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I told you people that the gates of hell was located somewhere in Arkie


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Has there been any honest speculation as to what the cause of this is? I mean other than the end of times?



The bird deaths have been initally attributed to a few possibilities ...lightning and storm , fireworks ...but nothing concrete and nothing that really makes that much sense given the volume of dead birds


Fish deaths are solely to drum fish so they are ruling out pollution so no other fish species died ...they believe it may have been over population of drum fish and the weakest are dying now ..again not a concrete answer


its pretty bizarre and disturbing

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I hate these loans and I hate title loans and what not but they serve a demand. I understand this may not apply in any "large" scale but once we start eliminating these types of loans wont the use of loan sharks increase? I would rather these folks keep their power on or what have you through an expensive bank product then some guy with a baseball bat. These folks are not good with money for the most part and they are a part of an expensive loan pool. I know the title loan and paycheck loan is a highly regulated so why cant these loans be lumped in this category and how in the world could only one bank be singled out?


Americans are extremely stupid with their money and this is more a matter of education than product. Sometime folks get in a bind and they need help. Who is going to help them once we eliminate them? Ive been around a lot of folks who have used these types of loans and I promise they will find their money somewhere and pay that "privilege".



It was either fireworks or loans that killed the blackbirds

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I called a buddy of mine who is working on this. He he said that no one has a clue why the birds or fish died. He did say conclusively it wasn't fireworks, hail, or lightning.

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I called a buddy of mine who is working on this. He he said that no one has a clue why the birds or fish died. He did say conclusively it wasn't fireworks, hail, or lightning.


I think it has to be something like a disease. Why else would all the birds be flying at night which they normally do not do. They probably all ate some pyracantha berries or dranks some toxic water and messed with their internal wiring that told them "fly till you die".


I am also okay with explanations involving aliens or the paranormal.

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  • 11 months later...

Well the drum fish are a larger fresh water fish and they do have more muscle tissue than some of the other species of fresh water fish. So my initial thought was that O2 levels in the water in that 20 mile stretch may have been too low for them due to their larger and more muscular bodies and they died from lack of O2. Could also be a chemical that is partially preventing O2 from being properly used by the fish.


For the birds, it is the second time in a row that flocks of birds died on NYE there. In my opinion, it has to be the combination of the concussion from the fireworks scaring the birds and then the frighten birds with elevated levels of stress (causing them to breathe faster) inhaling the smoke from the spent mortar round fireworks poisoning them, causing them to fall from the sky.

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Well the drum fish are a larger fresh water fish and they do have more muscle tissue than some of the other species of fresh water fish. So my initial thought was that O2 levels in the water in that 20 mile stretch may have been too low for them due to their larger and more muscular bodies and they died from lack of O2. Could also be a chemical that is partially preventing O2 from being properly used by the fish.


For the birds, it is the second time in a row that flocks of birds died on NYE there. In my opinion, it has to be the combination of the concussion from the fireworks scaring the birds and then the frighten birds with elevated levels of stress (causing them to breathe faster) inhaling the smoke from the spent mortar round fireworks poisoning them, causing them to fall from the sky.



+1 What on earth could it be if not for the fireworks. Unless they are flying into a big invisible UFO in the sky.

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