling us how good his team is and that Gates makes it even better ? So What ? That is the point of Fantasy Football, to better your team where you can. This trade is completely fair and if I was Dazzle, I would ask for a refund and quit the league.

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I haven't called you a single name.


I wasn't referring to you....was referring to Zooty, calling me "cocklicky".


Just to clarify... I didn't force a vote, I didn't twist anyone's arm to veto, and I didn't use any commish powers to squash the deal. Yahoo automatically sends the trades for voting. It's up to everyone else to vote their own mind.


I love debating fantasy football, but the various name-calling is not called for...esp when I'm new here. I'll take that as my cue to leave this forum. I appreciate the way people here welcome newcomers to the forum with whom you disagree with.


Good luck in your respective leagues.


Peace out...

Edited by colickyboy
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I haven't called you a single name.


I wasn't referring to you....was referring to Zooty, calling me "cocklicky".


Just to clarify... I didn't force a vote, I didn't force anyone else to veto, and I didn't use any commish powers to squash the deal. Yahoo automatically sends the trades for voting.


I love debating fantasy football, but the various name-calling is not called for...esp when I'm new here. I'll take that as my cue to leave this forum. I appreciate the way people here welcome newcomers to the forum with whom you disagree with.


Good luck in your respective leagues.


Peace out...



The reason you are facing some anger, and what you don't seem to realize, is that this trade is so fair, that by not allowing it, you are simply ruining the whole integrity of your league.


No matter what the rest of the league voted, you as Commish should be stepping in and making sure that this trade stands, rather than doing the opposite.


P.S. Don't you put any stock into the fact that EVERYONE agrees that this is

a fair trade and should be allowed. We don't know either of you, and

Dazzle didn't even tell us which was his team.

Edited by Menudo
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I haven't called you a single name.


I wasn't referring to you....was referring to Zooty, calling me "cocklicky".


Just to clarify... I didn't force a vote, I didn't twist anyone's arm to veto, and I didn't use any commish powers to squash the deal. Yahoo automatically sends the trades for voting. It's up to everyone else to vote their own mind.


I love debating fantasy football, but the various name-calling is not called for...esp when I'm new here. I'll take that as my cue to leave this forum. I appreciate the way people here welcome newcomers to the forum with whom you disagree with.


Good luck in your respective leagues.


Peace out...



So, you don't like the answers you get, and you're gonna take your league and go home. Figures.

DazzleMaster, welcome to the Huddle. I suggest you copy and paste this thread to your leagues site. Maybe you can get some justice then.

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Absent some form of evidence a trade shouldn't be turned into a popularity contest by putting it to a league vote. I haven't been in a yahoo league in years I didn't know it automatically goes to a league vote. That is pretty lame if that's what yahoo does. Makes me worry more about the other teams in the league than the commish in this case.


Dazzlemaster, I'd play out the season and find a new league that is not a yahoo league next year. Trades should never be subject to a league vote unless there is a question as to whether or not two teams are trying to cheat.


Dazzlemaster must be pretty smart though. He knew exactly where to take this issue for debate. Do you really think people who post on freaking fantasy football message boards are fans of popularity contests? :D

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I haven't called you a single name.



I wasn't referring to you....was referring to Zooty, calling me "cocklicky".


Just to clarify... I didn't force a vote, I didn't twist anyone's arm to veto, and I didn't use any commish powers to squash the deal. Yahoo automatically sends the trades for voting. It's up to everyone else to vote their own mind.


I love debating fantasy football, but the various name-calling is not called for...esp when I'm new here. I'll take that as my cue to leave this forum. I appreciate the way people here welcome newcomers to the forum with whom you disagree with.


Good luck in your respective leagues.


Peace out...







I knew this would be his answer.

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I haven't called you a single name.



I wasn't referring to you....was referring to Zooty, calling me "cocklicky".


Just to clarify... I didn't force a vote, I didn't twist anyone's arm to veto, and I didn't use any commish powers to squash the deal. Yahoo automatically sends the trades for voting. It's up to everyone else to vote their own mind.


I love debating fantasy football, but the various name-calling is not called for...esp when I'm new here. I'll take that as my cue to leave this forum. I appreciate the way people here welcome newcomers to the forum with whom you disagree with.


Good luck in your respective leagues.


Peace out...






LOL. This guys been a member since when? Oh yeah today. What a toolbag. He just doesn't understand. This team is getting too good? Come on. He's probably no older than 14.

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I think that colicky just took his ball and went home.


Do you think that's indicative of the way that he runs his league?


He accuses people of name-calling, when he's utterly missing the point which has been even-handedly pointed out by countless members here: there was no collusion, and the commish (nor other owners) have the right to veto a trade just because they don't like that it improves the competition.


Do the Red Sox appreciate it when the Yankees make a major deal for a closer near the end of a season? No. But that's how the system works.


And in fantasy football, people have the right to improve their squads, regardless of their circumstances. Everyone is one injury, or one drought away from their fortunes changing, and even a "stacked" team has a right to continually upgrade. In fact, he's not a smart owner unless he does.


To Dazzle, while I presume you were the stronger team in that trade, I commend you for the fair, direct way in which you tried to convince the commish that he was making a major mistake. The other posters are correct - get out of that league. That said, I don't support people leaving leagues in mid-season because it can only negatively affect everyone else. So keep your head down, waltz to the championship and THEN get out.


(Although I do want to know - how do you possibly get Owens, Moss, JJ, and Steven Jackson on the same squad? Not much of a competitive league...)

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