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Do we belong in the AAA club?


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If the USA gets downgraded, our sovereign debt will have the lowest yield of all AA credits in the world, and probably lower yields than almost all (if not all) AAA sovereign credits.


The rating agencies follow yields. Investors set the curve and agencies follow.

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This article is a good read for anyone expecting a global panic if we don't see the debt limit increased.


The last paragraph reads:


“The U.S., downgrade or no downgrade, is still going to be the benchmark,” said Rick Rieder, the chief investment officer at New York-based BlackRock Inc., who manages $612.5 billion in fundamental fixed-income portfolios. “Even with a downgrade, I think the market would assume the safest asset you could buy in a portfolio was still Treasuries.”

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I have no problem with the downgrade. Sounds like it was a bit political but if it spurs some action by Congress to really address some issues it could be a good thing. I do have a hard time thinking France is a safer bet and deserves a AAA rating while we don't though!!


In addition, I think we saw how good the rating agencies were in 2008. Heck you could even say that they are partially responsible for the current balance sheet due to the fallout of them rating crap AAA.

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