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My girlfriend got rear ende in my car


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Let me get this out of the way


:D And she enjoyed it!!


No really, she was sitting at a red light and the guy behind her "thought" she started going and ran into her. She was not hurt but it did some decent damage to the car. She called me at work and told me what happened and said the guy gave her his info and wanted to know if I wanted her to call the cops, I said yes for sure and I'll be there in a few minutes. I got there and the cops were already there and they ticketed the guy who was nice enough and apologized for the inconvenience. Well I have a $500 deductible even though we were not at fault because apparantly I don't have broad form collision :D My insurance comp. said to contact his ins. and even though he had no fault they would probably still pay up to $500. So I contacted them and the guys insurance was cancelled 3 months ago :D Now I'm stuck unless he ponies up the dough or I sue him. So I called the guy and told him I needed the the money for the deductible and he said "I can probably do half of it".....I was not happy. I told him He was completely at fault and was uninsured so he would be totally responsible for everything if I decide to take him to court and he would get another ticket for being uninsured which is aroun $350-$400 in the city it took place. I continued to tell him I can't pay for this and even threw in that I have two kids and can't afford it to try to make him feel bad to which he responded "I have EIGHT kids and I can't afford it"!



So now what should I do? Try to get the $250 first and see if the shop can cover the rest (which some do), or go all out on him and call the PD and tell them he was uninsured at the time of the accident, and then sue his ass. Or hope the shop can cover most of it and eat the rest and let the dude get off scott free? Keep in mind the dude is a little ghetto and probably doesn't have any money based on his persona and the Blazer he was drivin. Also Here's the guy on OTIS(Offender Tracking Information System). So obviously he's a winner.


Lookin for your opinions. Tks

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Let me get this out of the way


:D And she enjoyed it!!


No really, she was sitting at a red light and the guy behind her "thought" she started going and ran into her. She was not hurt but it did some decent damage to the car. She called me at work and told me what happened and said the guy gave her his info and wanted to know if I wanted her to call the cops, I said yes for sure and I'll be there in a few minutes. I got there and the cops were already there and they ticketed the guy who was nice enough and apologized for the inconvenience. Well I have a $500 deductible even though we were not at fault because apparantly I don't have broad form collision :D My insurance comp. said to contact his ins. and even though he had no fault they would probably still pay up to $500. So I contacted them and the guys insurance was cancelled 3 months ago :D Now I'm stuck unless he ponies up the dough or I sue him. So I called the guy and told him I needed the the money for the deductible and he said "I can probably do half of it".....I was not happy. I told him He was completely at fault and was uninsured so he would be totally responsible for everything if I decide to take him to court and he would get another ticket for being uninsured which is aroun $350-$400 in the city it took place. I continued to tell him I can't pay for this and even threw in that I have two kids and can't afford to try to make him feel bad to which he responded "I have EIGHT kids and I can't afford it"!

So now what should I do? Try to get the $250 first and see if the shop can cover the rest (which some do), or go all out on him and call the PD and tell them he was uninsured at the time of the accident, and then sue his ass. Or hope the shop can cover most of it and eat the rest and let the dude get off scott free? Keep in mind the dude is a little ghetto and probably doesn't have any money based on his persona and the Blazer he was drivin. Also Here's the guy on OTIS(Offender Tracking Information System). So obviously he's a winner.


Lookin for your opinions. Tks


I imagine you'll get a lot of "tough guy" responses, so I'll offer my humble opinion first.


I'd just get from him what you can, be polite and understanding. It seems the guy is struggling in life enough. If he actually gives you $250, great, if he gives you nothing, well, you voluteered some unforseen community service. I think it's important to realize the real meaning of life but it's often too easy to get caught up in what's best for "ME". So, save yourself the worry of this guy hunting you down because he has nothing to lose (apparently based on his profile). And in doing so, you might even change his outlook on life and the inherent good in people.


Either way you view it, taking a broke guy to court will be nothing but a lose/lose situation for you. Plus, if you don't have the $$, just ask your accountant brother :D

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I imagine you'll get a lot of "tough guy" responses, so I'll offer my humble opinion first.


I'd just get from him what you can, be polite and understanding. It seems the guy is struggling in life enough. If he actually gives you $250, great, if he gives you nothing, well, you voluteered some unforseen community service. I think it's important to realize the real meaning of life but it's often too easy to get caught up in what's best for "ME". So, save yourself the worry of this guy hunting you down because he has nothing to lose (apparently based on his profile). And in doing so, you might even change his outlook on life and the inherent good in people.


Either way you view it, taking a broke guy to court will be nothing but a lose/lose situation for you. Plus, if you don't have the $$, just ask your accountant brother :D




I know there will be tough guy responses and honestly a few years ago I would have been right there, but I've matured a little :D and now with kids so I try to take the higher road if possible. I figured suing him would be fruitless but honestly $500 is not chump change to me right now and I wish he'd do the right thing. Hopefully he coughs up the $250 and the rest can be covered by the shop, but part of me still wants to let this guy know he needs to be held accountable. Good thing is he never acted like a punk which I would not have reacted to that well so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I don't want to screw him over and as long as he continues to be a stand up guy and doesn't get tough I'll try to work with him, but it still sucks.


