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Best way to watch NFL games online?


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Just wondering, I just came across a site a couple days ago for watching games online (seems there are quite a few out there). The one I used is free with nothing to download/install, though is limited in the number of games it streams. I'm not looking to pay much if anything to watch the games online, so just wondering what the best place to go might be. For comparison I found a site/software called livetv that is offering on its site a bunch of channels and appears to offer all or at least most of the NFL games for 17.50 for a 3 year subscription. I can certainly afford that, though I don't know how good their product is, if there's a better site than it, or if there is a way to do the same without the subscription and software download. Any advise from any knowledgable consumers in this area would be much appreciated.

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Just wondering, I just came across a site a couple days ago for watching games online (seems there are quite a few out there). The one I used is free with nothing to download/install, though is limited in the number of games it streams. I'm not looking to pay much if anything to watch the games online, so just wondering what the best place to go might be. For comparison I found a site/software called livetv that is offering on its site a bunch of channels and appears to offer all or at least most of the NFL games for 17.50 for a 3 year subscription. I can certainly afford that, though I don't know how good their product is, if there's a better site than it, or if there is a way to do the same without the subscription and software download. Any advise from any knowledgable consumers in this area would be much appreciated.



I know you've been around longer than this but this looks like spam man. There used to be like 4 or 5 good ones and they were all shut down by your wonderful fedgov homeland security right before the superbowl last year. I know with Comcast or Direct TV you can watch TV online, but if you're like I was and refuse to pay for TV then I'm not sure what to do.

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Not spam at all, although I was aware of that possible misconception when I posted it, which is why I didn't say anything much about these sites, just asking others opinions of them so I can make the right informed decision. I'm basically wondering if its worth throwing any money down on any of them. The one I've been using for free the last couple nights hasn't shown all the preseason games, but I was pm'd by someone who told me they show all the regular season games. I haven't listed the name of that site on here simply because I didn't want the post to be misconstrued as spam. If that's true though than I'll probably just roll with the free one and keep my credit/debit card out of the picture.

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The thing is, it's a federal offense & I know for a fact that either the FCC and/or the NFL search forums like this for people doing "that." i know it sounds big brotherish, but I also know they have spiders, or whatever you call them, that will pick up on certain key words like stre@ming. A guy who did it for Saints games got into a bit of trouble last year. So, unless you know someone who does it privately and will provide you their link I think you'll have a difficult time finding a decent, reliable site to get them from. It's a real shame, because for a lot of people like me who are often out of town for the weekends don't have an option for viewing their home team and the people who are living in a different location than their team are forced into buying Sunday Ticket, even if the only game they watch each week is their team.

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It's a real shame, because for a lot of people like me who are often out of town for the weekends don't have an option for viewing their home team and the people who are living in a different location than their team are forced into buying Sunday Ticket, even if the only game they watch each week is their team.


I got the NFL Internet Preseason package for $19.99 and I love it. I wish I could watch the whole season like this.

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It's a real shame, because for a lot of people like me who are often out of town for the weekends don't have an option for viewing their home team and the people who are living in a different location than their team are forced into buying Sunday Ticket, even if the only game they watch each week is their team.


the only time i get to see my team now is in the post-season :wacko:

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First I've ever heard of it being a federal offense. The site I was looking at that has the 3 year 17.50 plan states its"100% legal" but I have no idea myself, it's the first time i've ever even been aware of these sites for watching games. I'm sure the NFL's stance is that it's illegal because they want to take you for every cent they can get because, you know, they aren't nearly profitable enough as it is.

Edited by Crazysight
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First I've ever heard of it being a federal offense. The site I was looking at that has the 3 year 17.50 plan states its"100% legal" but I have no idea myself, it's the first time i've ever even been aware of these sites for watching games. I'm sure the NFL's stance is that it's illegal because they want to take you for every cent they can get because, you know, they aren't nearly profitable enough as it is.

It doesn't matter if it's already profitable enough for anyone's liking, if you're spending millions a year to put out a product, then it stands to reason why you aren't just going to give that away for free. If they did that, then they would be less profitable then the NBA is right now...



Might wanna check that one again... The site has been seized by Homeland Security, and apparently the guy got like 30 felonies or something like that. You can't broadcast from that many networks for that long and not expect to get nailed. It was just a matter of time.


I saw something about an NFL.com gameday pass like the preseason one, but for $40/season or $20/month... I know previously that was only for those outside of the US, but maybe that's changed? Either way, I wouldn't be trusting those online sites, because even though it's them and not you looking at felonies, you might be the one catching viruses when you click links you don't trust.

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It doesn't matter if it's already profitable enough for anyone's liking, if you're spending millions a year to put out a product, then it stands to reason why you aren't just going to give that away for free. If they did that, then they would be less profitable then the NBA is right now...



Might wanna check that one again... The site has been seized by Homeland Security, and apparently the guy got like 30 felonies or something like that. You can't broadcast from that many networks for that long and not expect to get nailed. It was just a matter of time.


I saw something about an NFL.com gameday pass like the preseason one, but for $40/season or $20/month... I know previously that was only for those outside of the US, but maybe that's changed? Either way, I wouldn't be trusting those online sites, because even though it's them and not you looking at felonies, you might be the one catching viruses when you click links you don't trust.



Millions a year is nothing when they just finished their little argument about how to split their 9 BILLION a year in annual profit. The NFL has a monopoly on arguably this culture's most popular sport and engages in price gouging because its allowed to get away with it. Our government should be seeking to either restrict its powers or take much of that profit back and apply it to this nation's burgeoning national debt.

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Do you know anyone who has the Sunday ticket? I have not done this but I have offered it up to my uncle who lives in Oregon and is a Packer fan and I would think it would work...


Why not just get a sling box? I told my uncle I would split the cost of the sling box and hook it up to my spare tv that is rarely used - he then basically has control of my tv and he then has my complete cable package for free that includes the Sunday Ticket. Works for him and then also works for me when I travel overseas and want to watch things on DVR.


I would think it would work and waiting to see if my uncle is interested.

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Do you know anyone who has the Sunday ticket? I have not done this but I have offered it up to my uncle who lives in Oregon and is a Packer fan and I would think it would work...


Why not just get a sling box? I told my uncle I would split the cost of the sling box and hook it up to my spare tv that is rarely used - he then basically has control of my tv and he then has my complete cable package for free that includes the Sunday Ticket. Works for him and then also works for me when I travel overseas and want to watch things on DVR.


I would think it would work and waiting to see if my uncle is interested.

Got one for my folks since they got rid of cable, so my dad can still watch games. All that you need is a person willing to get/use an extra cable box & hook up and set up a place for you (I got it tucked away in a closet). Works just fine and really nice when I go to visit them on game weekends.

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