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What do you think?


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this is my second year in this keeper league, what do you guys think of my team? and just tell the truth i dont mind what you ppl think, its just an opinion.


David Garrard QB

Brady Quinn QB

Ben Roethlisberger QB

De'shaun Foster RB

Earnest Graham RB

Larry Johnson RB

Kolby Smith RB

Lendall White RB

Cadillac Williams RB

Jerricho Cotchery WR

Craig Davis WR

Torry Holt WR

Sidney Rice WR

Laurent Robinson WR

Demetirus Williams WR

Jeremy Shockey WR

Jay Feeley K

Bears DEF

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True, im trying to trade Garrard and some draft picks for Boldin hopefully he goes for it, and im just hoping that Graham has a solid year i mean he showed that he can do it those games he started. And white can give me some points, as far as my receivers i just really looked for the future thats all with sidney rice, vincent jackson and even Cotchery who hopefully can produce some numbers this year.


And a ? i have for you i hear Brandon Jacobs might be out for half the season next year is this true?

Cause if it is do you think trading shockey and a 4th rounder for Derrick Ward really worth it?

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this is my second year in this keeper league, what do you guys think of my team? and just tell the truth i dont mind what you ppl think, its just an opinion.


How many teams are there in the league?

How about starting lineups?



I'm gonna assume it's a 12 team league


David Garrard QB

Brady Quinn QB

Ben Roethlisberger QB

Not too good, you could have three starters next year, you may have only one.


De'shaun Foster RB

Earnest Graham RB

Larry Johnson RB

Kolby Smith RB

Lendall White RB

Cadillac Williams RB

Doing ok here, try moving one of the names for a viable player at another position. (Foster, he's been in news recently, and maybe some dimwit in your league hasn't heard too much about Caddy's recovery progress, Lendale, who knows) Graham should be ok next year, LJ as well, but try to get younger if you can.


Jerricho Cotchery WR

Craig Davis WR

Torry Holt WR

Sidney Rice WR

Laurent Robinson WR

Demetirus Williams WR

Jeremy Shockey WR

A few young guys, and some dead weight. Torry is not what he once was, he's good, but not good enough to carry a below average WR corps.


Jay Feeley K

Bears DEF

Kickers and D, who cares. The Bears are a pretty good D though.


.... and please, please, read this.



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I'd have to agree with DigitalDan here. The QB's outside of Big Ben are ehhh. The RBs are okay. You have LJ and his handcuff K.. Smith, Caddy's done IMO but you do have Graham and he'll be the guy in TB. Plus I read a bit back that TB was looking to get Foster so you could have Graham's handcuff if they do go after him. L. White also had some nice success this year and could solidify your RB core. Your WRs are a rough bunch with some upside IMO. A declining Holt, Cotchery who disappointed this year because of the team around him and will probably do so again this year and then a couple up and comers in Davis, Rice, Robinson and Williams (being that it's a keeper league, there should be value here). Hell at least one if not 2 of them might pan out, right? Shockey's a good TE when he plays but is injured too often, can be inconsistent and therefore is unreliable. GL.

Edited by Chappy
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I disagree with most of the responses here.


I think your fine at QB. I had Gerrard last year and although he didn't put up huge number, he never turned the ball over save for twice I think. He was very steady for me and scored consistently well. Having him with Roth is a good duo. Your fine at QB.


I also think your in decent shape at RB. LJ will be fine next year and White was better than I thought. You may end up with 3 viable starters.


WR is your biggest weakness. Don't go after Boldin. He's okay, but mostly a disappointment. You just can't predict when he will have a good game. The easiest position of the three is WR in free agents during the year, and in the draft. Pay attention to whose available and watch these boards before the draft to recognize who the sleepers are that you can take a chance on.


That's it.

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