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milton friedman on limited government


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worth finding half an hour to sit down and pay attention. agree or disagree, he makes a pretty clear, convincing argument.




Send the link to Bushco.


Thanks in advance. :D [/snark]








I'll listen away from work and respond later.

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I teach a lot of Friedman stuff in my comparative economic systems course. Everyone should be exposed to his ideas--he is brilliant.


(I will add that Paul Samuelson (also a Nobel Laureate) once said of Friedman: "I wish I was as sure of anything as he is about everything.") :D

Edited by wiegie
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Friedman was on Ronald Reagan's Economic Policy board and was pretty big in the last 70's, early eighties. He was pretty famous about 25 years ago or so.


I think I had a copy of Free to Choose which was a best seller.

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I've got to watch Addicted to Oil a second time first. This'll be on my list. I'll consider it a refresher course in trickle down.


Friedman is for the legalization of drugs if that helps bumps this up on your viewing list any.

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Friedman is for the legalization of drugs if that helps bumps this up on your viewing list any.



Makes me willing to put out.


Still have to re-watch Addicted to Oil first but I've already saved it, I might watch it at lunch.

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So, lemme make sure I understand the modern Republican mind ...


Economic Darwinism is way cool, even though there is no such creature as a "natural" economic system, and it's a social science theory that constantly changes -- Milt was a Keyensian as a young lad -- and there is absoutely no historical record of empirical data that proves its validity.


Evolutionary Darwinism is evil, a vile lie used to spread the liberal agenda that the Christian God is dead to brainwash the children into not saying their prayers in school and taking someone of the same gender to the prom. Even though there's, like, fossils and stuff.


That's super.

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So, lemme make sure I understand the modern Republican mind ...


Economic Darwinism is way cool, even though there is no such creature as a "natural" economic system, and it's a social science theory that constantly changes -- Milt was a Keyensian as a young lad -- and there is absoutely no historical record of empirical data that proves its validity.


Evolutionary Darwinism is evil, a vile lie used to spread the liberal agenda that the Christian God is dead to brainwash the children into not saying their prayers in school and taking someone of the same gender to the prom. Even though there's, like, fossils and stuff.


That's super.


i knew you could be counted on to come in and grandstand with a puerile non-sequitur.

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