Oh yeah beancounter money :D:D PUDDY!

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Is he an "undocumented (illegal) immigrant (alien)"?




:D I'm thinkin he's legal, valid drivers license and all, but then again that doesn't really prove anything.


Although he did offer to do my landscaping for free :D

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He's 5'7" and 190 lbs. Looks like a few plates of beans and rice or a taco or two over the limit. Hunt his ass down and kick'em HARD!!!


THEN call the police and chew their asses for not finding out his insurance was no good when they had him at the scene of the accident.


THEN chew your girlfriend out because....well, it's one of the few opportunities you'll ever have to chew her butt with some sorta justification. :D









JK Follow the previous advice.

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Chuck, the most that your gf could recover from the guy in a lawsuit is $500. This is known in Michigan as the "mini-tort" exception to the state's no-fault system.


Your gf could sue the guy in small claims court. If she won she still might have to jump through hoops to try to collect from the guy.


If its me, I take the $250 or whatever and call it a day.

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He's 5'7" and 190 lbs. Looks like a few plates of beans and rice or a taco or two over the limit. Hunt his ass down and kick'em HARD!!!


THEN call the police and chew their asses for not finding out his insurance was no good when they had him at the scene of the accident.


THEN chew your girlfriend out because....well, it's one of the few opportunities you'll ever have to chew her butt with some sorta justification. :D

JK Follow the previous advice.




Yeah he wasn't scarin me physically that's for sure :D And my girlfriend felt pretty bad even though it wasn't her fault so I couldn't take the opportunity to chew her out :D

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Chuck, the most that your gf could recover from the guy in a lawsuit is $500. This is known in Michigan as the "mini-tort" exception to the state's no-fault system.


Your gf could sue the guy in small claims court. If she won she still might have to jump through hoops to try to collect from the guy.


If its me, I take the $250 or whatever and call it a day.




I was hopin you'd chime in to pretty much solidify what I already knew, yer always helpful thanks :D

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Check to see if your insurance company has an "un-insured" policy. I just had the same thing happen & my deductible initially was $1000. The money however didn't have to come up front to fix my truck so I was able to wait until Geico determined the other driver was in fact at fault & did not have insurance. The deductible was then knocked down to $200.



Outta battery power on my tablet, I'll go into more detail tomorrow AM if you still need more help.



Edit to say Geico instead of Allstate

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I was hopin you'd chime in to pretty much solidify what I already knew, yer always helpful thanks :D




Why you waste your time with the Megan Foxbags around here I'll never know.


PM me next time.





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Check to see if your insurance company has an "un-insured" policy. I just had the same thing happen & my deductible initially was $1000. The money however didn't have to come up front to fix my truck so I was able to wait until Allstate determined the other driver was in fact at fault & did not have insurance. The deductible was then knocked down to $200.

Outta battery power on my tablet, I'll go into more detail tomorrow AM if you still need more help.




I have State Farm and I tried to talk my way out of the deductible but they weren't havin it. They said without having "broad form" I was responsible for the deductible no matter what :D

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One more quick thing. I won't have to worry about suing for the remainder of the money because Geico has already taken care of the legal issue & will reimburse me from whatever they get out of him.

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One more quick thing. I won't have to worry about suing for the remainder of the money because Geico has already taken care of the legal issue & will reimburse me from whatever they get out of him.




Dang, maybe I need to change insurance companies :D

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I have State Farm and I tried to talk my way out of the deductible but they weren't havin it. They said without having "broad form" I was responsible for the deductible no matter what :D


But you don't pay them that deductible. It's held back from whatever the estimate of the repairs is. So if the repairs will be estimated at $2000 then they will cut the repair shop a check for $1500. Then when the repairs are completed you pay the remainder. By that time your ins co will have determined that it was uninsured motorist at fault & lower your deductible.


Also check to see if your ins co will cover a rental.

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The lower deductible for uninsured motorist all depends on your state laws & your ins co. State farm is notorious for not wanting to pay, so I would press them to find out if that is included in your policy & what it entails

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Well, you could buy more coverage, although I'm not sure that it will have an effect on your deductible.




Actually I was under the impression I had broad form collision but much to my dismay they say I don't and it will be an extra $9 a month :D I bitched them out saying that when I started my policy this should have been specifically brought up by the rep and it wasn't. She said yes it should have been, but of course the dude that started my policy doesn't work there any more :D

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That sux. Don't you have coverage for no-insured or under-insured drivers in your area?




We do, but you gots to pay for it. And again, I'm not sure that it will effect your deductible.

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:thinks to self that this is a made-up story so that Chuck can get out of going to the Tigers/Cardinals game on Sunday and meeting wiegie:






Never, actually looking forward to meeting some other Huddlers than Puddy, he's getting annoying :D

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