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Computers at the draft table

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Worked the drafts in Tampa over the weekend for NFFC and was curious how everyone felt about seeing all the computers out on the draft tables.

There were 3 leagues with 14 teams in Tampas' main draw and had to be at least one computer in front of every person sometimes two. I'm more of a baseball junkee but come on do you need to be told by a computer that in the seventh round in your scoring system that LT is a good value--this is a live draft not the Forbin Project---

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To me fantasy sports are like chess and risk--in a live match it is kinda enjoyable to think it is just you and your opponent--making the moves not a computer--no I realize the computer is not going away and I spend half my work day in front of it--but some of these draft programs are making it so why are you even at the draft--just plug it in and let it make all your drops and waiver picks through out the year

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Why would you even consider a ban on computers at the draft? It's no differnet then using printed pages from a website its just more updated. Why make everyone use otdated magazine info.

If it is all about out-thinking someone without checking the 'net, why let them have magazines or print-outs? Naturally, the stewardess strategy would still be allowed because, well, because she's swedish and that's a good thing.

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valid point about the printouts--and the stewardess theory---just all them new fangled things struck a wrong cord--when people would tap a button on a program and then announce their pick--no spewing of beer-no name calling---almost dare I say business like

Edited by Sir Loins of Beef
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I have no problem with it.


But they are using software available online that tells them who's dropping and who to pick. :D I can do that with a sheet of paper, a highlighter and a pen. Kind of takes the fun out of it when a computer dictates your pick IMO

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While I agree that computers aren't EVER going away....part of me does strongly agree that it is getting be a little less of a human interaction. I love those moments in a live in person draft when you hear the guy next to you groan 'cause you just ripped his heart out by taking the player he was counting on dropping to him OR the moments when those around you have to go "damn....that was a good pick man"....seems like those human moments are rapidly being replaced by folks barely lifting their heads from their laptops and then pouncing on their keyboards again to see who they should pick.


I've done the WCOFF for the past 3 years....3 years ago almost no one had latops...last year maybe 1 in 12 had laptops...this year who knows?


Kind of like Paul Bunyan vs. the chainsaw I know....just call me Bunyan I guess - as I will have my trustee highlighter and ranking sheets.



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If I can find this thread next week - I will update it and let you know....draft is on Saturday...I am agonizing over who to take with the #3 pick....LJ or Gore or maybe even Addai....seen that thread here a million times this year already! :D



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at the NFFC they were using the 3rd round reversal-but it was pretty clear even with that--runningbacks were going in the 1st two rounds then again in the 6th and seventh along with the tight ends--of course every draft is different but it seems that is the norm--the teams whom look the strongest in a 14 team 3 starting wideouts went RB-WR-WR taking the top receivers in the second and third rounds after getting a solid No1 runningback--good luck in Vegas

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