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Who is your secret Hero?


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My uncle. He is the youngest of 5 brothers. He volunteered to the Vietnam War so that his brothers wouldn't be drafted. Earned a couple of Purple Hearts. :D Came back kindaof fkd up. Straighten up finished college, went to Med school, finished and is a Family Doctor (own practice) happily married with 5 children (4 boys and a girl).


Oh drinks beer faster than any other man I have ever seen. :D

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I never met my grandfathers brother but my mother told me a story about this guy that will always stick with me. He saw his niece that somehow slipped under the radar heading to a flight of stairs. Im not sure how old she was but she was very unsteady on her feet..At the last minute he lunged and saved her from falling down the stairs but in the process fell down the stairs broke his neck and died. That is a hero to me.


He is now my hero!

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I dunno if he classifies as "secret".... but I never was able to tell him face-to-face... but my grampa, put up with my gramma and three daughters (one of which is obviously my mom) and a female dog. Done.




My father has to put up with my mom, four children (all daughters), one grandchild (female), a female dog and two female cats. I'm sure he could sympathize.

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Karl and Theo Albrecht who created Aldi supermarkets. Karl Albrecht in particlular owns all North American stores and in fact, also owns all Trader Joes stores.


Why are they my heroes? Because in a world where the poor are finding it harder and harder make ends meet, these stores allow them to buy acceptable food for a lot less than anywhere else, including Wal-Mart.

Edited by cre8tiff
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My father has to put up with my mom, four children (all daughters), one grandchild (female), a female dog and two female cats. I'm sure he could sympathize.




My grandfather was also in WWII, which added to the heroism for me. I'm :D that he died so young (I had just turned 12).


Karl and Theo Albrecht who created Aldi supermarkets. Karl Albrecht in particlular owns all North American stores and in fact, also owns all Trader Joes stores.


Why are they my heroes? Because in a world where the poor are finding it harder and harder make ends meet, these stores allow them to buy acceptable food for a lot less than anywhere else, including Wal-Mart.


:D I love Trader Joe's.


Hankk and DMD, but only when they share mac & cheese.


:D With or without lobster?

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Wow! It's truly amazing how different people's views of what a hero are, are. Some people think what cops and firemen do is heroic, some think teachers are, some think jumping in a pool to save drowning people when you can't swim yourself is and yet others think driving a 2-wheel trailer backwards for 100 yds and preparing a pig for eats is heroic. Amazing!! Power to you buddy that's what makes this country special.



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It's no secret. but my folks are my heroes.


All homerism aside, they are exceptional people. A day rarely goes by that someone that knows them doesn't tell me some story about how my folks helped them out or how neat they think they are. It's cool just to know people like that & I got them as parents. :D


On the down side - people want to know why I turned out like I did with those parents. :D

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